
DS 5

Now I am ready , now I am ready to leave. I came out of the room saw my mom and dad making out again like seriously are they not shameless that they need to rub it to everyone 'puff'  " I am not going to scold you guys anymore it is already shameful already, I m ready to go so please fasten up" oh brother 'sighing'. I went close to the door to open it , my mom held my arm and said" dear you can't go alone I will escort you, your dad will follow at our back" I just nodded and flow with  the vibe. Getting to the dinner hall in the resort lo and behold I saw S&D like seriously" you guys you appeared" mom joined " They do what they like , you guys came earlier than expected" Star replied " we did so that we can leave early " I sighed " To where, (shaking my head) for once can't we stay together" Damon was laughing hard " how can we stay together when for more than 10 years we are never together "I looked at him " So what are you trying to say, you know the nature of our job " he continued with his drink " yes I know the nature of the job hacker, I know it perfectly well" oh no he didn't say that before I could speak, I heard a glass break then a voice "DAMON YOU KNOW THE FUCKING RULES, DON'T MENTION THAT " mom held dad " hey I called everyone here for a family dinner to talk things out and and not fight, yes we are not a normal family but for once stop rubbing it to our faces because is insulting" Star looked at mom"  it is insulting, you call it insulting MOM !! DAD!! our whole life is insulting even Arianna knows about it, look at our life does it look well"  mom look at him And started crying" I know I didn't do well, I brought you up the best way I can"  mom was shuddering" I.... I..... I....." Damon didn't let mom finish " you what, you know nothing, there nothing good to say, you can stick with your daughter that is who you are care about anyways " WTF I didn't grab the last line I hit the table" DAMON WHAT THE FUCK , STICK WITH WHO, THIS IS A SHAMELESS FAMILY ANYWAYS, THAT IS WHY YOU CAN SAY THE NONSENSE YOU FEEL LIKE SAYING , FOR ONCE HAVE YOU THOUGHT HOW I M THE FAVORITE, LIKEWISE YOU TOO, WE ARE LIVING IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES SO TELL ME WHO IS THE FAVORITE HERE TELL ME" Damon looked at me shocked " did you just shout at me, you have no manners RIGHT" I didn't let him finish " try what you want to do now unless you don't want to court with death RIGHT NOW" before he could slap me , dad held him " enough I m so disappointed , very disappointed , you boys are , I m speechless, just dinner that is all I didn't ask for soap operas here JUST A DAMN DINNER" I looked  at my mom she was crying even the guests in the hall were watching us how shameless we disgraced ourselves, I followed and cried "is hard to ask for peace is it" I held my mom " we will take our leave first we are going on a drive later" I didn't wait for replies. I and mom left the hall thinking of what Damon said, entering the cab with my mom, without checking our environment, before I could realize it, the car drove to another direction, my mom noticed it I started speaking low to her " mom look we are being kidnapped right in front of us" I looked at the man " are you courting with death , STOP THIS CAR RIGHT THIS MOMENT OR ELSE" before I could finish he replied" or else what, no need get out we have reached " I refuse to get down with my mom, he dragged us out , outside I met a van and a group of men , thinking it was silly men " Hy what are doing, who sent you , stop this instant or else you won't able to speak" he looked at me and slapped me, my mom jolted up and slap him back" how dare you raise your hands on her" he signal his men to get us , I and mom started fighting them but they injected I and my mom, at that moment I realize that GUT FEELING I had. The GUT FEELING I had, now this the result of not paying attention.