
Pokémon: Wait, where am I?

A boy named Finn gets sent into the world of Pokémon with no memory of who he is besides his name.

Hunter_ · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs


  Michael sits his bed up so he doesn't have to lay down to talk to everyone. All the while Machi hasn't let go of Michael in fifteen minutes. The doctor came in to see Michael since he just woke up and discussed his injuries. The burns will heal with time and he should be fine to leave the hospital in the next day or two. Machi starts tearing up again but Michael notices and calls her out. "Machi" She snaps her head to Michael. "Stop crying, I'm fine" Machi wipes her tears from her face and calms down.

"Brother... Can we talk?" Michael looks at her with a smile. "What about?" Machi walks to the seat next to his bed and grabs his hand. "You know why mom and dad sent me right?" Michael starts to get a little upset. "I won't do it!" Machi starts speaking louder. "You know what happens if you decline. They'll send Myles and you know what happens after that, right?" Michael grabs his Pokeballs holding Shinx and Starly. "I know I can't beat Myles but I still refuse. I want to live my own life. My dream is to beat Cynthia and be champion of Sinnoh. I don't want to take over for my dead beat dad. I will not abandon my dreams because he is a stickler for perfection."

Machi rubs her face and starts to tear up. "I know you better than anyone..." Michael cuts her off abruptly. "You and I both know that's not true. Stop lying and cut to the chase. She grabs his hand with both of hers. "Let me help you." Michael raises an eyebrow. "Why would mom's perfect little puppet help me?" Machi looks down at the bed. "We both know that I can't stand up to dad but mom trusts me. I can tell her that you left before I got here and return to school but instead I can take you to see the Elite four member that is training me when I have breaks in school."

Michael looks back to his Pokémon. "I'll do it but I have conditions." Machi smiles. "Sure, just name them." Michael gets out of bed and stands in front of her. He then walks over to Finn and Emelia and puts an arm on each of them. "I want my three friends to join me. I know how specifically forgetful you are so I will say it twice. I want you to take me, Finn, Emelia AND I want her to join us as well. It's been awhile since I saw you know who." Machi gets mad at that last sentence, looking away from him and crossing her arms. "I won't. I won't. I won't do it. Anyone but her."

Michael grabs his sister and pulls her in for a hug. He whispers in her ear. "Please do me this one favor and I won't ever ask for it again. I promise." He lets her go and she can be seen blushing. "Fine, just this once." Michael smiles at her. "Thanks Machi." She pouts at him. "I'll go call my teacher and tell her that you..... FOUR.... are gonna be there tomorrow.

Emelia looks a little confused and asks Michael a question. "Who is the other person that you want to join us?" Finn looks at Michael but doesn't say anything. "Well..." Finn cuts him off. "She must be really special to risk your own happiness and well being for." Michael starts to blush and tries dodging the question. "I don't know about all that and..." Michael starts to ramble on to the point no one can hear him.

Finn snaps his fingers and Michael jolts his head towards him. Finn turns to Emelia. "How about we leave it alone and see what happens when we meet her." Finn then winks at Michael who gets mad at him for insinuating.

"What do you guys think her teacher is like?" Emelia asks the other two. Michael responds rubbing his chin. "I actually don't have a clue. Machi never mentioned who or what her teacher actually does." Finn grabs Emelia's head and comforts her since she didn't get any information out of Michael. "We'll find out when we get there."

--- Two Days Later ---

After two more days in the hospital Michael was released and the four of them were currently on a plane to the Hoenn region. In their plane there are two seats per row. Finn and Emelia sat next to each other having a blast on the plane. Enjoying all the sights and the experience. Michael on the other hand was sitting with his sister and she was also enjoying the sight... of Michael. He was in a constant battle to keep his arm connected to his body on the plane ride. Every time that Machi pulled Michael's arm in her sleep waking him up would make Finn and Emelia giggle a little.

The group lands in Lilycove City, Finn and Emelia take in the sights of the big city. "You train in this giant city?" Emelia asks dumbfounded. "Technically I just live in the town while I train. I actually have been training at Mt Pyre to connect better with my Pokémon and to train them." Emelia asks Machi a question. "What is Mt Pyre?" Machi smiles at Michael in a devious way. "It's a mountain that is home to the Hoenn cemetery and a lot of ghost types. It's usually used as a place to interact and train with ghost type Pokémon."

Michael tries to chop Machi on the head but she dodges it. "You knew it was a home to ghost Pokémon and yet you didn't tell us that before on purpose." Machi shrugs her shoulders looking cute. "I don't know what you are talking about. I assume she has gotten over her fear of ghost types by now right?" She ends her sentence smiling and running off with Emelia towards the ferry to Mt Pyre. "Oh when I get my hands on you." Finn steps in front of Michael. "Just relax big guy. Sun's getting real low." Michael looks at him as confused as somebody could possibly be. "What the hell does that mean?" Finn shrugs his shoulders and starts to walk in the direction that Machi and Emelia started to go with Michael in tow.