

I found myself in the school hallway wearing my pyjamas,I figured out that I was the only one there everywhere was dark,as I was moving forward I stepped on something,I tried to feel the creature,just when I was about to figure out what it was,the creature dragged me down to the ground and climbed on top of me trying to bite me with it's "God knows where teeth "before I knew what was happening,my alarm clock woke me up telling me that it was time to get dressed for school"oh my God!", I said to myself,"so this is all a dream,well I better get dressed up",I lazily got up from the bed and went to take a shower,I came into the room nude,when I realized that my lil bro kel was standing right in front of me,I quickly went back into the bathroom feeling embarrassed"kel, what are you doing in my room",I shouted out to him,"Steph,mum wants to see you downstairs"kel said "what for",I asked,"breakfast I guess",he answered,"ok I will be there in a jiffy"I said ,then he got out of my room,I got into my room and wore my clothes,I wore a mini dress with short heels and quickly rushed downstairs,there I saw my mom and my lil bro taking breakfast,"mum, prepared your favorite,faggot and milk",kel said,yeah he was totally right that was my favorite morning meal,I got down to the dinning table and ate breakfast, I bid my mum and brother goodbye and started heading down to school and after walking for about 15mins and stopped at worthing high school,in there everyone was tripping up and down,minding their businesses.

In school ,I wasn't popular,and I was sure to be a namby pamby type of person,I got into the school hallway and headed straight to my locker,I took out my textbooks and headed to class,"Gosh!Mrs hill again"I said in my mind ,Mrs hill was one of the most strict teacher in school and I hated her classes ,she teaches geography"Stephanie!"Mrs hill thundered ,that was when I realized that I was still standing in front of the class,I had completely been absent minded,I rushed and sat down on my seat,she began the day's lesson which was ever boring , before I knew it ,it was lunch break,I went over to the cafeteria and got cheese with clotted milk ,I went and sat alone on a table,I was still eating when someone approached me,I looked up and it was Celine,I hated her considering the fact that she was annoying and bossy ,always thinking that she was on top of the world"hi,what can I do for you?",I asked,"hi,what can I do for you ?"she mimicked me,"look here Stephanie I haven't come here to chit chat with you,I just came well you know to look for your trouble ",she said and at the same time she pushed down my snacks and went away,most of them poured on my cloth, everyone was laughing at me ,I shamelessly walked out of the cafeteria and rushed down to the ladies room and started washing off the dirt on my cloth, I looked at the mirror and found someone at my back with it's face dripping with blood,I didn't know what to do,the creature was so horrifying,then I turned but I didn't see anyone,I thought to myself that maybe I was just imagining things,I went back to washing off the stain on my cloth after that I came out of the ladies room, everywhere was parked with people ,I couldn't see clearly,just then I tapped someone who turned out to be Celine,she turned to me and started barking like a mad dog ,while asked ng why I had touched her,after which she left me ,I was still standing still with everyone looking at me,still wondering what was wrong with me I got to class and sat down on my seat, placing my head on the desk I started thinking about the whole scene that had took place,I recalled about the dream I had,what I saw in the ladies room and also what happened in the hallway,I couldn't give a dine of what it was all about,I was still resting my head on the locker when someone tapped me,I raised my head only for the person to say that school was over,I hissed and placed my head back,after a while I got up and went back home ,of course no one was around,I gently went up to my room,locked the door and lazily laid on my bed ,I looked up to the ceiling fan which was trying it's best to cool me down and at the same time I was still thinking about all that had happened,I was still lost in thought when I heard a knock on the door,I opened the door only to find my brother kel,his face was brimming with smiles,I liked it whenever he was in that mood he looked cute,"dad wants to see you downstairs "he said, "what! Dad is back,I hastily rushed downstairs,I saw dad with opened arms wide for me to hop In,I quickly embraced him,we two felled to the ground laughing,my mum came out of the kitchen and met the two of us on the floor "like you had missed him"she said jokingly "mum you know how much I had missed Dad",I said "that's my sweetheart I, knew very well that you two had missed me don't mind your mum"Dad said,"yeah dad,hop you got something for us,let me say like cheese burger"kel said, "kel, kel,when will you stop this your too much eating habit ,let dad rest first before asking him questions"mum said,"darling leave them,I got something for everyone",dad said ,"yeah!" I and kel shouted In chorus,after which dad gave us our gifts,we thanked him and went back to our various room leaving mom and dad,I got to my room and without wasting time I opened my gift,which was a dress ,I wore it and I looked sexually attractive in it ,I loved the dress, I packed even other thing, took my bath quickly went to sleep....