
Pathfinders way of life

Sahil was a young man who died a lonely death he was given a second chance by a angel under the God of soul's being reborn in a world where other races hate each other is not a ideal world where he himself is a half human and a half dragon can he survive in this world Follow him on his journey through this cruel world and see for yourself what trials await him *** This novel is purely a work of fiction

Shiney_02 · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

new start

' huh what the fuck is happening my head feels so fuzzy and why does my butt hurts '

When sahil opend his eyes he saw a beautiful woman with black hair and a pale face staring at him with a smile on her face his heart started beating faster ' what a beauty ' he moved his hands in impulse to try and touch the beautiful woman's face but was surprised to see how small his hands were ' what the oh shit i almost forgot that I was reincarnated because of the fuzziness is this woman perhaps my mother now that I think about it why the hell did i wanted to touch her is it perhaps the side effects of strengthening my soul with those tainted soul's if I remember correctly the angel said something about this i need to control myself or i will really get myself in trouble '

Sahil was still in the middle of adjusting to the new environment when a old woman and a man came inside the small room to take a look at him the old woman spoke in a teasing tone " Aisha your baby is really tough he didn't even cry when I slapped him in the butt because he wasn't crying when he was born " hearing the old woman sahil was really angry because now he understood why his butt hurts but he couldn't do anything because he was just a baby so he let it go for now but he will remember the old woman's face and if he got a chance in the future he will repay her generously

The old woman looked at the man beside her and spoke in a calm tone " so Grendel what are you going to name your son "

Grendel was silent for a moments than he spoke in a calm tone " his name will be Alric thorn "

Inside the small room everyone was having a joyful moment except Alric he was confused earlier when he saw his mother he was sure she was a human but he had requested the angel that he wanted to become a half dragon and a half human in his next life so he thought his dad must be a dragon but no matter how much he looked at the man he was sure his father was a human inside and outside ' what the fuck does that mean I am a human a pure human and not a half dragon did the angel scam me then what about my overpowered skill did i get it or not how the hell do I check it shit fuck you fuck you you scammer '


In a small room Alric was laying down in bed helplessly and thinking about many things

' it's been a few weeks since I have been reincarnated I was able to gather information by observing my surroundings and hearing my parents talk to each other the first thing I found out was the name of the old woman her name is Anna she is like a doctor she helped my mother in labor but that doesn't mean I will forgive her for slapping my butt i can still feel the pain in my butt another thing I found out from my mother's bedtime stories is that our ancestor was a dragon she feels pretty proud about it but that doesn't mean I am a dragon so I will say it again fuck you fuck you you scammer '