
Photography At Its Best

Adventures Of A Photographer I posted it before from another account

jon9639 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
34 Chs

Ch 26

The rest of the day passed after Nancy's departure passed in an annoying blur, where I had spent hours and hours browsing the net and calling people, hoping to find a more sustainable income source. Unfortunately, it hadn't gone as well as I might have hoped, so, when the night finally rolled, I decided to call it a day and go to the bed early. I had an early start tomorrow. 

However, I didn't wake up with the annoying yet necessary sound of my alarm, but with my phone ringing. A quick check of the screen revealed that it was Nancy that was calling me, and it was still barely five. "What!" I barked, not exactly trying to modulate my voice. Waking up at six for a favor was bad enough, and she was calling me even earlier. 

"Sorry about calling, but I don't know what to do," Nancy gasped, the sheer panic in her tone enough to blunt my anger. Blunt, but not completely remove. 

"Tell me," I grunted as I tried to open my eyes. I hated to wake up earlier than necessary, but not all things were equal. A sexy redhead in distress was not the worst reason to wake up, though not the best either —that honor went to having a smiling beauty under my covers, slowly waking me up with her lips wrapped around my girth, moving back and forth to replace by grogginess with pleasure. 

"My friends had changed their mind at the last minute, I need two new models." 

"And you think that five in the morning was the optimal time to find them." 

"They had sent a message when I was sleeping, I just saw it," she said, panic threatening to overwhelm her. "I need someone else, please."

For a moment, I considered teasing her, maybe even asking for a direct favor, but I was still too sleepy to push for it. "And how much you're going to pay these new emergency models?" I asked. 

Her sudden silence was telling. "A couple hundred?" she murmured. 

"Each?" I asked, despite knowing that it wasn't the case, and even if that had been, it was far from being enough.

"No, of course not," she gasped. 

"So, you're saying that you're looking for a full-day model for less than minimum wage," I said as I buried my face to the pillow. "Have you already finished all the money you have earned from your own modeling?" 

"Y-yeah," she stammered. "Between the advance I paid for the books, design costs, and the money that it took to rent a booth, I spent it all. I even maxed my credit card." 

"Of course you did," I murmured. No wonder Nicole was worried about her. I heard a gasp from her, which told me that she was on the edge of starting to cry. "Okay, against my better judgment, I'll try to help. Grab the costumes and come down. I need to check their sizes to make sure I can find a proper model for them. 

"I'll be there in a minute," she gasped, her earlier sadness immediately replaced by excitement. I jumped to my feet and started undressing, wanting to wear a fresh set of clothes. 

I had just pulled fresh underwear on when she stepped in, only to gasp. "Sorry," she said as she tried to leave. 

"Come in, it's not like anything you haven't seen before," I said even as I took a step toward the stairs, not bothering to pull a t-shirt on. If she was going to annoy me by making me wake up before dawn, I was going to tease her for it. 

She murmured something suspiciously similar to an asshole, but that didn't prevent her from gazing at my body hungrily. It had been a while since we had spent any time together, but the last time she had seen me on the act was much closer, enhancing her arousal considerably. 

She got closer, and I grabbed the costumes she was carrying. One of them was a warrior outfit, designed for a reasonably curvy woman —but with a cleavage that would have been deadly for a real warrior— and the other reminded me of a thief with many pockets, and it was slightly more conservative. 

"Hmm, tough one," I murmured as I examined them. The warrior costume would fit on both Nicole and Penny, and as much as I wanted to invite the former —her captured princess costume was rather memorable— I doubted Nancy would be happy about that. And I didn't want Nancy getting suspicious about the true identity of the model she had seen in the living room. Penny was a much more achievable target. "Is there any hair or skin color restriction for them?" I asked. 

"They are both elves, so Caucasian is a must, but we have wigs for them, so hair color doesn't matter," she said. 

"Hmm, I can find one for the warrior one," I said. 

"Is that the brunette slut-" she cut in, only to be silenced by a gesture. 

"Hey, I'm the one that woke up at five as a favor. I'm more than happy to go to the bed if you're determined to be a bitch about it," I said, which was enough to earn a string of apologies. "And no, it's not her," I added. "However, the problem is the thief outfit. I don't have anyone with that measurements I can call in such short notice." 

She looked dejected, trying to process that, when I interjected. "Why don't you wear that yourself, it's sufficiently close to your measurements. It would be a tight fit, but as long as you pop open a couple of buttons, it would fit nicely." I could have tried to find someone else, but why would I, when I could make her wear the costume. It would be much more entertaining. 

"I can't, I need to be signing books," she said. 

"Your call," I said with a shrug. "But I hope that your booth will the attractive enough with just one model, especially if she decides to leave early? Or with no model, if she decides not to join at all." 

"She won't, would she?" Nancy asked in a panic. 

"Honey, with the money you're offering, it's a miracle if she accepts in the first place. You're not exactly in a place to expect perfect work ethics. No money, no time, and exhausting work." 

It took a while for her to make a decision, and I used that time to pull on a t-shirt and a comfortable pair of jeans. "Okay," she murmured in defeat. 

"Excellent," I said as I walked toward my desk, picked my camera with one hand and my phone with the other. "Change into the costume to make sure it fits, while I make a call." 

A big frown covered her face, but that didn't prevent her from picking the costume and walk toward the small dressing screen in my room. I could have forced her to dress in front of me, but at this point, she was looking for an excuse to lash out, to blame me for her failures, something I had no intention of giving to her. 

It was much more amusing to tease her. 

I called Penny, and she picked after three rings. "Is everything alright?" she asked panickedly, which was understandable considering she had been woken up with no warning. 

"Nothing is wrong, sweetheart," I answered lazily. "I just had a last-minute job for a photoshoot, it's not a lot of money, but it'll give you a decent amount of exposure and show your range better. The client insists on her own model, but you know how much I like you, so I wanted to check if you're interested before I go with the client model," I said. 

"Of course I'm interested," she answered, the hints of sleep disappearing completely from her tone. "How much time do I have, and where do I need to be? And, do I need to bring anything?" she asked rapidly, unable to hide her excitement. Apparently, the way our last photoshoot had ended didn't bother her, which had rather interesting implications for today's shoot. 

Maybe, it wouldn't be as boring as I feared.

"You don't have to bring anything. Make sure to wear a summer dress and be ready to be picked up in half an hour. I'll pick you up from your house," I explained. 

As I finished gathering my bag, Nancy finally stepped out of the screen, the thief costume wrapping her body nicely, giving a rugged yet erotic aura, though the latter part clearly accidental. After working in the fashion industry for a long time, I developed an accurate sense of measurement for women's clothes. 

Nancy's thief costume was clearly designed for a thinner girl, to hang on loosely to create some kind of concealed danger, easy to slip into darkness or among the homeless. Unfortunately for her —and rather fortunately for me— Nancy was clearly more well-endowed in both in the hips and the bust, stretching the pants and forcing her to keep two buttons open on the top, turning what was supposed to be a serious costume into something fit into a late-night cheesy adventure movie, the kind that usually ended in a ridiculous excuse to remove the said costume to give some R-rated half-naked scenes. 

"Not bad," I said. "I'm sure your potential readers will love you." 

"No they won't," she gasped. "I'm going to be humiliated. No one would read my books, everyone will think that I'm a hack," she gasped. "All my efforts will be ruined." 

I wanted to mock her for her panic, but the expression on her face was far too serious for me to mock. "Well, you don't have to reveal that you're the writer. We can say that the writer is absent, and give away pre-signed books." 

"Wouldn't it be disrespectful," she asked. 

"A bit," I admitted. "But it doesn't have to be to your detriment. We can even sell that as a positive, playing the mystery angle, assuming you were smart enough to use a pen name." 

"Of course," she answered. "There's no sense ruining my name if the book isn't received critically well." 

"Excellent, and you know that I can help you with your make-up enough to make you unrecognizable, especially with a wig. This character needs one as well, right?" I asked even as I walked closer. 

"Yeah, the character is supposed to be blonde," she explained while I walked closer toward her. 

"Now, we just need to make sure the booth is going to attract enough visitors without a writer present," I said even as I grabbed and flipped open two more buttons. 

"That's too much-" she started, only to cut it with a shocked gasp when my hand traveled to her back and unhooked her bra. Her hands jumped up, but I had significant expertise in quickly removing bras. Before her hands could reach, I had already pulled off her bra, the thin shirt clinging to her body much more beautifully. 

"Better," I said with a mocking grin as I examined her beautiful cleavage. "Now, we can be sure no male reader will be asking about the writer's whereabouts." She tried to say something, but I pressed my hand to her lips to cut her off. "Either that, or you'll be wasting all the money you have spent arranging the booth and everything." 

Silence stretched for a minute, but even with that, I was not surprised by her eventual nod. She had sunk too much effort to ignore the chance for success. 

Now, all I needed to do was deciding how best to leverage her desire for success… 

Despite our quick agreement, it took a while for us to start the journey, because Nancy's rental car, which was probably older than her, decided to choose that moment for a mechanical failure, forcing us to shift everything into my car, filling my trunk, as well as half of the back seat with piles of books. 

"Finally," I said as I sat on the driver's seat, while Nancy sat on the back seat with a pen in hand. Since she was going to pose as the thief —sexy thief after my adjustments— she needed to sign the books on the drive, which, luckily, was more than enough to finish all — as long as we stopped on the way to put the signed ones to the trunk and bring the others to the main area. 

"Thanks," she murmured even as she grabbed the pen and started signing. "I don't know how I could have handled things if you weren't helping me." 

"Yeah, I'm a regular white knight, too bad that you don't have an armor for me as well." 

"Maybe for the next time," she murmured, dipping her head down to hide her blush, which, combined with her costume, made her look really sexy. It was amusing to see her react like that, contrasting her usual pricklier personality. I was tempted to tease her a bit more, but she had already started signing the books she had brought along, hoping to achieve a big sale. 

Though, the lack of teasing on my side was less about my lack of interest, and more about having a more interesting method of doing so than teasing her with my words while we drove. A method that started working the moment I pulled in front of Penny's house, and Nancy saw the sexy blonde waiting on the entrance, sexy despite wearing a simple blouse-jeans combo. 

"Is this her?" Nancy said with an absolute distaste, one that was rather undeserved considering Penny was saving her whole business venture, but the jealousy of a woman was a hard concept to understand. 

Though, to her credit, she had a lot to feel jealous about. Nancy was spectacularly beautiful, no argument, with her bold red hair and her perfectly proportioned body, but Penny was everything a generation of media had promoted as the perfect woman, blonde, with an hourglass curvy body, and a beautiful face that was just innocent enough to imply passive participation for many interesting heated situations. 

In other words, a male wet-dream, and a female jealously lightning-rod. 

So, yes, Nancy's attitude was very much understandable. 

But that didn't mean I would just let it slide. "Yes, is that a problem?" I asked. "Is she not sexy enough to play the character in your book?"

Her blush was simply spectacular. "I guess she would do," Nancy stammered, unable to hide the frustration in her tone. I opened the door as Penny started to walk toward us. "Where are you going?" she asked. 

"Penny needs to wear her costume on before we leave just to prevent struggling in the convention area, of course," I explained. 

"Maybe I should help her," she tried to say, but I put my hand on the door, preventing her from leaving the car. "No, you should stay and work on your signatures," I said. "Unless you want to continue signing in the convention area and reveal that the genius writer of the books is also working as a part-time model. I personally think that it would help the sales-" I said, only to be cut off. 

"No need," she said hurriedly, the fear of being revealed stronger than her jealousy. I closed the car door with a knowing smirk, just at the time of face Penny, who was walking toward the car. 

"Good morning, beautiful," I said even as I grabbed her arm and started dragging her back toward the house. 

"M-morning," she stammered, caught flat-footed by the sudden change of direction. "Where are we going?" she managed to say. 

"You need to put the costume on before we leave," I explained even as I dragged her toward the living room, the same place we had our first test photoshoot, the one that left in her underwear, fingered into a listless, exhausted pile on the floor. 

She just stammered an affirmative reply while I took a step back, enjoying the sight of her body. "Now, undress," I told her. 

"Here," she stammered shyly. 

"Yes, sweetie, is it suddenly a problem," I said even as I caressed her cheek, making her blush, even when I subtly looked at toward the window when I saw a movement, only to see Nancy there, looking inside in a way she clearly thought to be stealthy, but showed her face clearly. "It's not like we have used the living room for our purposes, after all." 

"No, not a problem," she whispered shyly even as she reached for her tank top, only for me to stop her with a gesture. She looked at me questioningly. 

"We're in a hurry, so let me help," I said even as I took a step toward her with a hungry grin. Since Nancy had gone the trouble to sneak to catch a glimpse, I wanted to give her a proper show. Me undressing her was impossible to be slower than the alternative, but Penny didn't look particularly enthusiastic about making that point even as I put my hand on her voluptuous body. 

I pulled off her top aggressively enough to rip the fabric, and her conservative white bra followed it after a flick of my fingers, displaying her amazing breasts. Before she could even react, her jeans followed the same fate, leaving her in just her panties. "Perfection," I murmured even as I hooked my fingers around her panties. 

"Even them?" she whispered hesitantly. 

"Of course," I said as I pushed them down, but unlike the others, I was pushing them down softly, enjoying the opportunity to caress her beautiful legs, trembling in anticipation. "You can't expect those ugly monstrosities showing off whenever you bend over, it would be criminal." 

"But-" she tried to say, only for me to silence her with a searing kiss. 

"Since you're already naked, why don't we use that to our benefit before putting the costume on," I said, not bothering to give her an excuse even as I pushed her on the couch. I thought about putting the costume on first, but it was already going to be a tight fit, and I didn't want to ruin it accidentally. 

"Aren't we in a hurry?" she asked. 

"Honey, at this moment, there's nothing more important than your beautiful body," I answered, making her blush. After that fateful swimwear photoshoot, she was showing excellent progress. 

I spent a moment enjoying the view, her curvy body lying on the couch, her legs already parted invitingly despite her attempts to look reluctant. Her blonde hair was spilling on her beautiful breasts, proudly rejecting the existence of gravity. 

"You look delicious enough to eat," I said even as I freed my shaft from its confines, covering the distance between us with one large step. "However, how about you take the lead when it comes to eating?" With that, I pushed my hard shaft toward her beautiful lips —not that it was possible to stay soft as I enjoyed the sight of her amazing body. 

Her lips parted open, swallowing my length even as I let my hands go down and capture her amazing tits, treating myself to her amazing moans, even as I felt surprised by just how meek she had become since our first time. Her submissiveness could easily rival Nicole.

Her face flushed as I squeezed her tits, though it might be also about the effort she was putting to swallow my girth. "You're such a nice girl," I murmured even as I pushed my shaft deeper, forcing myself into her throat, her gagging more beautiful than the best symphony. Her body was tingling with desire as I continued to squeeze her breasts, her lips stretching around my girth. I pushed forward, even more, trying to test her limits, but she just accepted it passively.

However, as much as I enjoyed the sight of Penny's delicious body, the real show was happening in the window. Nancy was still there, thinking herself well-hidden as she watched us, her face contorted with a complicated expression. She wasn't as shocked as I expected, but considering she had caught me having sex with a model in her living room —though, luckily she didn't discover her identity in the process— the sight of me having some fun with another model wouldn't be too shocking, especially when I had not bothered to hide my intentions as I dragged Penny back to the house. 

Still, since she was enjoying the show I was proving one way or another, I decided to keep the pressure on Penny. I guided her hands and guided them to my thighs, curious whether she would try to pull me even deeper. Unfortunately, despite her clear enjoyment, she didn't do that, choosing to stay on the passive side. Luckily, there was more than one way to pull her deeper into the game of pleasure, such as pulling back to leave her lips empty. 

"Lick properly," I ordered, enjoying her innocent expression, split between guilt and pleasure. But despite what her expression might suggest, she leaned forward to give a proper lick, even as she grabbed the base and started pumping. Her movements were still mechanical, lacking both in skill and experience, but her beauty and enthusiasm were more than enough to compensate for those deficiencies, and her perfect obedience was the cherry on the top. 

"How's this?" she murmured shyly between licks, making me chuckle in amusement. 

"Excellent, but try alternating between sucking and licking, that would be even better," I suggested, and she followed that suggestion immediately, her lips clamping around my girth. Admittedly, the sheer impact of her move was not comparable to the earlier deep throat, but the fact that she was learning to treat it better and better made it much more interesting. Not to mention, the vibrations of her moans that massaged my length whenever she took it in her mouth were a nice addition. 

Her movements quickened as she gained more and more experience, helped by my occasional direction, especially after one of her hands landed between her legs, providing a little self-care while I continued the improving service of her mouth, while her other hand still pumped at the base steadily. Soon, I was facing a more important problem. I was about to cum. 

It was a problem, because she was about to put on a new costume, meaning I couldn't just paint her spectacular breasts as I preferred. Even cumming into her mouth was a risk, because if she spilled, she needed to go to the bathroom to clean up. After a little thought, I decided to give her a chance. "Be ready to swallow," I warned. "If you waste even a drop, I'll be disappointed." 

Her moan of approval was simply too beautiful. It triggered a hearty explosion from me, filling her mouth with my seed. Luckily, our last adventure gave her the ability to actually succeed in the task I assigned to her. After making sure every drop was captured, I pulled back, watching her swallow her gift with enthusiasm. While she lay on her back, trying to catch her breath, I grabbed the first piece of her costume, a skimpy black thong I had added to the costume without confirming with Nancy. 

Luckily, Nancy had disappeared while Penny was trying to prevent spillage, preventing her from seeing that. I didn't want her arguing against it before we started our trip. 

"Keep your legs together," I ordered as I slipped the thong on her, which was clearly the sexiest thing she would ever wear in a public place. She blushed even more than when I bombarded her with the suggestions on how to suck me better. 

"Isn't it a bit…" she murmured, unable to finish her sentence, just as I slipped it completely, its front immediately getting damp. 

I said nothing as I grabbed her hand, pulling her on her feet, the move making her tits dangle beautifully. I grabbed her hand and gently led her to turn around, giving a full glimpse of her body. As she stood in front of me, wearing a sexy thong, somehow looking even sexier than her naked state, it was difficult to resist the temptation to blow the next job, especially since it wasn't a paid job. Ultimately, if it wasn't doing that favor to a sexy redhead, I doubted I could have resisted the temptation. "No, it's perfect," I said. 

She lacked the ability to contradict such a decisive statement, and obediently put the pants I had passed her. Just like I expected, she was unable to button them thanks to her hips being a touch wider than planned. "Leave it unbuttoned, it looks better," I said even as I adjusted her pants to make sure her thong was peeking out properly. The same thing happened with the armor —essentially a shirt with a boob-plate— but even more visibly. The armor was designed to leave cleavage on a less-gifted lady. On Penny, it looked more like the exaggerated costumes actresses wore in the late-night movies during the first five minutes of the movie, before a ridiculous excuse made them get rid of any hint of clothing. 

Her lack of a bra made things even sexier. 

"I can't wear this publicly," she whispered desperately. 

"Don't worry, there's a wig, and also, you'll have complicated makeup that will hide your face, no one will know it's you unless you put it on your portfolio," I said, making her relax. Admittedly, such a job wasn't the best for her career, but considering her already limited prospects due to changing tastes in the industry, it wasn't a big loss for her in the first place. 

"If you say so," she murmured trustingly. 

"Shall we go," I said as I presented my arm, ready to face Nancy with the updated costume…