
Pokemon- World's 'Strongest' Trainer

[Warning BTW! If you read the reviews before reading, you'll get basically Fake News. One of them is basically 'I dont understand english so the book is bad' so! Just give it a try, if you don't like it, you don't like it. But the reviews are misleading.] A classic Pokemon story with a System. I want Opinions on the story quality, direction, and writing for battles or otherwise. Nobody in the Discord wants to do it, so you lucky fellows will have to do! After beating Radical Red Hardcore Nuzlocke without losing a single Pokemon, Ace was rebirthed in the Pokemon world with a System! Are you sick and tired of everyone and their mother having a Lucario? Grossed out by the borderline Bestiality between Trainers and Gardevoir? Looking for something fresh with Pokemon that are rarely used?! Then this is probably for you! (Uses Radical Red Abilities, they're explained anyway so don't worry about it.)

AgentMonke · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
153 Chs

That's right! It's Naganadel!

A purple Pokemon that looked like a robot and bug at the same time appeared with red eyes, looking around. It locked onto Ace and walked over, patting his arm, "Gene." Steven muttered, "What is that Pokemon?"

The rest had no clue and Ace laughed wildly, hugging Genesect, "Oh my lovely Genesect! You're so cute!" Genesect was flailing in the air, "Gene! Gene Gene!" looking for help.

[Genesect (Male)]

[Level 25]

[Ability- Download]

[Moves- Fell Stinger, Metal Claw, Leech Life, Fury Cutter, Signal Beam, Magnet Bomb, Gravity, Charge Beam, Extreme Speed, Bug Bite,...]

Ace put Genesect down and took out a cloth, wiping down Genesect's body very carefully, "Are you hungry?" Genesect nodded and looked over at Wurmple, drooling. May covered Wurmple warily.

Ace waved and pulled out a plate full of all sorts of meat and vegetables. Genesect looked at the cooked food and started eating, "Gene!" Ace gushed and rubbed Genesect gently, wiping his lips from drool…

Ash was dumbfounded, "What Pokemon is that, Teacher?" Steven and the rest also looked interested. Ace pushed up non-existent glasses, "Heh! Let me explain to you! This Pokemon's name is Genesect! It is an ancient Bug-Type Pokemon that adapted to changes with biological advancements! It is considered the King of the Fossil Pokemon!"

Ace patted Genesect, "A Bug-Steel Type Pokemon, the laser on its back makes it the most feared hunter when it was alive! These Pokemon eat nearly every type of Pokemon at the time. They were considered Apex predators! With a bit of restoration, I brought its most perfect form back to life!"

Of course, most of this was nonsense. Well, not most, but the parts about the laser.

In the games, it was Team Plasma that modified Genesect with a laser. Meaning it never had a laser, but other Pokedex entries hint that maybe that's not true. Some of them say that Team Plasma upgraded the Cannon while others say they attached it on there.

But anyway, the System Genetically perfected the Genesect and it came out like this. That was also the reason why Genesect had all these moves. On top of that…

[HP- 70]

[ATK- 120]

[DEF- 90]

[S.ATK- 120]

[S.DEF- 90]

[SPD- 110]

That's right! Instead of 71 Hp, it's down to 70 and both defensive stats are down 5 points, but his Speed is up to 110!

Ace was ecstatic and hugged Genesect. Steven looked at Genesect, "Wow… It's a Powerful Pokemon!" Ace held up Genesect and smiled happily, "That's right! Look at him, isn't he cute?!"

Everyone: …

Steven: Mhm, that's right!

Ace took out a Luxury Ball and knocked on Genesect after he finished eating. He put the Luxury Ball away and let out a breath, looking very happy. Ash clapped, "Alright, Teacher, you got a strong Pokemon again!"

Ace rubbed his head happily and laughed, "You funny little guy, did you leave all your Pokemon with Old man Oak?" Ash sighed helplessly, nodding. Ace shook his head, "You missed a good chance to battle with Steven."

Steven smiled and tilted his head, "You're Ace's student?" Ash nodded, "Yes! Uh, but I'm not that strong yet! I hope we can battle for real one day, Mr Steven!" Steven nodded, "No problem, Ash. I can't wait!"

Ash smiled happily.

Ace looked at Slowbro and Charmeleon, rubbing their heads, "You guys did a great job. These two guys are healthy." Jessie and James waved, "Haha… You're too kind!" Ace chuckled and checked the time, "Let's get out of here."

Ace dusted himself off and punched at the ceiling.

A massive hole exploded from the cave and led outside.

He looked back to see everyone looking at him with the Pikachu face, he blinked, "Huh? What happened?" May held out a trembling finger, "Did you… Just…" Max shouted in shock, "YOU PUNCHED A HOLE THROUGH A MOUNTAIN?!"

Ace dusted himself off and smiled, "Well, it's not that crazy. I've been training in Martial Arts for over 20 years!" Steven nodded, "I see. Then it's really not a stretch." May looked at Steven in disbelief, "Did you see that hole?!"

Steven smiled and explained, "With enough training, you can even fight Pokemon. Punching a hole in rocks is really a simple task." 

May: ?????????

At any rate, they left the cave as Steven's Aron pulled out a Fire Stone from the debris in the cave. Steven rubbed him, "Good job, Aron! You found it!" Aron chirped, "Aron!" Steven gave everyone a lesson in different stones before leaving Ace his number and setting sail.

They waved at Steven as Team Rocket slipped away.

Ace looked at Perrserker, who looked sad and rubbed her head, "It's okay, you'll see them again." Perrserker nodded, "Perr!" Ace smiled and took her back, looking at Ash and his friends, "So? What are you guys doing here anyway?"

Ash explained, "We're here to battle the Gym and Brawly, but I lost…" Ace rubbed his chin doubtfully, "You lost? I understand losing at the Quartz Conference… That guy had an Entei! But Ash, you're losing to Gym Leaders now?"

Ash rubbed his head, "Aha…" Brock said slowly, "Actually, Brawly is pretty strong!" May and Max nodded, "Mhm! That's right!" Ace looked at Ash, who was touching the tips of his fingers together.

He shook his head and laughed, "I'll stay with you for a bit this time. Show me your Pokemon… All of you." as he walked away.