
Paper Paper Fruit In One Piece

This is the story of an 'ordinary person' --Torkovich Roman who ate Paper Paper Fruit-- in the world of pirates, without any systems, cheats, or special bloodlines but plot twist identity in One Piece World. Warning : This story has a slow pace and makes changes in the One Piece world little by little, not suddenly, like when you suddenly slap the Four Emperors or kick the Five Elders. The major change would be after Summit War Arc. 2 Chapters / day This is a translation ======= You can read 30 advanced chapters at my patreon*com/YeyeQiu

Yeye_Qiu · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
149 Chs

Chapter 108: Forced Crime, Sky Island Trials.







What does this mean?

Is it that I, Roman, can't wield a sword anymore? Or have you three gotten too cocky again?

After checking that there were no turtles drawn on his face or notes stuck to his back, Roman could only conclude that Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper didn't have enough training, giving them the energy to fool around. — Originally, he planned to wait until their physical fitness improved before proceeding with the planned upgrade, but it seems they were already 'impatient'. Very well, very well~~

Usopp and Chopper felt a chill down their spines and quickly straightened up.

"Usopp is an idiot~!"

On the other side, as Luffy released the shell in his hand, it played back his own voice.

"Usopp is an idiot~!"

"What? Even the shell looks down on Usopp?"


"That's your own voice! It's what you just said."

"This is a 'Sound Dial' that can record sounds," explained a gentle blonde girl with twin braids, watching Usopp and Luffy play around. "We usually use it to play music."

This was an ordinary household by the sea of clouds, with the owner being a middle-aged man named Pagaya and his daughter Conis. — The girl explaining the various shells to the Straw Hat crew.

"Our Sky Island civilization is basically built on 'shells', with various applications of storage shells..."

Good stuff!

Roman immediately entered combat enhancement thinking mode. The shells of Sky Island were definitely convenient tools that could greatly enhance combat power.

For example, the 'Wind Shell' used by Sky Island warriors on their skateboards and shoes for quick movement; the 'Slash Shell' that could absorb and release slashing attacks; the 'Impact Shell' that could absorb impacts and release them later...

And except for the 'Cloud Shell' which could only be used in the White-White Sea, other shells could be used normally even in the Blue Sea below!

Especially certain shells, like the Jet Wind Shell: a type of Wind Shell that could emit stronger winds. It could be used for short-term acceleration and solo flight!

How strong and valuable is the ability to fly? Just ask the Devil Fruit users who fell into the water.

"Roman, you're thinking about... again."

Nami, beside him, covered her forehead speechlessly. She could tell that Roman was thinking about combat enhancement again, but:

"With you like this, I can't even relax and play with the 'Waver'~~"

"S Isn't that ridiculous Isn't that ridiculous that you can play something with in few minutes when others ten years to master?"

Usopp couldn't help but complain. Weren't we all supposed to be beginners together? It's no fun if you guys are all so strong...

"As for the Waver, let's take one back to play with. But before that—"

The powerful shells are mostly in the hands of the two factions on Sky Island: the priests led by God Enel and the Shandia warriors. Forget about the Shandia, we definitely need to get some from Enel's side...

"Roman, Roman! Snap out of it!"


"What were you guys talking about?"


"We were just talking about the god here and the holy land where he resides..." Nami whispered to Roman. "Look at Luffy, he's probably planning to sneak off to that holy land..."

"Be confident, remove the 'probably'."



Most of the day had already passed, and although the Straw Hat crew hadn't 'broken' any laws here under Roman's watchful eye, avoiding any trials, but—

Through the paper cranes Roman released, he observed a group of people with white berets crawling towards them. They were the 'White Berets', equivalent to the police here, and their purpose was clear:

Officials want the people to rebel, and the people have no choice but to rebel.

With a few random excuses, they could set a trap for the Straw Hat crew. —And with Luffy's personality, it wouldn't take much to provoke him into action. According to the laws here, that would be a dead end! They'd be sent to the holy land for judgment...


It's inevitable. Since arriving on Sky Island, Roman had been mentally prepared.

"Let's go, Luffy."


"It's getting late, let's head back to the Going Merry."


Just as Usopp was about to say something, Luffy stood up and dusted off his pants.

"Right, old man~~ Sorry for the trouble! We're leaving now."

"Huh? Dinner~"

"No, we'll eat on the ship."

As Luffy waved goodbye with a smile, the others also got up and left, leaving the middle-aged man and the blonde girl feeling awkward.

"No need to see us off~~~"

After walking a distance towards the beach, Luffy looked seriously at Roman.

"Roman, did you notice something?"

"A group of people is approaching us," Roman nodded towards the nearby woods. "Their goal is to lure... or rather force us to 'commit a crime', and then subject us to the island's laws for judgment..."

"So you had us leave to avoid implicating the old man's family?"

Luffy nodded seriously, then pointed speechlessly at the woods.

"But if you're talking about those weirdos—"

"You're underestimating us too much, aren't you?"


"Blue Sea people, that ship is yours, right?"

A group of soldiers in white berets, vests, and camouflage pants blocked Luffy and the others! The scar-faced leader righteously pointed at Luffy, Roman, and the others.


"And the sky fish tied to the ship, did you hunt it?"


"According to the 'Heaven's Judgment' law, you have committed the crime of 'hunting rare animals', a level 9 offense. Please accept your punishment—though it seems you intend to resist?"


There was nothing more to say. The other party was clearly looking for trouble, and the Straw Hat crew wasn't one to back down (except for sudden outbursts), so it was time for a real-life PK. The result?

These soldiers were unexpectedly 'weak'. Roman hadn't even decided whether to join in for an assist before Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji had already taken them down with a few punches and kicks!


However, the officer lying on the ground was not angry but laughed instead.

"Attacking the police 'White Beret Unit' is a serious offense."

"This is a Level 2 crime, and you will be subjected to the 'Trial of God'! You—"

"Alright, alright,"

Roman waved his hand to cut off the officer's rant, as he had already anticipated this outcome.

"We'll just go back to the ship. Whatever trial you have, just arrange it quickly~"


Not only were the White Beret police who had just been knocked down confused, but even the Straw Hat crew looked at each other in bewilderment. However, out of trust in Roman, everyone returned to the Going Merry, and then:

"Yes, I know you have questions. Let me explain everything."

Faced with the others, Roman had to release a lot of information in one go.

"Simply put, this Sky Island is very hostile to outsiders."

"This is actually quite normal, considering this place has the City of Gold, Shandora, and those who dare to come up to this altitude are mostly lawless pirates... We're not included, strictly speaking, our profession is more like 'adventurers'."

Blame it on that red-haired guy who brainwashed everyone! Turning a perfectly good Marine King into a cripple. Who knows what Luffy will think when he recalls Shanks losing his arm to the Sea King...

"In short, the police here will find excuses to force Blue Sea people—us—to break the law. Then they hand us over to the so-called priests for judgment."

"The priests are strong fighters under the god here. Whether they kill for fun or to set an example, we are now their targets."


Although Roman's explanation was simple and clear, everyone still found it hard to accept.

It was supposed to be a paradise-like Sky Island, with friendly old men and gentle blonde girls, but it turned out to be a place that deliberately lured people into committing crimes and then killed them. — It's a bit of a shattered fantasy~~

"Alright, explanation over. We'll just wait for the 'trial' obediently."

"Can't we escape first?"

Faced with Usopp's suggestion, Roman pointed his thumb behind him, "Ask those two."


Luffy's eyes were full of stars.


Nami's eyes turned golden.


Usopp, with tears streaming down his face, gave up.


At that moment, the ship beneath them shook violently, and a giant 'Super Express Shrimp' lifted the Going Merry on its head, grabbed it with its pincers, and sped off—

"Ahhh, quickly get rid of this giant shrimp~~~!!"

"Don't panic, it's just taking us to the trial site as a 'means of transportation'."









You can read 30 advanced chapters at my patreon.com/YeyeQiu