
Planet Destroyers inc.

"Is it possible that by doing evil we create good?" Samuel, an ordinary psychopathic murdering doctor, receives a surprising job offer, but he is satisfied with his current job, so decides to refuse it. It was his first and last mistake This decision turns his whole life upside down until he died And then he starts another one, this time in a different world.

KaJoT13 · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

Battle(PD inc. 19)

When I listened to music while writing the chapter today I also fell into a strange trance, making the Gawain page over 1000 words long. Unfortunately I had to cut it short so as not to drag it out even more, but if anyone wants something to listen to while reading , I recommend this -

: Jann - Gladiator :


(Samuel's site)



20 Skeleton

10 Shieldsmen ,1 Captain(ELITE)

6 Archers ,1 Captain(ELITE)

1 Spearmen

1 Axemen



Mana : 1285/2100


There is a saying "men their own and nature it's own."

Therefore, disregarding the discussion of tactics and the conversation of the undead, the wolves attacked at the most convenient moment for them, while Samuel and the others were distracted, busy with conversation, and then a division of the army.


Wolf number one attacked the left flank of the formation, number two attacked the right flank and number three looked lazily at the center of the quickly formed wall of shields, without showing any desire to attack, perhaps just pretending to do nothing, anything can be expected from such individuals.

"Pathetic, such a strategy even a child would create after a moment's thinking. But what can you expect from a group of stupid dogs" Samuel shouted to his animal opponents wanting to enrage them.

"Ice Bolt"

"Disconnect the brain and the body goes crazy...like a headless chicken" He whispered soundlessly.

"Ice Bolt"

"Although I don't know if they understand me, it's always worth trying with demoralization."

"Ice Bolt"

"It's a good thing that at least Randaloph is above average 'dog' intelligence...I hope he didn't hear that...I wouldn't want to argue about it again." The necromancer thought without taking his eyes off the battlefield.

"Ice Bolt"

The wolves didn't react any differently, either they didn't understand him or they ignored him, although it didn't matter now neither of these options would change anything now.

"Ice Bolt," Said Samuel as with his spells he tried to scare away the biggest 'animal' which is only a step away from one of the undead tried to 'attack' him again and again.

"Ice Bolt"

"Ice Bolt"

"Ice Bolt"

The first bullet once again did not change anything, only the subsequent ice spells made the 'old one' quickly jump away just a moment before the bullet could reach and injure him and also before it could destroy one of the shieldmen.

What Samuel failed to notice when trying to defend the left flank was the attack at the same time as number two on the right side. Due to this, he lost one and almost two undead in the initial clash.

"Dammit, I can't manage to look in two directions at the same time, after all, I'm not splitting myself."

"Create a Minor Undead"


Mana : 1130/2100


"It's not going very well...I just hope that Gawain will hurry up and rescue me," he said.

"It's a good thing that I prepared myself in advance for this occasion, however, paranoia is always useful at times like this. Learning to cast two spells at once is perfect for such an occasion, but although I don't yet have the required experience to do it instinctively and without rest, it's not a problem because where will I gain better experience if not on the battlefield in the heat of battle?"


"Hold formation"

"Ice Bolt"



(Gawain site)

The undead knight didn't fuck around or wait for anything.

Instead of taking a defensive position, as if his wiser master had done so, Gawain attacked with himself at the head as the base of the formation.

Using the simplest and most effective tactics, he divided the army into 'two' parts, the smaller taking the young 'weaker' male and the larger group the more experienced female while he charged boldly at the remaining lone wolf.

The knight began by slashing in front of him, then blocking with his shield and dodging to the side, avoiding the predictable attack of the monster's claws, creating a small battle cycle.

Cut, block, dodge...cut, block, dodge. With each cycle, Gawain went deeper and deeper into a sort of battle trance, making the basic actions faster and faster, like a well-oiled machine without making any mistakes.

The cuts, and then the stabs, were executed flawlessly, and with each successive attack, they were more and more precise and dangerous. Counter-intuitively, the blocks on the slightly damaged shield did not damage it completely but made the metal on the sides emit sparks. The impact of the wolf's paws, tail, or attempts to crush the shield in the jaws of the animal did not make the slightest impression on the knight, making Gawain look more like a stone bastion than a weak undead overwhelmed by his opponent.

Even the dead man's dodges were performed with less and less effort as he became accustomed to the range of attacks.

When all three elements were combined, it could be seen that with every minute of the fight, the wolf's chance of victory diminished more and more. Therefore, the wolf had to focus only on the knight and start ignoring his surroundings to survive the hail of fast blows coming towards him.

Unfortunately, the undead knight did not have a couple of minutes to dominate the one-on-one fight like an adult child.

Time was running out inexorably.


At one point in the fight, Gawain broke the virtuous cycle, and raised his shield high, defending several incoming blows. The undead knight interrupted the small sequence, ending the impromptu turn-based combat between them, knocking himself out of the battle rhythm.

But by his action, he did not only throw himself out of rhythm but also his opponent, who slowly began to get used to the pace of the duel.

The lack of a sword attack coming towards him made the wolf's mind stop briefly, not knowing what to do.

And that moment was enough for Gawain to act.


The wolf easily dodged the blow aimed by the knight but this cut was not the only one as the wolf was attacked from all sides.




Slash infantry, otherwise known as spearmen and axe-men, attacked the unsuspecting wolf from behind, effectively and severely wounding it.

The animal's young body, still not accustomed to pain, reflexively turned towards the attacker, losing sight of the greatest danger.

This moment of inattention was enough for Gawain to cut the wolf's head off with one sweeping cut.


Like a guillotine, the knight's sword tore through every muscle and destroyed every bone that stood in its way even 'lightly' pounding into the ground.

"One beast less," Thought the undead knight slightly proud of his small achievement.

He was snapped out of his reverie by a loud shout from his master, which he had not expected.

"Gawain you idiot" Shouted Samuel furiously.

Not knowing what he had done wrong, the knight took a quick look around the battlefield and noticed a disturbing difference and his fatal mistake.

The young male was missing, and it was even clear where he had disappeared to.

Gawain didn't wait a moment as he quickly ran, taking most of his allotted army to correct his mistake as soon as possible. Of course, this moment of weakness didn't take him completely away from the wolf, but he did manage to get enough undead to keep the surviving wolf at bay.

"I'm on my way...master," the knight thought.


(Randaloph Site)

Fury, anger, hatred, pain, sadness, and probably even... fear were the only feelings Randaloph felt now, looking at the white giant, his former hated enemy.

The fight in the ice arena was hard on the undead wolf, who was already standing on the rest of his strength, despite being undead.

Blow for blow, bite for bite, and roar for roar... this was Randaloph's instinct and experience telling him how to fight his current opponent.

His 'body' probably still hadn't realized he was dead.

Unfortunately, what Randaloph did not take into account once again was the care of his current body, which, in addition to giving unlimited strength and other benefits, also had its weaknesses, because it consisted only of bones.

Apparently the most durable of all the bodies, but exposed they can be very fragile.

You bite me and I'll bite you and then we'll see who is quicker to bleed or surrender, which is how the tactics of the giant wolves can be summarized, although in this case, the latter is out of the question. The fight continued until one of the participants died.

Unfortunately for Randaloph, his bones, even though they were not damaged by the clash with humans or even their iron weapons, were no match for his previously very strong and flexible muscles and hard, almost impenetrable skin, so against Alpha, an opponent much more dangerous than the ordinary villager, they did not offer the slightest resistance and were easily crushed and destroyed by his fangs and claws.

The white wolf, although wounded many times by Randaloph's claws and bites, even though he was slowly losing blood and vitality, still had the advantage. Randaloph was far worse off.

Many of his bones were missing and had been torn out of his body, his ribs were crushed, and the limp on his front paw and the lack of connection between one limb and the rest of his body did not bode well for the undead wolf.

No...it boded badly, the battle was already lost for Randaloph and the clash between him and his nemesis was about to end. Unless some kind of miracle was to happen.

The undead wolf fell into a deep depression.


Not wanting to give up yet and relieve his hated adversary...not after all he had lost. Randaloph decided to abandon the last thing he had left of his former greatness...his pride.

Therefore, he decided that he would ask for help from the only person who could do something at this time and change the fate of the battle by some miracle.


"Well...so you're asking for help?" Asked Samuel puzzled through the mana link.


"Give me a minute I'll think of something soon."

"Ice Bolt"


"No, it's not for you"


"Ok...I think I have an idea"


And in a moment, as if by magic, Randaloph's wounds began to slowly heal.

The broken bones started to join together, new bones grew back in the place of the missing ones, and on top of all this, bony spikes started to form in important places on Will's body, protecting the previously damaged areas.

"Good luck," Samuel said and then immediately broke the connection.

In the battle between the wolves, round two had now begun.