
Overturning Fate (~A Journey of a Lifetime~)

~~Personal Tags~~(currently on hiatus) #Weak_to_strong #Magic_world #Demi-human mc -------------------------------++------------------------------ A journey always started with a single step but as you step further and further never-ending tides will push against you, stopping and straying you from your path. Those who push against the tide with all of their might and will walk in the path of the strong. Those who played the tides and making it push you further with their mind and thought is the path of the wise. Only those who walked both paths will truly become a legend, walking a path they have taken with no regrets. Join Valin journey. A journey that will last for a lifetime yet most will never treads. "I shall overturn fate if it's against me." -------------------------------++--------------------------------- Hello, the author here. this is technically my first real novel. I'm not a native in English (but I'm quite great at it) and I'm using Grammarly keyboard and whatever knowledge of English I have to type in my phone lol. I'm editing this my self+grammarly so don't expect a truly high-quality novel (also because writing novel mobile is 10x harder than on a computer) but at least try reading before anyone judges me lol. P.s. if you like what you see pls support this novel by giving comments, rating, review, and power stones. , the most important thing is for you guys to enjoy~. Novel cover copyright is not my own pls comment on my latest chapter if you(owner of the picture) want to take it down.

ExodusGaming555 · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

The Eccentric Overseer(Unedited)

After hearing Zach declaration Howard get scared for Valin safety. He knows what will happen in the ceremony and although Valin safety is assured still he couldn't help but worry.

He looks silently at Valin and then he brings Valin to a quiet place. Howard then kneels to the ground, positioning himself to the same height level as Valin. Howard then holds both Valin arms.

"Valin we need to talk about something," said Howard with a sharp gaze.

Valin could only nod at his father. His aura was quite different then what he used to up till now. There's a sense of weakness yet also valiant at the same time.

"Valin, you know when I first see you in the cradle of your mom, I.. We were overjoyed as we receive the greatest gift any parent could have.

Howard halted for a while reminiscing the past and then with a heavy sigh continued "We see a spark within you Valin. It's so bright, unlike anything I've ever seen before that inevitably, the darkness will come to taint it.

Howard then grips Valin arm a bit tightly "You Valin was our son. Your never-ending curiosity and perseverance are just like ours. Among our family, no one is as bright as you."

"Whatever you choose to do, it will always be great as we know you more than what we knew about ourself."

"Remember Valin whatever happens, stay true of yourself," said Howard with a red glistening eye.

Valin was shocked seeing this side of his father. This scene was etched deeply inside Valin mind. His word echoes throughout his soul as Valin solemnly vow that he will always stay true of himself.

Howard the wipes his tear-off and then return Valin to the tend, waiting for the overseer to come.

after a while, a loud thumping noise can be heard. It came from an old man with silverish fur. Although it was an old man, his body was packed with muscles that were unlike his appearance and a metal-coated eye patch on his left eye.

Beside him stood a woman with grey-white fur. She looked very ethereal withe her beauty and demeanor.

As they both arrive the entire tent went quiet as the parents were calming their kids and ordering them to behave. They then head out of the tend, waiting outside for them.

Most parents have clear reverence in their eyes towards both of them.

Almost all the children were confused just who is disturbing their playtime while Zach sons clearly know who are they as they don't appear to be confused by it while Valin put one and one together and concluded that they were the overseer.

As they both stand on top of the podium in the tent, the old man started to speak.

"What do we have here? Scrubs that need some attention?" said the old man in a pirate-ish kind of tone as he looked at the kids with a grin.

"Well let's cut the chase, shall we? The names Archy and I'm your 'babysitter' during your stellar ceremony" said the old man

"Why did you come here, old man? Trying imitate a pirate?" interrupted one of the kid as he was curious.

"You kid come here," Archy ordered

The kid the complied although unwillingly and walked toward Archy.

When the kid arrives, Archy started to lower his body a bit and looked the kid in the eye with a glare.

The kid was started to get terrified as the intense gaze was locking to him.

"You know kid, try living for a few years on the Aporion sea with some good old 'pirates' and you may not live as long as me. Har har har har. Said the Archy as the metal cover of his eye patch started to burn with darkish red flame, forming a skull logo and his some of his body burns with the dark red flames while emitting faint killing intent.

Although faint, to the kids it was the most terrifying thing they ever saw or feel. Some kids started to cry, run toward their parents, fall to the floor, or stood terrified. The kid in front of Archy cries in tears so hard that he even wet his pants. Archy just laughs looking at the chaotic scene.

As the situation is getting out of hand, suddenly a soothing voice echoes throughout the tend. Stopping them in their tracks and even calms them.

"Dad why must you do this every time?" The lady asked Archy.

"Har har har. Come one Dehlia, t's just so fun to see those shrubs to get terrified like this. It never gets old." answer Archy

Archy continued with a grumble "Besides we can see clearly who is worth our time to do the ceremony. Why can't the others just get the "soak" treatment as it will produce a faster result?"

"You know that's only possible if they failed. Just give them a chance dad," said Dehlia as suddenly most envelops the kids cleaning them from tears, sweat, dirt, and piss.

"*Sigh* I just feel it was a waste as only occasionally some kids have success in their ceremony. I could have wasted my time enjoying my olden days with these old bones of mine."

"Well let's continue dad," said Delphine

"*Cough* well after that little episode lets continue. During the ceremony, we will only watch you guys from the far as we will be involved if mortal danger almost arrive or you get unconscious." Archy said, giving them a bit of time to process the information.

"I hope you all succeed in the ceremony," said Delphine as her voice mesmerized the kids.


"Well, what do you know it's time you scrubs. I hope you all are prepared," said Archy

"Good luck little ones," said Delphine as cloud once again shroud the kids, raising them to the skies as both overseer in the lead.

The parents on the ground looked at their child flying through the skies, worried and hopeful for their safety and success.

Meanwhile, Zach just smirked at the thought of the surprise that Howard will receive as he was thinking how bad Valin will get injured.

chapter 5 of 5 for last weeks chapter

ExodusGaming555creators' thoughts