
Rising Popularity

Tightening the strap of my manica, ensuring it was type but comfortable around my right arm. Once I was done, I reached down to my side and picked up the mace and lifted it with ease in one hand. Despite the weakness of the sun on Sakaar, my powers were still developing and growing.

I'd wager that at this current time I was as strong as I was when Bertron injected me with the synthesised yellow sun radiation. Strong, but hardly a major threat. Even at this level, Korg was well beyond me, Thragg and Conquest even further and Doomsday beyond even them. I still had a long way to go to reach former heights, but this time I would not be walking the same path as before.

I would no longer be relying purely upon my powers as I had done. Thragg had shown the weakness in that thinking and while I had attempted to utilise my martial arts, ultimately what enabled me to win was luck. Same with Doomsday and same with my escape days prior at the hands of Tyrany'r.

Power alone would not be enough.





And other factors came into the determination of a victor. If I was to not only survive in this universe but conquer it, I couldn't simply be good in all areas. I had to be the best and that all started from the foundations. As a gladiator, in the constant battle for the enjoyment of the crowd, there was no better place to strengthen my foundations so that I could build upon them.

After all, every victory would earn the praise of the crowd and in return, would demand greater challenge. Whether that be in the form of quantity or quality of opponents didn't matter.

Being a slave was not an enjoyable title, but it was necessary.

Looking behind me as we rose into the sky upon the platform, leaving the Maw behind, I looked upon the armoured figures of those who had fought beside me. Not only was being a gladiator the perfect way to improve my skills, as a slave, but it was also the perfect place to recruit allies. After all, Sakaar was rampant with slavery and as history had proven, slave rebellions had a habit of recruiting vast numbers to their cause.

Slaves, dissatisfied or filled with hate would rally to the cause of but one slave and rebel. Then like dominos, more and more would follow.

I would build my skills here in the arena and then upon a time of my choosing, would rebel. Every slave upon Sakaar would be my army and after Sakaar fell, I would turn my attention to the universe once more. Starting first with the Vrangs and the Viltrumities.

And as we watched robots rise from the flora of the forest we came upon, I smiled. Challenge after challenge would come my way and I would continue to rise above them. I had been powerless in my old life, unable to stop my death in that fire. This world was different, all around me was opportunity and power ripe for the taking.

All one had to do was reach out and take it.

"Let us give them a show," I spoke up, quiet enough only for my fellow gladiators to hear. Then I leapt out, directly into the robots and with a razor, swung my mace down upon the head upon the largest of the robots, the one they called, the Eggbreaker.

-X- Line Break -X-

"And once again, the Shining Star, Tah-Rao emerges victorious against his foes!" The commentator screamed into his microphone earning a loud roar from the crowd. A chant of, "Tah-Rao," echoing across the arena.

The figure below stood within the centre of the arena, two bloody swords raised into the air, dozens of bodies littering the sand around him. Blood seeping out and staining it red as he smiled at them all. He had put upon a spectacle and the crowd loved him for it.

"Another fine showing for our champion." The Red King said, a smile upon his face. "Your gladiator is proving to be every bit as good as you said he would."

Denebu smiled to himself, watching Tah give a roar to the crowd, earning a louder one in turn from them. 'Just as he said, he knows how to fuel their desire.' He thought to himself. "Oh yes, I admit I had been uncertain, especially with the power showcased by the Kronan, Korg. But I had taken a bet upon Tah and he has proven me correct in that decision time and time again."

'Not to mention, his words are true. With every passing victory in the arena, whether it be alone or with the rest of his fellows from the Maw, the crowd only love him further.' He thought back to the day he first met with Tah, after his victory against Wildebots.

{Flashback Begins}

"Welcome, Tah." Denebu greeted, watching as Tah entered into the room, directed and flanked by two guards. Before him, laid a table lined with food and drink, fellow slaves, stood at the side and ready to serve them should they wish it. "Sit and eat, you deserve it after your victories in the Maw."

Tah did so, taking a seat on the opposite end of the table to Denebu and slowly began to help himself to some of the food.

For a moment, neither said anything, both studying one another and enjoying the food that had been prepared for them. "I must admit, I had been quite worried that you wouldn't survive the Maw, it is quite a dangerous place after all," Denebu admitted. "Especially with the interest that the people of Sakaar and the Red King hold for you. It would be disappointing for me should you have died and yet here you are, alive and well."

"Their attention?" Tah questioned.

"Your showing against the Great Devil Corker. The way you marched forwards, swinging your sword and deflecting all of its attack like it was nothing." Denebu still remembered the hush that had befallen the crowd, the look of interest upon the Red King's face. The only time such a showing had happened in his memories, the only showing that had brought silence in such a fashion was the first fight that the Red Kings Champion had fought.

A quick and brutal fight that ended almost instantly after its beginning.

Denebu raised the cup to his lips, sipping upon the wine inside. "A spectacle that has made many wonders how you would fair against the Red Kings Champion."

"And you?"

"I do not believe you're ready." He admitted truthfully. "As skilled as you are, the power of the Champion is overwhelming. Not even the Kronan at your side would survive that battle and he would last much longer than you. Unfortunately for me though, he does not have the attention of the crowd like you do."

Tah nodded his head, not seeming pleased by the honest assessment but nonetheless accepting of it. "Then we wait till I am stronger." He said. "If you were to provide me with an area that exposes me to the sun I would grow much stronger much quicker. If you could even take me beyond the atmosphere and closer then the same would be true."

"That is the secret behind your powers? You gain them from the sun?" Tah nodded his head. "I shall see what I can do then. And now long do you wager it would take to match the Kronan at your side?"

"I do not know. If I was on the planet, it could take years considering the weakness of your sun. But if I am brought closer then it should be quicker but I cannot say by how much." Denebu nodded his head, deep in thought. He wasn't worried about Tah rebelling, after all the disk attached to his chest restrained even the Champion. But he was worried about retaining the attention of the crowd long enough to make a battle between Tah and the Champion go ahead.

"Then I shall see what I can do. In the meantime, you will fight, keep the attention of the crowd upon yourself until such a time that you have reached the level of the Kronan."

"Might I suggest something else?" Tah spoke up, Denebu frowning but ultimately nodding his head. "Why not continue to wait? You already admitted that Korg would not last against the Champion so why simply wait for me to reach his level? Why not surpass it? As your gladiator surely if I was to defeat the Champion then that would reflect upon you as well. Not to mention, if the crowd themselves start to wonder how a battle between myself and the Champion would go, then that would only raise more interest in such a fight, would it not?

{Flashback End}

'And he was right.' Denebu thought with the smile on his face growing wider. He had heard many on the streets chatting excitedly as they wondered about how a battle between Tah and the Red Kings Champion would go. Most agreed that Tah would lose that fight but all agreed that it would be a spectacle all the same.

Yet with every victory Tah scored, many more voices joined the discussion with many varying opinions. All that was on the mind of the people of Sakaar, was a potential fight between Tah and the Red Kings Champion.

'But it won't be much longer now, Tah assures me.' He had prepared a ship and had Tah make frequent visits near the sun. In fact, when Tah wasn't in the arena, was mostly within the dark abyss of space, before the sun absorbing power from it. Yet one wouldn't think it if they looked upon his battles.

But Tah was creating a spectacle, Denebu knew that. A fight that ended too soon would not earn the favour of the crowd and so he held back. It only further proved to him that capturing Tah and then buying him from the auction was the best choice to make.

With Tah, his future would be secure.
