251 Whiskers

นักแปล: Nyoi-Bo Studio บรรณาธิการ: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The alley was not long, and thanks to the picturesque scenery in it, though no one talked, they didn't feel bored.

Zhang Zian saw a middle-aged man with whiskers holding a small camera trying to find the best angles to shoot a phoenix tree. Zhang Zian did not understand photography, but he felt that the middle-aged man was much more professional than those students of the photography club who just showed off their high-end equipment. He followed the angles of the middle-aged man's camera and looked up.

Hm? Among the branches of the phoenix tree, shrouded by sparse yellow leaves, there was a grey-black little squirrel, tilting its big tail and staring at Fina and Snowy Lionet vigilantly. This squirrel was probably a family pet raised by a child that ran away for some reason or was released back into nature since it didn't seem to be afraid of people, but was afraid of cats.


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