
Pokemon: After killing the demon king

After being invoked in another world and killing their demon king, I got as a reward a nice retirement. I was reincarnated into an alternative pokemon world in a rich family. Now I tried to enjoy my life. Yes I said tried because some unforeseen circumstances might make it difficult. Warning 1: I do not own Pokemon. Warning 2: Their might be some references to sex but the scenes will not be described. Why? When I read, I usually skip those parts and I am sure I am not the only one... so let us develop the plot instead. Warning 3: I am thinking of writing each arc separately and post them each time I finish one. I do not want to promise publishing x chapters per week and have pressure... so the next arc will be published one day but I do not know when Warning 4: At the end of the first arc, the main character will not capture more pokemons! I think you will agree that he has more than enough already.

alex_carb · วิดีโอเกม
30 Chs

A surprising family

"Should we go?" Mia asked me as she was waiting in front of the car who brought her.

"Yes" I said resolutely. I was wearing three pokebelts on top of my suits. That could seem ridiculous, but I did not care.

"Why do not you wear a suit every time we meet? You far better looking in one than in your usual clothes" Mia teased me as I entered the car.

A man with a scar on his face was in the front row.

"Suits prevent my movements" I replied.

"Oh my" Mia sighed before sitting next to me. I mean she was far too close. She nearly sat on my lap! That is not a behavior of a 9 years old girl!

"Princess, please attach the belt" the driver said.

"Yes yes!" she replied before attaching it.

'At least she listen to adults… then why does she never listen to me?' I thought.

"Oh I listen to you. I just take into account what I want. That is different" she replied before putting her head on my shoulder.

Honestly, that last year, we become quite close. I do not get why my brother described forced marriage as hell. At first I thought that too but I realized that despite coming from that family, Mia was a nice girl. Well... at least with me.

"How long is it going to be?" I asked.

"Just an hour" she replied.

"An hour?" I sighed. Why was it so long? I hate loosing my time like this. I could train.

"That is quite rude husband. You should be happy to spend time with me" she murmured to my hear.

'I would if we were alone' I sincerely thought.

"Are you curious?" she asked.

"About what?"

"Why my family is doing that kind of business"

"Princess you should not talk about it" the driver interrupted her.

"Why? He is my husband! Lovers should share everything" she yelled back.

"He is not yet your husband and it is too soon for him to know. Your parents already warned you" he replied, indifferent of her yelling.

Mia sighed after remembering what happened before with her parents.

"They still do not trust you" she explained.

"I do not trust them too" I replied.

I could see the driver smile.

"Be it you or my parents, you desperate me. Are not we supposed to be family?" Mia sighed again.

"As you said, they are your parents, not mine" I explained. She stayed silent after my sentence. Even if she does not like it, this is the truth. She cannot deny it forever.

We arrived an hour later in front of their mansion. It was smaller than the one from my parents.

"It seems that it is time for this battlefield" I thought as I looked at the numerous maids and butler waiting in front of the mansion.

"How rude" Mia said before pinching my arm. She then took my hand and declared "follow me" seriously. We passed the employees and they followed us.

"Young lady, Sir is in a meeting" a butler tried to stop us as we were getting closer to a room. I guessed it was some kind of office room.

"Ah… and mother is inside too?" Mia asked while stopping suddenly.

"She is waiting for you" he replied.

"Alright! Guide us!" she ordered.

I tried to recognize my surrounding and find a way to escape just in case. One never know. However we were moving far too quickly and since I am not used to that kind of exercise, I was able to find one.

"Hello Madame. I thank you again for inviting me" I bowed my head as soon as we entered the room.

"Oh my! Our hero is here" she teased me back. How much has she seen of my past? I hate this.

"Mom stop teasing him!" Mia pouted.

"My little girl become a fierce woman every time we talk about you" her mother said while looking at me.

"Eh? Thank you I guess" I replied. What was I supposed to say?

"Why is father busy while he was the one wanting to invite him?" Mia said angrily.

"Something comes up Mia" her mother replied coldly.

I sat on the closest armchair while doing my best to be forgotten.

"He even wore a suit for once to please him! How can he show so much disrespect to my husband? Is he provoking me?"

"Enough" her mother said. The temperature dropped by several degrees. It brings me back when I was killing demon nobles.

"We will be leaving then" Mia said before forcing me out of the room.

"Kids those days" her mother sighed as she poor some tea in her cup.

"W-where are we heading?" I asked Mia.

"Our bedroom" she declared.

"O-o-our bedroom?" I asked while my head was getting redder.

"You are such a perv" she said without stopping moving.

"It is you saying our bedroom that is confusing"

"I am not the one imagining having sex…" she sighed before opening a door.

"Wow" I declared as I saw what was inside.

Two blond girls of around our age were inside the bedroom, or I should rather said the suite. One had green eyes while the other red ones. I also noticed numerous pokemons and some that I never saw before.

"Anna, Laura, this is my husband" Mia presented me.

"Nice to meet you master" Anna greeted me.

"Your desires are our orders" Laura added.

"Hmpf" Mia snorted as she read my mind. Well why were two beautiful girls saying that to me? It is far too much confusing! Damn we are just 9 years old, do not play with words like that!

"Laura go prepare a bath. My husband has his head getting to hot" Mia ordered.

"As you wish" she said before living to the bathroom.

"Did you bring your own towel?" she asked.

"No I did not expect to take a bath" I replied sincerely.

"Well I did not expect father to be busy" she said with a sad look.

"Why are so mad at them?"

"They insisted so much to see you and when you finally come no one is there. My brother are out for work and did you see how mother talked to you? That drives me crazy"

"She was just teasing me" I said while scratching my head.

"She did not even tell you hello!"

I sighed. Was it really a reason to argue about something so insignificant?

"Maybe not for you but for me yes" she snorted. I really am not used to the fact that my mind is read easily.

"If you say so… what are those pokemons? I recognized some that are eevolutions but not all of them" I said.

"They all are eevolutions" she replied.

"Eh? Wait a minute… there are one, two, three, …, eighteen? What? That is impossible? There should be only 8" I yelled.

"Maybe in that game of yours there was 8 but in reality there is 18… I do not get why you are so surprised"

"The bath is ready" Laura said while exiting the bathroom.

"Well then let us go" Mia said while she began undressing.


"Do not eh-me. Undress so that we can shower. Or should I undress you?"

"W-w-wait we are still too young for that kind of stuff"

"Too young? You already did that plenty of time with others women. Laura and Anna, undressed him"

"S-stop. Mia you are still only nine" I said while I tried my best to resist without using violence.

"Is that so? Do you want me to cry?"

"Why would you cry?"

"Because you do not want me to see you naked. I am not attractive?"

"S-stop you are attractive" I said.

"So undress."

"Alright alright I get it" I said before undressing on my own. Well it was my first time undressing in front of a girl with that body but well it was not disturbing at all.

"You you really did it" she said while turning around.

"Said the one who was naked first" I said before entering the bathroom on my own.

"Seems like sir is well built for someone of our age" Anna commented.

"Mistress is lucky" Laura added.

"Did you too enjoy yourself?"

"Yes" they both nodded.

"Well you can join us" Mia said before entering the bathroom.

What happened next? Well I will leave that to your imagination. Do not forget that we are kids so nothing much happened.

After enjoying that bath, we ate dinner with her mother. Apparently his father had to work tonight. She enjoyed alone the wine I brought. As soon as we finished eating, Mia brought me back to her room. I did not get why Anna and Laura were still here. Mia explained me while murmuring in my hear that their memories were tampered and that they live now to serve Mia. I was disgust at first but well… what can I do about this? I just hope no one tampered with my memories or the one from my family members.