
Pokémon: Wait, where am I?

A boy named Finn gets sent into the world of Pokémon with no memory of who he is besides his name.

Hunter_ · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

Flashback part 2

As soon as Michael manages to shield Falkner from the ball it explodes shaking the whole tower with a massive BOOM that can be heard throughout the whole city. Michael takes the full force of the explosion and is knocked unconscious and gravely injured. Emelia runs over to Michael. Falkner is also injured but is conscious, he looks over to see his Dodrio on the ground by the referee as it seems it protected the referee. Falkner yells to his referee. "Call for emergency services. Call the front desk after and let them know." The referee successfully makes both calls and goes over to help Falkner.

As the referee is kneeling next to Falkner, Someone calls out. "Electrode use Thunderbolt." The "ball" that exploded was an electrode and it now shoots a Thunderbolt at the referee knocking him out. Three people jump out of the balloon which is about ten feet above the arena at this point and after letting them out it ascends to ten meters. Emelia trying to pull Michael out of the battlefield as he was sent pretty far away because of the explosion. Emelia gets him out of the battlefield and goes over to help Falkner but gets stopped by an angry Magmar.

A guy with teal hair steps in front of Emelia. "Where do you think you are going little girl?" The man asks in a confused manner. Emelia looks at him then to Falkner and then back to him. She then tries to make a break for Falkner. The man watches her run to him and start dragging him to where Michael is. Emelia is able to get Falkner out of the way but when she looks back at the three of them, the two who are wearing matching outfits are laughing uncontrollably.

The teal haired guy looks at the other two with a confused side eye. "What is so funny Jessie? James? What have you two done so far that is funny? Please tell me, I'd like to know what is so funny?" Jessie and James shrink a little and stop laughing. James walks a little bit towards the man and speaks up. "Well, you see Mr Archer sir. We were laughing at her puny efforts to save those two. Since you will easily defeat her and we will pick the bones and steal their Pokémon." The man now called Archer puts his hand to his chin and starts contemplating what he is thinking. "I guess you are right. It is quite funny, and since you took such great initiative then you can take her Pokémon now." James turns around with a smile on his face but the moment he turns around Archer speaks up again.

"Now go take her Pokémon... without using yours." Archer says with a slight smile on his face. James' eyes nearly pop out of his head. James turns and looks at Archer. "Seriously?" Archer doesn't say a word but just looks mad and James snaps back to Emelia and starts walking faster. Jessie in the mean time sent out her Arbok and told it to go and wait near the two injured people and to wait. James sees Arbok and starts yelling at Emelia. "Girl I would hate to hurt the already injured but look at the situation you are in. They can't defend themselves. So just give us your Pokémon and then we will leave and no one will get hurt. what do you say?" Emelia looks at Michael and Falkner, and looks at James. "I guess I have no choice but I do have a question. Why is your boss such a coward that he can't do the dirty work himself?"

Jessie and James both look scared and then they turn to Archer. Archer looks like a vein is going to pop out of his head. "Bring her to me NOW! Grab her by the throat and bring her to me!" James attempts to grab Emelia but she tries to flee and grab her Pokeballs but a shot of Flamethrower comes from behind James nearly hitting both of them. Emelia freezes and James is able to grab her by her jacket then grabs her throat and walks towards Archer. James is now standing in front of Archer with Emelia holding her close to him. "Who do you think you are to challenge what I say or do?" I AM ARCHER of Team Rocket girl. you know what, We're taking her with us. We've done enough and now that we have her I'm leaving with or without you both.

Jessie calls back her Arbok and walks over to Archer. "Sir, since we are leaving anyway can we sing the anthem? That would be the perfect way to leave our mark by distilling fear into the gym leader." Archer looks at Jessie unamused but shakes his head in compliance. "I'm usually angry or upset with all your antics but this one time I'll allow it since hearing the anthem will pick up my spirits." Jessie and James look at each other with excitement and start the Team Rocket anthem.

Jessie "Prepare for trouble!"

James "Make it double!"

At this point nobody currently there hears the elevator ding open because Jessie and James are singing their anthem loud and proud.

Jessie "To protect the world from devastation!"

James "To unite all peo..."

To the surprise of everyone there (including Emelia) James disappears and is ten feet away on the ground. When Jessie looks at Archer to see his reaction she saw a short teenager with pink hair in front of him. "Where did you come from? James are you ok?" The boy looks her in the eyes. "Were you the one that hurt my friends?" She steps back a few feet before Archer speaks. "Nah, Jessie didn't hurt them. I did!" Jessie watches as the boy gets in Archer's face. Jessie confused by the situation hears the elevator ding this time and out comes Ash, Misty, and Brock. She scowls at them as she knows that now they have a problem. Jessie heads over to check on James and when she gets there the boy yells out "Ash, you and Misty deal with the other two. Brock you tend to the injured, this guy is mine."