
Paving My Way With Science In This Magical Universe

In the 22nd century, a scientist who dedicated his life to AI and analog microprocessors decided to spend more time with his wife after completing his project. However, a terrorist attack claimed the lives of him, his wife, and his AI friend. Born anew as a baby, he discovers himself in a universe filled with magic, where people use it in a primitive manner. He is confident that with just a bit of research, he can enhance the use of magic in this new world. However, his sole objective is to find his wife. To achieve this, he must grow stronger. With a scientific approach, he uses magic to make guns, computers, and AI. Will he succeed in reuniting with his wife in the end? If you dislike: An MC acts like a teenager, An MC wanders from fight to fight suicidally, Numerous unexplainable coincidences, A universe akin to Matryoshka dolls (There is always an upper realm, right?) People possessing an absurd amount of power (eg. demigods, true gods, amazing gods, or whatever) then this novel is to your liking. Note: Although this is technically a Sci-Fi novel, it incorporates elements of the magic and fantasy genres. And because this novel`s power system does not provide exponential growth to the MC, he will not be able to always grow stronger individually. He will have to make his country better with his knowledge. So kingdom building, advanced technology, and interstellar will have a substantial effect on the plot.

Weary_Engineer · ไซไฟ
11 Chs

Magic Universe

Eren nodded and answered "Yes. When I become a king, I will face more difficulties than you two faced so I need to study diligently. But grandfather why was Morgan Star that knowledgeable? Even now we are still learning 1200 years later."

"That is a good question. If you want to know more about that you need to read those books yourself. There are quite surprising answers to your questions. After we finish talking, I will arrange a teacher so that you can learn reading. I will also permit you to use the family library. There you can read not only the ancestor's notes but also all the books we collected all over the world. It is by far the best library in the world if you want to learn magic.

Anyway, let us talk about you now. You asked about dual core, right? This is a special situation we did not encounter before or at least I could not find anything similar in historical documents. All I can find about dual cores were in the ancestor`s notes. You should know that you are unique." William told.

When Eren heard he was unique he felt his heart constricted for some unknown reason. Last couple of months he increasingly started to believe that there are some things he should be remembering but he cannot. And whenever he tries to think about it, his heart feels uneasy. He at the same time both wants to remember and does not want to remember. Because he is afraid of knowing that something. 

William continued "Now let me tell you about the origin of the magic. After that, you will understand what having a dual core means. All sentient beings on earth including animals do have a soul and consequently, a soul core where their soul resides. It is not a tangible thing like our organs, but we can feel it through our magic. For most of the population, their soul cores are not active, so they can't cast magic. The minority like us however have an active core. What that means is that our souls did not sever their connection with the magic realm, unlike others."

"Magic realm? What is that?" Eren asked.

"Magic realm is another universe like we live in but with completely different rules. We think that all sentient beings' souls came from there to our universe through the channels between the two universes. Some souls leave the channel open many do not. When we, magic users, concentrate we can feel the magic realm. We can also travel there, but it is too dangerous to stray too far away from your channel opening. Because you are like your eyes and ears bonded in a forest. Just to get used to getting around there you will need two years and you will need to be extremely careful. Otherwise, when you are lost, you are dead. 

In the magic realm, there is no up or down. There is no land, sea, sky, or space. In there, everywhere is filled with different kinds of magic particles. Although there are common ones where you can find them, there are tens of different kinds of rare useful magic particles. 

Magic is divided into two main kinds. One is energy state, and the other one is matter state. This is a very important distinction because every magic user can only use one kind of it. Enchanters can use the matter state magic. They can use it to make fire, ice, shield, sword, and all different kinds of things. Bodyforgers however, can use energy state magic. They can only use energy state magic to attach different kinds of properties to the matter in our world. For example, our body, sword, armor, etc... did you understand until here?"

"I understand. Enchanters use their magic as a direct tool to combat while bodyforgers use magic to assist their respective tools to combat. But I have questions. You said bodyforgers use magic to strengthen their bodies and tools but can`t they use magic while in combat? There should be all kinds of matter all around no matter where they fight. They can even use air if they want." Eren asked.

"Good question. No, we cannot use magic in such a manner because for it to have a meaningful effect we would at least need hours to days depending on what you want. So, we are generally busy with strengthening our body and tools when we are not training on swordsmanship and such." William answered.

"Then, are enchanters better at combat generally? Because their magic sounds more versatile and they can even combat at a longer range." Eren asked again with little reluctance. Because he knew to have arrived at these kinds of deductions at the age of two might be unbelievable even for a genius.

William looked at Eren with a slight pause and muttered "It is scary how having two soul cores influences the maturity" and answered "No, on the contrary bodyforgers are the most powerful of all. Although an enchanter with sufficiently more experience and talent can kill a bodyforger, it is nearly impossible for an equally experienced and talented one to win against a bodyforger. There are three main reasons for that. 

First, although enchanters have a longer range, it is rarely more than five meters. they have a maximum seven-meter range. And this range for a bodyforger is as good as none because we are extremely fast, you know. 

The second reason is although they have access to many kinds of magic types to use in combat, on an individual level they do not have access to more than three kinds of matter state magic. When in combat they can draw magic from their core channel but because their attention is on the combat, they cannot travel far from their channel opening. So, they must use what they have near their channel opening. And as you know it is where their channel will open to is determined since from their birth. They must use what they have whether it is useful or not. And although generally, magic is static in the magic universe it may become unstable rarely which would also affect enchanters negatively. Bodyforgers however can travel collect different kinds of energy state magic and use them when they are safe in their home.

The third and most important reason is experience. Because bodyforgers can enhance their body not only on strength but also on parameters like health, we can live longer on average by three times the amount a normal human and an enchanter lives. Thus, we have on average three times the experience. But of course, this gives us advantages in not just combat but many other areas."

I could write about the magic system at last. I hope it will be a great magic system. Because I am a new writer, I truly need your feedback both for motivation and to see whether I write a normal or a disastrous novel. Please let me know your thoughts on the comments.

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