
Overturning Fate (~A Journey of a Lifetime~)

~~Personal Tags~~(currently on hiatus) #Weak_to_strong #Magic_world #Demi-human mc -------------------------------++------------------------------ A journey always started with a single step but as you step further and further never-ending tides will push against you, stopping and straying you from your path. Those who push against the tide with all of their might and will walk in the path of the strong. Those who played the tides and making it push you further with their mind and thought is the path of the wise. Only those who walked both paths will truly become a legend, walking a path they have taken with no regrets. Join Valin journey. A journey that will last for a lifetime yet most will never treads. "I shall overturn fate if it's against me." -------------------------------++--------------------------------- Hello, the author here. this is technically my first real novel. I'm not a native in English (but I'm quite great at it) and I'm using Grammarly keyboard and whatever knowledge of English I have to type in my phone lol. I'm editing this my self+grammarly so don't expect a truly high-quality novel (also because writing novel mobile is 10x harder than on a computer) but at least try reading before anyone judges me lol. P.s. if you like what you see pls support this novel by giving comments, rating, review, and power stones. , the most important thing is for you guys to enjoy~. Novel cover copyright is not my own pls comment on my latest chapter if you(owner of the picture) want to take it down.

ExodusGaming555 · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

The start of everything

---------------3rd POV--------------

Monday,10th February 2020

It's a normal day in a prestigious senior high school. The teachers there were teaching their students enthusiastically, while the students are doing their own stuff quietly.

While time moves on, it seems that there is a student sleeping in one of the class. It seems like he has panda eyes from either having not enough sleep or by some whatever things that may happen to this poor and exhausted student yesterday.

As the student enjoys his sleep, it seems like fate and luck is not on his side as the teacher who is teaching in front have seemed to notice this naughty student.

the teacher is a mature woman named Fiona who is about 30 years old in age but magically her looks are still in her 20's. She has purple hair and eyes. She is an English teacher with 170 cm tall in height and a body that will make boys drool like crazy. She was their homeroom teacher.

As she slowly walks toward the sleeping student, it seems like the whole class goes silent in an instant.

With a dictionary on hand, she slowly raises the book after nearing that student's desk. And suddenly...


As the sound of the dictionary slams with the student table echo throughout the classroom. Valin, the student who's table get slammed so hard gets a rude awakening.

"AAHHHHH!!!!!! Who's there? Don't you dare come near me. I know martial arts and I'm not afraid to use it," as he said, in half sleep state with hands performing kung-fu stances on the air.

The whole class erupted into laughter while Valin unaware of what he had just done.

"Valin you troublemaker, you're going to meet me in the teacher's office after school ends," said the teacher as her eyes glare deep into Valin's eyes, invoking fear into Valin's heart.

After a while, the teacher returns to the front of the class to continue her teaching.

Valin is a Chinese-American decent with red hair and golden eyes. He has quite a handsome look that was ruined by his stiff like hair and his natural deposition that reeks trouble. He is 1,8 m tall, with a skinny body yet it seems like it compacts quite a muscle that makes you wonder if he does some workout or maybe some martial arts.

Not long after he managed to collect himself, Valin glares to his deskmate beside him with a gaze deep with resentment and anger.

Valin deskmate is an American descent with chocolate brown hair and black eyes. He is what everyone would call a fatty with a body height of 170 cm with 95kg in weight.

While Valin's deskmate seems to be extremely focused on the teaching in the front as if something very interesting is happening.

"Pandu you fcking b*stard"

Pandu who seem to finish whatever he was

observing, finally answer.


Valin answers "You..... I thought I've asked you to wake me up as soon as the tigress notice me sleeping!!!!!!! "

"Well... It seemed like you're enjoying it so much that it'll be a waste to simply wake you up you know," Pandu countered.

"Well well well it seems like I've been too soft to you for quite a while my cute fatty lamb hehehehehe...." said valin with a mischievous gaze and a strange expression.

Pandu then feels the goosebumps all over his body. Hastily he said "Oh come on man, you sounded like a perverted old man. Why only you can troll others while I can't troll you back huh?'

"You dare to betray the trust of I the great trickster?" Valin then keeps gaze into Pandu's eyes with his calculative golden eyes that Pandu started to feel as if Valin gazed into his soul with that golden eyes of his, it's even more menacing then usual because of the panda eyes.

Pandu gets even scared by valin incoherent mumblings that may or may not be dangerous for him. Reluctantly Pandu asks forgiveness to him.

"I kowtow to the grandmaster please forgive me," said Pandu with fake crocodile tears, with a playful tone, and a tint of sarcasm

"Why can I feel the sarcasm in your tone huh you punk?"Valin keeps gazing into Pandu eyes deeper and deeper that Pandu started fears for his own well being as he knows Valin self-titled trickster is not a joke Pandu would bet that if Valin is just joking with him.

Pandu gives up"okay-okay I'm sorry for real. How about this ill pay you lunch money for today"

"Hahahahaha now that's my boy. Why didn't you just give up a long time ago?" Said Valin happily.

At last Pandu have to give some sacrifice to Valin for his well being but after thinking Valin's demise by that tigress make him thinks that the sacrifice is worth it.

--------------Valin POV--------------


After I heard the school bell ring, I feel dread rose up within me. That's to indicate the end of the school. The school usually end at 4 p.m. sharp.

While others go straight to home, I'll have to meet the tigress that I offend this morning. I cursed inside as I organize my books inside my bag.

After that, I glared one last time to Pandu, this traitor and slowly get out of the class to meet miss Fiona that tigress.

Why does she always targets me out of all the people in the class I wonder?

But hey at least I get free lunch from Pandu that traitorous fatty today (got to save money you know.).

I wonder how should I prank him? Humm... I swear I'll feed him food mixed with laxative, later on, at least he will lose some fat because of that fufufu. But first I've got a tigress to tame.

As I neared the teacher office, I can feel the oppressive aura it emitted after the countless culmination of students fears and teachers anger.

I started to feel the oppression just by nearing it. But after many times going here I've created some sort of resistance to it, but its still god damn scary.

If I were, to be honest, the 2nd most visited the place by me in this school is the teacher room.

Preparing my heart, mind, and body for this moment, I entered the teacher's room.

~Authors here~

hope you enjoy the chapter.

I'll try to get at least 1000 word every chapter.

pls comment if there are some ideas you want to propose or if there are any mistakes I make to make this an even better novel

(I've finished editing some things in this chapter that I find too descriptive)


ExodusGaming555creators' thoughts