
The Stadium Maniac (Football)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please go read the auxiliary chapter where I will explain the important things about this novel and its more detailed translation ----------------------------------- Reincarnated into the body of AC Milan's Digao, he trained with the top team, played in the World Cup, and was surrounded by gorgeous women. He even witnessed how he created a new miracle on the pitch! See how the footballer becomes a master in an instant!

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794 Chs

Chapter 131 Degan's Counterattack

Chapter 131 Degan's Counterattack

Sure enough, after the French team took the lead, Domenech also called Zidane to the sidelines and gave a few words of advice. When the game restarted, people soon realized that the French were going to slow down the pace of the game.

This is not because Domenech is conservative. After half an hour of mad attack, the players on the French team will also experience mental fatigue. At this time, it is appropriate to slow down the rhythm and let the players take a breath. There are benefits.

But Domenech probably never imagined that this was exactly the opportunity Degan wanted.

The French team slowed down their offensive rhythm and started to control the ball. Belgium's defense line was also a little easier. Naturally, Degan no longer had to return to the midfield to assist in the defense, and returned to his more familiar position.

Belgium's presence on the field has also turned around.

But in this game, Belgium felt very strange. Although they hoarded five players in the midfield, they didn't seem to intend to entangle the French too much in the midfield. Gan's head hit, the tactics are so simple that people can't help but wonder if they have returned to England in the 1950s and 1960s.

Hitting high and throwing long passes were the best tactics England was good at in the 1950s and 1960s. However, with the development of football, this simple and rude pass has proved to be very backward.

Especially at the moment when more and more attention is paid to controlling the ball, people prefer to control the rhythm of the game through the control of the center and passing the ball, but Belgium is now playing a retro drama on the stage of the World Cup.

After the players in the middle and backcourt got the ball, they immediately kicked the ball to the frontcourt and let Digan compete for the top. It was simple and rude, with no technical content at all.

"Belgium seems to have no way at all. Their midfielders seem to have lost their effectiveness. Maybe they have also discovered that it is very difficult to break through the combination of Vieira and Makelele through ground attack. Playing style, it is not easy to threaten the goal of the French team. Although Digan's ability to compete for the top is very strong, don't forget that Antiiennis only sent one striker in this game, and It is difficult to form an echo between the Belgian midfielder and Degan, even if Degan catches the ball, it is difficult to form a shot without a supporting player!"

"Belgium can only frequently hit high balls now. I hope that Degan can use his personal ability to complete the final blow. Unfortunately, Degan is now facing the heavy siege of the French team. Antiiennis' tactics are simply a waste of Degan. Gan's talent, I have to say that Degan's choice to join Belgium was a mistake from the very beginning. Although he participated in the World Cup as he wished, but relying on Belgium's overall strength, it is still too much for him to make a breakthrough in the World Cup. It's difficult!"

"Degan hit the ball again, but it's a pity that he didn't have any teammates around him. The second point was taken by the French team again. Degan seemed helpless. He was weak in the frontcourt and wanted to rely on a It's impossible to fight against the French defense with the power of strike!"

"Perhaps at this time, Antiiennis should make some changes, such as sending Mponsa Jr. to use his speed to attack the French team's defense, allowing Digan to gain more space!"

"Degan's strength is indeed outstanding. He can be regarded as the best striker in the world, but he is only one person, and what he has to face is indeed the best defensive player in world football!"

Those TV commentators who were still advocating before the game that Belgium will make a historic breakthrough under the leadership of Degan have now chosen to sing bad news about Belgium.

The situation on the field is indeed very unfavorable to Belgium. The most threatening player Digan now seems to have springs under his feet. Of course, there are only springs. Fight for the top, but there is no text.

Antiiennis didn't seem to plan to invest too much force in the offensive, and Digan could only fight alone on the front line.

It wasn't until the end of the first half that Degan finally had a chance to shoot. Unfortunately, under the joint attack of Makelele and Gallas, Degan barely took a shot and couldn't even make Butters move. , flew directly into the stands.

"Belgium has nothing to do. It looks like the game will be over in the first half. The French will face them easily for the next 45 minutes, and Belgium can now book a return ticket!"

In the second half, they changed sides and fought again. The French team's offensive became slightly stronger, but Belgium's defense line was very stable and did not give the French too many opportunities.

However, Belgium's offense was still the same as in the first half. The ball was taken from the midfield and the backcourt, allowing Digan to compete for the top, but the effect was still not great.

Even some reporters have already begun to write articles impatiently, analyzing the next quarter-finals of the World Cup, and what kind of sparks will erupt after Brazil and France, the old enemies of the 1998 final, meet again.

As for Belgium, some reporters are also guessing that after this game, Digan will have a discord between the generals because of Antiiennis' conservative tactics, and then Antiiennis will step down sadly, and the Belgian national team will be completely in control of Digan. In the clutches of this tyrant.

Everyone knows that Degan is an offensive lunatic. When he was in AC Milan, because of Ancelotti's conservative tactics, he once made sarcastic remarks in interviews with reporters. Now Antiiennis is better than Ancelotti More thoroughly, although Digan is still at the front, is Belgium still attacking today?

Probably Antiiennis' thinking now is to lose less and win more!

Antiiennis stood on the sidelines and kept looking at his watch. The time passed by every minute and every second. He was also a little anxious. Several times he wanted to wave his hand and direct the team to attack, but he held back. Seeing Digan, who was fighting for a position with Thuram in the frontcourt, his heart was always in suspense.

Gul intercepted Malouda's pass, and drove to the frontcourt with another big foot. Degan judged the landing point of the football and quickly moved over, leaning on Thuram, ready to jump and compete for the top.

"It's like this again. It seems that Belgium really has no better way. I believe Degan can grab the ball, but what about the second point? Degan~~~~~~"

The narrator's lazy voice suddenly stopped.

Degan didn't jump, but when the football had already flown above his head, he leaned back suddenly and turned around. There has been a fall.

"Degan got the ball facing the goal. Thuram made a famous mistake. He was shaken by Degan just now. He didn't know the time to take off. There was a top fall. Degan took the ball forward and Gallas came up. Front defence, Sagnol is also running towards the middle, beautiful! Marseille roundabout! Degan passed Gallas with Zidane's famous stunt!"

Although Digan's Marseille maneuvers are not as chic and elegant as Zidane's, they are practical enough. Gallas pounces too fiercely. When Digan releases his big move, he can't hold back at all. Gan rushed past him.

Sagnol has already reached, directly tackled from the side of Degan, but Degan shot at this time.

With a powerful shot, it hit the upper left corner of the goal directly. Butters didn't expect the situation on the field to change suddenly, and he seemed a little flustered. After hesitating for a while, he moved towards the right side of his body, jumped up, and Possibly stretched his arms, trying to block the ball.

Depressed, the Belgian commentator who played halftime finally got a chance to be released. With a shout, people couldn't help but think that Pavarotti had also come to watch the game.

dead end!

A dead end in the absolute sense!

Even if the ball is a super goalkeeper like Yashin, Zoff, and Hilton, they can only raise their hands and surrender. The football hit the junction of the crossbar and the post and bounced directly into the goal.

After scoring the goal, Degan was taken aback for a moment, then roared loudly and rushed to the sidelines. Antiiennis was also crazy at the moment, and was dancing face-to-face with his assistant coach François on the sidelines. They didn't notice Degan rushing over at all, and as a result, the pair of partners were directly knocked down by Degan and fell to the ground.

Will the Belgian general be at odds?

Looking at the picture of love now, I believe that the rumor that has not really been born can only be stillborn.

In fact, Antiiennis and Degan jointly formulated Belgium's first and second half tactics for such an opportunity. When absolutely using high ball tactics, Antiiennis and Degan are both like gamblers , and now it turns out that they won the bet.

Thuram's mistake, Gallas' recklessness, and Butters' inattention, of course, Degan's genius strike.

The other Belgian players, no matter they were the substitutes or the main players, all pounced on Digan at this moment. After being depressed for so long, it was their turn to act recklessly.

Domenech frowned. Up to now, he still doesn't know what happened. The French team clearly controlled the absolute initiative. Why did they lose the ball all of a sudden?

Is Belgium's tactics like this?

Domenech shook his head, expelling this idea, how is that possible, unless Antiiens is crazy, in the end he can only attribute the conceded goal to luck, in the few seconds just now, God committed red-blue color blindness, mistakenly sided with Belgium.

Otherwise, how else to explain it?