
0 : The World Ended As We Knew It

The world was sick; humans overpopulated the Earth, destroyed natural resources, and slaughtered countless creatures. Humans became a virus and the world retaliated. It started small and almost forgettable. A couple more wildfires in California during the Summer. A couple more hurricanes in the Caribbean. Larger earthquakes in Japan.


"Breaking news from Puerto Rico, where the 14th named hurricane has taken place only halfway through hurricane season. If this trend continues Puerto Rico might never recover."


"Wildfires in California have reached an all-time high. With the ten-thousandth fire taking place yesterday, there is concern that California will be destroyed if the trend continues."


"A magnitude 9.5 earthquake took place in Japan last night. The last time a hurricane of that magnitude took place was in the 1960s."

That wasn't the last of the world trying to rid itself of the human virus. More absurd disasters occurred; droughts in the Amazon and ice storms in the Sahara. The longer humans avoided healing the Earth, the more the Earth destroyed itself. Volcanoes that had been dormant erupted. Tectonic plates shifted in unpredictable ways sinking and creating land at incredible rates.


"Only days after Mauna Kea erupts, after years of being dormant for thousands of years, Mount Kilimanjaro erupts."


"A crazy and inconceivable ice storm took place in the Sahara. Scientists are baffled by the environmental event."


"Scientists have been tracking the baffling movement of the tectonic plates. Land all over the world is sinking. While new landforms are being created at extreme rates."

People were scared of the way the world was acting. They still had hope. But hope, even at its most powerful doesn't mean it will get worse before the calm. The world barely had time to heal before the next wave of destruction. This destruction wasn't as large but was equally devastating.


"Only a year after the baffling natural disasters countless diseases have appeared as pandemics. These diseases are taking out the elderly at extreme rates."


"With the elderly population almost completely gone the diseases are starting to attack younger people. We have no idea what the after-effects will be for the survivors of the pandemic diseases."

By June of 2108 5.4 billion people, about half of the world's population, have died. People were scared to leave, not knowing if there would be more destruction, but months passed with no more disasters. The Earth had settled. All pollution was almost nonexistent, there were more trees and plant diversity. Animals that were endangered and thought to be extinct made comebacks. The world was healthier, but the human population still had healing to do.


"It is a dark time in the world. So much loss has occurred in what some are calling an armageddon. With death tolls so high and so much land loss the world's only chance to even begin to move on will be to work together."

Countries tried to work together to rebuild the world. However, the difference of opinions was too great. Many citizens of many nations revolted against their rulers. Sad, enraged, and without hope, people felt as if their governments did not care and could've done more to prepare for the disasters. Some nations subdued their citizens while others had leadership changes.


The president of the newly named country, United Colonies of America, was diligently working on a speech for a press release on how the nation would handle the aftermath of the Great Worldly Change when a knock came at the door of her office. "Ms. President, the head of the CIA, the lead representative from the Office of United Colonies Trade, and the lead representative from the Office of American Innovation have come to talk to you. They say it's important." The president looks up from her pen and pencil, "Let them in."

In walks one man and two women, the head of the CIA, Arley Vasquez, the lead representative of the United Colonies Trade, Jerome Downes, and the lead representative of the Office of American Innovation, Libbi Moreno. "Ms. President, you know the world has changed immensely," Ms. Vasquez begins. "We must also change to keep our lead in the world," Mrs. Moreno adds. "Because of all the natural disasters, we have lost many of our resources," Mr. Downes states. There is a moment of silence before the president speaks up, "Yes, and what do you suppose we do about that." "There is new land to discover and old land, that is no longer occupied, out there for the taking. We should seize that land and claim it for our own," Mr. Downes states with assurance. The president rests her chin on her folded hands, "Don't you think other counties will be after said land as well? Much of our population has died, including almost all of our military. " CIA Director Vasquez speaks up, "We thought you would have concerns, so we have come up with a plan." "What would this plan be," The president asks, beginning to smirk. The government officials smile as Ms. Vasquez announces, "The Pirate Rebirth Program"
