
Pirate or Revolutionary? It doesn't matter, let's follow our Boss(Mc).

I just want to write my imagination, so don't wait too long. This is the story of Lisarb D. Sora, a prince of a kingdom who saw how rotten the nobles of the world are and when he realized that although the others knew were doing nothing, Sora then decided to fix things with his own hands. The cover is not mine, if the creator wants me to remove it, contact me and I will remove it. Thank you ^ - ^

Tennouji_Kotarou · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

Meeting someone interesting.

As soon as Sora put the boy to bed, the first thing he did was remove his clothes, how could Sora close the wounds with him with the clothes on?

After taking off his shirt, Sora couldn't help noticing the small swelling that the boy had on his chest ... As strange as he thought, Sora didn't pay much attention, he doesn't judge anyone for things like that.

Sora did not have to remove her pants, the wounds that needed attention were found only in the upper body.

The boy who at first seemed to be the same age as Sora no longer looked the same, after Sora put him to bed, he realized that the boy is bigger than him, although Sora is medium in size, he barely reaches the shoulders of boy in size.

After examining everything about the boy, Sora didn't find it complicated. Even though Sora was not a professional doctor, he learned a little medicine after G's near death, so Sora managed to close the boy's wounds without much trouble.

After finishing everything, Sora replaced the boy's clothes and waited for him to wake up, when the boy arrived he was very dirty, but due to his injuries Sora had to clean him up first, so the boy was more presentable now.

So Sora sat down and read the book again, he was next to the bed, waiting for the boy to wake up.

Two hours passed quickly, Sora had already finished the first book and was almost halfway through the second, that was when the boy made a move, drawing Sora's attention.

"Oh ... You woke up, wait a moment." The boy opened his eyes slowly, Sora was not slow and took the boy a glass of water and helped him up.

"Yes, it's okay, have some water." Sora supported the boy with the palm of his hand on his back and helped him to drink some water.

"Where am I? ... Who are you? ... What did you do?." As soon as the boy registered things around, he took one look at Sora and turned away from him while watching carefully. Questions also came out of the boy one after another.

"Calm down, boy, you're going to start a scandal ... I'm Lisarb D. Sora, I found you lying at my door. So who would you be?" Sora formally introduced herself with royalty movements.

"Ah ..... sorry for my actions ..." As if the boy realized his lack of education and that everything was fine ... His injuries were also closed and it was probably the boy or someone in the house who helped him, then the boy replied in shame.

"My ... My name is Kuin ..... My name is Kui ...." The boy ended up stuttering a little, but managed to introduce himself, despite having mistaken his own name the first time.

"So you're Kui, aren't you? ... Nice to meet you Kui, could you tell me what happened to you to show up at my house with so many injured?" After the boy had calmed down and Sora offered Kui a cup of tea, while he also sat with a cup in his hand, Sora placed one of his legs on top of the other.

Kui tensed throughout his body as he listened to Sora's question. He clenched his fists and looked at Sora, which gave Sora the vision of the boy's black eyes, but Sora didn't change his posture, he was still relaxed while taking a sip of his tea.

"What will you do after you know about this?." Kui asked Sora while watching his actions.

"It depends ... If you are a danger I will have to send you away, if you are not, I don't mind listening to your problems." Sora said calmly as she took another sip of her tea. Sora helped several people around the city, some of them were children who had abusive parents or problems at home, so he thought that the boy in front of him could be the same as them.

Kui seemed to relax after hearing Sora's response.

"I ran away from home. I'm not from West blue .... I came from East Blue .... I'm on a journey to become the best swordsman in the world. My last stop was on this island, I didn't think the people of this city could be so cruel, everyone looks at me as if I were a plague ... The guards are even worse, they didn't help me when I needed it, on the contrary, they attacked me when they had the chance. ..... "What Kui said to Sora surprised him a little, to a child who was perhaps just a little older than him traveling from one side of the world to the other was a long journey ...

The second part that she commented also caught Sora's attention.

"This city is going through some problems ... The place where you were is a prime area ... The people from that place probably mistook you for the people from the other area, so they attacked you ... Getting here alive is really amazing. "Sora commented with a smile on her face as she sipped her tea.

"The guards weren't that strong ... The problem was the old man with the white hair ... He didn't carry any weapons, but he always had a gun in his hands, he's very weird ..... I lost completely against that one old man ... "Kui shook hands tightly and with defeat written on his face.

"Wao ... You are stronger than you think, being able to face old Vaedel and come out alive is very impressive, there are few who have achieved this feat." Sora was really impressed, Vaedel is the King's guard, the one who ate Akuma no Mi unknown until then.

G has already faced him to try to measure his strength, but the fight was not as pleasant as expected. Because Vaedel was surrounded by several other guards, G was unable to measure his correct strength, so G ended up retreating without getting all the necessary information.

"I am not impressive .... I couldn't even defeat someone like him ... How can I become the best swordsman in the world like that ?." Kui was really resentful about it, she was about to cry ... She traveled from East blue to West Blue to get stronger, so it's normal for her to be so frustrated at being easily defeated by someone.

"So you have to get stronger, being defeated is not the end, defeat makes others stronger. Now that you know you're not as strong as you imagined, you know you can get stronger, right ?." Sora didn't stop the smile from appearing on her face, someone with a goal as big as Kui would certainly be welcome anywhere.

As much as Sora's words made him happier, Kui still seemed uncomfortable with something ... Before he could say anything more, footsteps were heard outside the room. Three rings were knocked outside the closed door.

"Sora, can I come in ?." A familiar voice from G was heard from outside. Sora replied in her usual calm voice. As soon as G opened the door the first thing he looked at was the boy sitting on the bed.

"Do we have a visit ?." G asked in his cautious voice.

"Yes, a pleasant visit. This is Kui, he was hurt, so I brought him inside so I could close his wounds. Kui, this is G, my friend and also my family." After hearing that Kui was a pleasant visitor G relaxed his hostility. Hearing Sora's next words, G almost couldn't help the smile from appearing on his face, but he tried to keep his facade serious while leaning against a wall behind Sora.

"Nice to meet you." Kui greeted him, to which G nodded in acknowledgment.

"Well, as you don't know the city and just arrived, and as a member of the royal family, I apologize for the behavior of the royal guards ... If you wish, I offer you the opportunity to stay here for a few days." Sora said with a gentle smile on her face. He expresses such expressions to the people he recognizes.

"Eh ..." Kui looked blank as she registered it as Sora's words.

"After you decide, you can come to me to give me your answer, for now you can stay in this room, as soon as my maids arrive I will ask them to prepare a better room if you decide to stay." As soon as Sora finished his words he got up from his chair, which is more like an armchair, and also handed the cup of tea he finished to G and went out the door, leaving the boy stunned in the room.

"Was the mission successful?." As soon as Sora and G arrived in the main room of the house, which was Sora's office, the serious conversation started.

"Yes, I managed to successfully destroy the kingdom's weapon source, now there are only a few preparations left and we can start a large-scale counterattack on the kingdom." G summed up his mission in a few words to Sora.

"You didn't get hurt, did you?" Sora asked with a serious look.

"The mission was supposed to be dangerous, but someone managed to distract Vaedel long enough to be able to finish everything without danger." G replied to Sora with a nod.

"It looks like we have to thank Kui properly then." A smile appeared on Sora's face again.

"Because ?." G ended up having to ask this and Sora explained what Kui did, it brought a surprised face to G.

"Interestingly, he is very strong, from the rumors that I heard the boy was very skilled with the sword and managed to hold out against Vaedel for a long time, but after his sword was broken, he was unable to face Veaedel and ran away." G commented what he heard about the fight between Kui and Vaedel.

"He's really interesting, I wish I could face him to see how strong he can be." Sora rested her face on her hand that was on the table, and got a smile on her face.

"I have other important information from Al. She got this information from the place she invaded, it looks like Akira is planning something secret, we have no idea what it is, so we better stay tuned." G with a serious face passed the last crucial information.

"Yes, we have to be careful ... Akira ... He's been very restless lately because of our movements, he has contact with some complicated people ... Stay tuned for any information you can." Sora with her serious face answered G.'s question.

As soon as G finished passing all the information, Sora got up from the chair and walked out of the room, towards the bathroom.


"Do you really have to go to this party?" G couldn't help but comment while watching Sora relaxing in the bath.

"Yes, Alice's 10th birthday is something important for the royal family ... I just hope everything is quiet there ..." Sora said with a sigh as she felt the hot water on her skin. He got dirty after helping with Kui's injuries and also needs to prepare to go to the party.

"I hope so too ... The royal family gives me more and more reason to hate them. They don't visit you for 5 years or to wish you a happy birthday, but they always prepare a party when it's your brothers' birthday." G commented, it may not seem like it but he was angry about it.

"Hey, you don't have to be resentful, I have you, Al and Pitou with me, so I don't care about them." Sora replied while getting out of the bath and walking towards the locker room, G had brought her clothes.

"This is the first time they've seen you after your move, is it?" G said while watching Sora put on the clothes chosen by Al and Pitou to go to the party.

"Yes, I hope they are not too surprised." Sora ended up laughing a little at that.

"Come on, wait Al and Pitou to accompany you to the party, I can't show my face over there." G walked with Sora towards the living room.

"Yes, they must be about to arrive, I will wait for them to prepare, you will stay here and take care of Kui." Sora sat down to wait for Al and Pitou to arrive ...

"I hope everything goes well ....." Sora sighed as she watched the view from the room that showed the city of Lisarb's kingdom.

Hello people. Author here. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, am I taking too long to advance the story? There were 9 chapters in the kingdom of Lisarb alone, and there will be more to come ... If this is bothering me, I will try to speed up the story.

And so here comes the question, which character do you think is Kui? ... He is from the world of One Piece. The next character that will appear will be from an anime that was a rival to One Piece, but that nowadays has decayed a lot, passed from the name of the anime to his son. What is this anime?

Tennouji_Kotaroucreators' thoughts