1 Truck-kun (1)

"Aichi, you have to buy Pokemon Violet now!"

A loud voice can be heard through the computer's speakers.

"Kamui you gotta chill man, why Pokemon Violet though?"

I ask without processing what he said. Before Kamui could respond though I realised what he meant.

"It's so we can trade the version exclusives."

We both say at the same time.

Thinking about buying the game I get a frown on my face. Realising that I only have cash and can't buy the game online I start to contemplate a little.

"Kamui I'm not sure if I can buy the game online right now, I might have to visit the shops."

I honestly dont want to get out of the house right now, I'm pretty exhausted and feeling lazy right now.

"If you go to the shops and don't find a copy I'll just buy it for you, aight?"

Hearing Kamui say this I sigh to myself.

'He must be pretty excited to play the new games.'

I mean Kamui is a mate that would normally do this as we trust each other but today he seems to really want to play.

I may as well get a move on then, I want to play the game too after all. It's better to play side by side with a friend than by yourself, but playing solo always has a place in my heart.

Hiding my Nintendo DS under the pillow when mum would enter the room in the middle of the night. Those were the days man, and when I would adjust the screen angle, the noise was fucking loud as hell.

'I'll get it myself I dont want Jake to spend his own money because of me being lazy.'

I say to myself as I get up from my gaming chair.

"Aight bet, I'll keep myself deafened alright? For now feed our dinosaurs in ark you retard, knowing you our baby dinosaurs are starving." I say with an amused expression seeing Kamui's face get a surprised look knowing the guy forgot to feed hi- our dinosaurs.

'Wait, we are in the same tribe.'

I paled remembering that I was breeding two argies.

"Wait a minute, my baby Argentavis better not be dead you cunt."

I say before deafening and preparing myself to head out.

Heading towards the nearest EB games shop I quickly look down towards my phone to see some YouTube shorts real quick.

Scrolling through some shorts I start to chuckle to myself.

'My recommended goes from Soccer, Basketball, Ark, Rocket league, Val and a few others and then I randomly get Andrew Tate in here talking about an emerald watch.'

I think to myself with a little envy seeing that a guy can splash all that money on a watch. Going past a few streets going by an Aldi and Coles on the way I go by a side walk.

Now in front of a gap between me and my final destination I look around.

"It should be fine, there aren't any cars near."

I say to myself looking left and right before going forward.

Hearing a notification from my phone while walking I quickly look down to only hear a loud beeping noise to my left.

"The road was empty as hell."

I think to myself, looking to my left I see a truck heading towards my direction in record speeds without any ways to stop itself.

"What the shi-"

Before I could react.

Everything went dark…

(Somewhere Far Probably?)

'Okay where the fuck am I? This is so creepy!'

I start to panic after regaining my consciousness?

Looking at my new surroundings the only thing I can see is the pitch black.

'Bro I'm a white orb, what type of weird stuff is this. Hopefully I can get out of here, I've already lost count of how long I've been here after counting for 20 seconds.'

Realising I have no voice or a body I start to calm down and think to myself for a bit.

'I've got nothing to do here but wait I guess, I mean the only thing here is the white orb and that old man over there.'

'Wait a minute? Where in Gilgameshes ass did he pop up from.'

Looking at the old man I started to stare at the guy, my view of him getting clearer every second I start to realise that I'm drifting closer to him.

'Hello! Hello!'

I think but not say as I don't have a mouth. Drifting slowly towards the old man, time seems to have been a factor that wasn't on my side or maybe it was I'm not sure.

A few minutes?



I'm not sure but I'm finally in front of the old guy now and with a slight mental ache that I don't know how I got, but I should be fine.


[A/N: The next couple like 4-7 chapter will be typed on phone so I will fix mistakes later, this was written on my phones notes xD]
