
Demons Nursery

Fire ash and brimstone filled the air the screams of mortal souls being devoured and feasted on littered the entire hell floor of limbo the first and entrance of hell there on blood drenched floor were bones and flesh of multitudes of demons.

Zamastu awoke and saw this hellish scene and cold chill ran through his whole body what kind of fuc*** situation was this I was In my gaming pod and was booting up hell's ascent and it malfunctioned and killed me.

Seeing the havoc happening around he looked at his smooth pale bony body and he saw the floor littered with a multitude of demonic parts and piece of flesh he grabbed a rib bone and piece of a leg bone from a skeleton next to him and wrapped it multiple times in the flesh of demons skin and made a makeshift spiked club he looked all over and saw the nearest thing to him was two demons fighting each other very heavily.

A purple demon with black tail and horns on it head with purple eyes with gashes and holes punctured its stomach and leg the other demon was a big red one with half its arm on the floor and wounds and gashes all over its body it hooves for feet and red clawed hands the horns on its head was broken and red eyes they were locked in a deep blood feud struggle the tail of the purple demon was around the neck of the red demon and the red demon claws were embedded deep inside the purple demon chest.

Blood leaked out of them dyeing the floor red and purple from there blood soaking the grounds of fighting Zamastu looked around and study the area checking to see if he could carefully sneak by them without getting killed but there roars grew louder and they seemed entranced in a deadlock and a random idea popped into Zamastu mind what would happened if he killed these two demons would he level like in a game.

Zamastu pale a** snuck or weirdly moved across the floor he was just a bunch of bones so he moved closer to the purple demon and saw another demone with a tail next to them with his ribb cage bursted out and his long black tail sticking out he broke off the tail and attached it to the spiked end of his club and made a spear like off of alien vs predator and then he ran crazily right behind the purple demon and he remembered a scene off his favorite anime naruto.

Where naruto teacher stuck his finger in his a** and said a thousand years of death making him fly off to the other side he imagined the same thing as he ran and said the famous line thinking hell get the same reaction but instead as he stuck the sharp tail end up the purple demons ass a deep moan and scream came out and weird sound came out as Zamastu looked on the other side of the demon he saw the demon tail jet out of the purple demons ass into the red demons heart as they died in a weird demon kebab.

The ground shook and gigantic 10 ft tall demon with fire cascading his body appeared and alot of weaker demons and monsters souls instantly left them and disappeared inside the demon as stood a couple meter and watched the funny act of this weird skeleton who began making a weird spear from demon and skeleton parts using his intelligence was rare and would be good to have for a surbordinate so he decided to take him in and have him work for him.

Forgetting his own strength he sucked all the souls in around in a instantly with his gluttonous belly that streamlined it to his powerful muscle toned body he approached him and saw the little skeleton fall over and his eyes that gleamed with a soulful expression dimmed down and disappeared and the once tiny speck of aura left it he placed down on the floor like a toy that was ruined and opened up a rift and tossed all the remains of the demons in 100ft vicinity into the portal.

[Zamastu perspective]

Fuck yea you see that shit I'm a killing demon machine now where's my level up. Boom and weird lights floating is that the level up and what's that low rumbling and shadow started to eclipse the light around him and powerful muscle shadow eclipses his sight and he said a famous white chick line from one of his favorite comedy movies he said omg who turned off the lights.

Inside Zamastu mind he turned around his jaw dropped his big black guy who covered the sun was a big red muscled 10 foot hooved demon with immense power and aura covering his body.

the demons face looked like venoms off spiderman but more malicious and his eyes were a deep dark red and his horns were a deep red and he had two sets It was pretty impressive.

Suddenly a weird screen popped up in front of him system will be putting host into forced slumber for evolution erasing host soul energy

estimated time for completion 24 hours. Zamastu last scene was him being picked up and then throwed aside like garbage with the rest of the bodies that were thrown down and endless abyss welcomed and then river river of lava flowed along the edge.

Next to him were demonic eggs and shells everywhere and then inside his mechanical voice sounded and said finally the host can use the Demon Evolution Nanobot system first you Evolution well go through your primary evolution

[Skeleton] Evolve to [Zombie] lvl:1

[Zombie] Evolve to [Vampire] lvl:5

[Vampire] Evolve to [Low-level Demon] lvl:10

These are the preset evolution available

Zamastu body started to change red muscles started to envelope his body and then a foul green skin started to interlace with the muscle and then a scorching painful itch made his whole body hot and then a mist covered his body.
