
perfect superstar

Lu Chen had a dream, a very long dream. The world in the dream was familiar yet strange, and different characters performed different wonderful things. Singer, actor, freelance writer, he actually experienced three different lives in the dream world! When he woke up from the dream, Lu Chen embarked on a brilliant road to become a perfect superstar! [ I finished reading this novel years ago and wanted to introduce it to this platform, offering a translation superior to what’s available on other sites. It’s an excellent read that I highly recommend. Alongside the text, I plan to enrich the experience by including links to Chinese songs in both the paragraph and chapter comments. Prepare yourself for an emotional roller coaster. Don't worry it is a serious work with no harem, i can confirm there is only one single heroine. It is rare to find showbiz novels with a dedicated love interest they just have harem involved I can say i have better translation compared to others ] (完美大明星)

electronatom · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
45 Chs

Chapter 21: There is a place for me!

"Lu Fei, is this true?"

"Are you kidding me? Your account has been blocked? Oh my god!"

"Haha, the store is big and bullies the customers. Starlight Show has always been like this."

"Then what should we do? The Star Circle and the group we just built, are they going to be disbanded? I want to cry!"

"It's so overbearing. It's too much to block the account without signing the contract!"

"Let's all think of a solution together."

When Lu Chen told everyone in the Lu Family Army's Feixun group that his account was blocked because of signing the contract, this small chat group immediately exploded.

All the online fans came out, and they were all indignant. Some denounced the overbearing and tyrannical Starlight Show, some regretted Lu Chen's achievements at the beginning, and some said that they would never give up.

Prophet Li Bai: "No need to say more. If you support Lu Shuai, everyone can post a protest on the forum. If you make a big fuss, the senior management of Starlight Show will pay attention to it and let them know that even if it is a small anchor, they are not the target of their arbitrary bullying!"

Li Bai showed up a little late, but as soon as he opened his mouth, the whole group seemed to have found a backbone. Everyone agreed with his suggestion and prepared to post on the forum together.

Lu Chen was grateful: "Thank you for your support, but I don't want to stay in Starlight Show anymore, and don't bother everyone to argue with the official. At worst, I will change the platform."

These fans are very enthusiastic and sincere. Lu Chen does not want to use them to fight for his rights.

Emperor Li Bai said: "General Lu, this matter is not only your business, but also ours. Even if we leave, we must leave in a bang and we can't let others bully us for nothing!"

"You are right!"

"Emperor Li is mighty, I support General Lu and you!"

"Support +1!"

"Don't say anything, I have already started posting, everyone keep up with the pace!"

"Okay, let the flag of our Lu family army fly above the star circle!"

Even though he has experienced three lives in the dream world, Lu Chen is still the passionate young man in essence. Seeing the excitement of the crowd, he couldn't help but be infected: "Then let's do it together! I recorded the conversation with the super administrator and saved it in the group sharing. You can attach it as evidence when you post!"

He was more careful when talking with super administrator 002 before, and specially opened the "Screen Recorder" software to save the chat records between the two parties.

"Good! Evidence is best!"

"I downloaded it, and I'm going to set off with enough ammunition to explore the Star Circle!"

"See, I'm super administrator 002, this number should be a small BOSS!"

"No matter whether it's a big BOSS or a small BOSS, just do it first!"

"Brothers, I'll go first!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Although there are not many members in this newly established fan group, the group members have shown great unity and are very combative.

Helpless, their opponents are too powerful and unreasonable.

The members of the group logged into the website and soon found that the Star Circle they had just established yesterday no longer existed.

When they went to the public section to protest, they just posted a post and it was deleted. The forum administrator's speed of handling was simply jaw-dropping.

Deleting the post does not count. The ID that posted the post was also banned or even blocked, without giving any chance to defend himself!

If this was a battle, it was definitely a battle of great disparity in power. The members of the Lu family army were like mantises trying to stop the wheels from moving forward, and they were crushed into slag in the blink of an eye.

Everyone was very angry about this, but there was no means to fight back.

"Fuck! Our star circle has been disbanded!"

"555~ The post I just posted was deleted and my account was blocked."

"Me too. The forum has administrators watching. I guess they set keywords. I found out right after I posted."

"All the old posts have been deleted. They acted really fast and were really ruthless!"

"Haha, everyone is the same."

The prophet Li Bai said: "I was also banned. They didn't even give us a chance to speak."

Faced with the extremely powerful website official, the rich man seemed helpless and could only curse angrily: "Fuck! If I spend a penny on that place again, I'll take his last name!"

Lu Chen said: "Everyone stop for a while, let's think of a solution."

He didn't want to pour cold water on the fans, nor did he want to see them get hurt.

This feeling is really bad, but what can you do if you can't beat the opponent?

The originally high and enthusiastic atmosphere in the group suddenly became low and gloomy, and many people sighed.

It's like this, what else can we think of?

"Forget it, let's go to other websites, I will always support Lu Shuai!"

Someone suggested: "I believe in Lu Shuai's strength, our Lu family army will not admit defeat!"

"Yes, yes! Never admit defeat!"

"Just like Lu Shuai said, go to the fucking Starlight Show!"

"Haha, let's go to the fucking show together!"

Lu Chen looked at the conversation on the screen, and a trace of warmth rose in his heart.

At this time, a group member with the ID "Coral Fish" said: "Lu Fei, I am the administrator of Whale TV. How about inviting you to our Whale TV to be the anchor?"

The chat group suddenly exploded.

"Oh my god, the administrator of Whale TV? Is it true or not?"

"Don't joke!"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that even Whale TV knows about our Lu Shuai's fame!"

"If it's true, then you can go to Whale TV!"

"I didn't expect that there is a 007 lurking in our group!"

"Everyone, stop arguing, let's see what Lu Shuai has to say!"


Coral Fish didn't say anything, but posted a screenshot showing the management background of Whale TV.

This screenshot strongly proves his identity.

Prophet Li Bai privately asked Lu Chen: "Lu Shuai, do you want to try Whale TV?"

Lu Chen has been cramming a lot of things about online live broadcasting during this period. He knows that [Whale TV] is one of the earliest live broadcasting platforms created in China. It has always been mainly based on game live broadcasting. It occupies a high share in the live broadcasting of the three most popular online games - CKG, Hero City and Planet Overlord.

However, the old brand [Whale TV] has recently faced fierce competition from [Sky Live] and [Starlight Show], and many popular anchors have been poached, and its popularity has declined significantly.

Of course, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Speaking of [Whale TV], it is still a well-known name on the Internet.

[Whale TV] will certainly not be willing to decline. On the one hand, it will increase its resources to open up new areas, and on the other hand, it will keep a close eye on several competitors, so it is not surprising that an administrator appears in Lu Chen's group.

New anchors who have not signed contracts but have strength are exactly the targets they are vigorously recruiting!

And water flows to low places, and people go to high places. Is it the right choice for Lu Chen to join [Whale TV]?

The prophet Li Bai also expressed his concerns.

Lu Chen thought about it and replied directly in the group chat: "You can go to Whale TV, but if you want to sign a contract, I can't agree to a contract with harsh conditions!"

This is the bottom line he must stick to, and he doesn't want to repeat the mistakes of [Starlight Show].

Coral Fish replied: "Lu Fei, I saw what you experienced in Starlight Show. We at Whale TV will not be so harsh. It's just that my authority is not high. Please let me discuss the specific contract terms with the head of the operations department before I reply to you, how about it?"

"In addition, I can decide that all members of the Lu Family Army can have the same level as Starlight Show when they go to Whale TV, because I am also a member of the Lu Family Army!"

Finally, he attached a smiley face symbol.

The membership account levels of online live broadcast platforms are basically the same. In addition to ordinary members, they are mainly divided into five major levels: diamond, gold, silver, black iron, and bronze. The five levels are further divided into nine minor levels: I, II, III, IV and IX.

Upgrading and advancing depends on points, and the most important source of points is paid rewards. For example, the prophet Li Bai is Gold II, so he spent at least 200,000 in [Starlight Show], which can be regarded as a small local tyrant level.

Under normal circumstances, if you transfer to another live broadcast platform, you have to accumulate points again. However, in order to attract customer resources, some live broadcast platforms will promise to give the same level. If you are a gold member in [Starlight Show], then you will also start at the gold level when you come to [Star Show]!

High-level members enjoy various discounts and permissions, and are often sought after by many anchors in turn.

However, this method was only used by small live broadcast platforms in the past, and large platforms disdained it. Now that Coral Fish took the initiative to propose it, it also shows that the current situation of [Whale TV] is really not very good.

However, this just made Lu Chen see the sincerity of the other party, and there was really no empty talk.

Lu Chen typed a word on the keyboard: "OK!"

He has decided that as long as the contract given by [Whale TV] is not harsh, he will start a new business there!

(End of this chapter)