
Overturning Fate (~A Journey of a Lifetime~)

~~Personal Tags~~(currently on hiatus) #Weak_to_strong #Magic_world #Demi-human mc -------------------------------++------------------------------ A journey always started with a single step but as you step further and further never-ending tides will push against you, stopping and straying you from your path. Those who push against the tide with all of their might and will walk in the path of the strong. Those who played the tides and making it push you further with their mind and thought is the path of the wise. Only those who walked both paths will truly become a legend, walking a path they have taken with no regrets. Join Valin journey. A journey that will last for a lifetime yet most will never treads. "I shall overturn fate if it's against me." -------------------------------++--------------------------------- Hello, the author here. this is technically my first real novel. I'm not a native in English (but I'm quite great at it) and I'm using Grammarly keyboard and whatever knowledge of English I have to type in my phone lol. I'm editing this my self+grammarly so don't expect a truly high-quality novel (also because writing novel mobile is 10x harder than on a computer) but at least try reading before anyone judges me lol. P.s. if you like what you see pls support this novel by giving comments, rating, review, and power stones. , the most important thing is for you guys to enjoy~. Novel cover copyright is not my own pls comment on my latest chapter if you(owner of the picture) want to take it down.

ExodusGaming555 · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

The big changes(Unedited)

The air is cold as the sun has set. A full moon rises from the horizon, bringing some light to the forest at night.

The forest seems to be more active than the day as sound of beasts occasionally can be heard.

Some mist formed because of the cold air, making the forest even creepier during the night.

Valin, who has been knocked unconscious for quite some time has finally awoken.

As he woke up, he feels the cold air that he started to shiver. A large amount of fog was created as he breathes out the air in his lungs. He also feels his body so weak due to the berserk effect.

'So cold' Valin thought as the smell of dry blood oozes out from his body. The surrounding is quite dark but thankfully some of the moonlight enters the cave through the thick vines.

As the blood smell nauseating, he then summoned the water canteen and then use the water inside it to rinse away the blood from his body.

He then proceeds to take off his pants and then tried to wash it clean by pouring water from the pond. As he touches the water trying to fill the water canteen, he feels that water feels Freezing, It's so cold that some ice formed on top of it.

Valin the accidentally see his head reflected by the water. In his shock, he sees his hair gets longer and it's color become white while the tips of his hair are red.

Valin then proceeds to check his body. He became around 2 meters tall. Feeling the hard and compact muscles on his body make him extremely shocked(although it still feels somewhat weird to the feeling of weakness he has).

"How????" Valin accidentally talk aloud what's on his mind

Valin then sees the nonstop notification blinking on the edge of his vision.

He keeps his pants into inventory and then proceeds to check the notification. A flurry of text then show up.


[Congratulation user you've killed lv.20 'Variant' Frost Falcon(juvenile)]

[congratulation user, your title 'achieve the unimagined' upgrades to 'achieve the impossible' ]

Achieve the Impossible

: Killing an enemy 15 lvl higher than you. Gain +25% to all basic stat and +10% XP and money gained when fighting at least 5 lvl higher than you. (gained 5 P.P and 8 S.P)

[For killing a variant monster gain 50% more XP and money]

[for killing monster higher then you, you gain bonus percentage equal to the difference to your lvl and the enemy lvl to XP and money]

[you gained 4 Frost falcon talons, 1 frost falcon jacket, 1 frost falcon feather, 1 frost falcon meat.]

[you gained 22 XP(17+15%+10%) and 43 G(34+15%+10%)]

[your skill parkour has become Lv.2, gain 5 X.P]

[you've to gain staff mastery and dagger mastery lv1, gain 10 xp]

[Congratulations your now lv.3 (19/90(100-10%), gain 10 stat(5x2)]

[*Ding* You have eaten the origin peach of awakening.]

[Awakening your bloodline]


[Congratulation user you've awakened the spiritual stone monkey bloodline.]

[For already having indomitable will(max) refunding 5 P.P, replacing deep comprehension lvl to the max.]

[*Ding* your rest became lv.2 gain 5 XP]

"What?? Why the XP gain is so little and what the f*ck happens while I'm unconscious?" Valin muttered while he was agitated

Checking the log carefully, he manages to almost understand everything.' What the heck is this bloodline thing? a spiritual stone monkey to boot.' Valin grit his teeth in anger.

He then checks his back to see if there is a tail or not, but thankfully there's none. "At least I don't have a tail to hide, now to see what I've gained by this ridiculous bloodline."

Spiritual Stone Monkey

: You have gained the bloodline of a legend who recks heavens in his anger.

Gets the skill: Monkey beast form, Stone body, and Mind eye.

Get the spell: Myriad transformation and Body clone

Get the perk: Deep comprehension(max) and indomitable will(max)

"At last my first spell. But this benefit setup and bloodline description. where do I've heard this....." Valin as if he remembers the bloodline origin was shocked "Sun Wukong!!!" he then hurriedly open the skill descriptions.

Monkey beast change lv.1

: passively gives you +10%(10% x skill lvl) to all basic stat. activate this skill and you will change to your monkey form while doubles the passive effect. Active duration: 6 hours

(6 h x skill lvl)

Stone body lv.1

: your body is as hard as stone. decrease all damage receive by 5% [(10% x skill lvl) - 5%]

Mind eye lv.1

: You can receive all with your mind,

give +10% (10 x skill lvl) to PRC

Myriad transformation Lv.1

: Change into something else entirely. you can change into anything as big as 1 m³ (1 x spell lvl)

cost: 10 MP/second

Body clone lv.1

: make a clone that has the same stat, skill, and spells(except this spell) as much as 1(1x spell lvl). (clone and user mind are linked)

cost: each clone use 55 MP/minute

[60-(5 x skill lvl)]

As he was overjoyed by the almighty present he received, the whole forest started to grow a quiet as a large amount of frost started to cover the whole place.

A screeching sound can be heard from the sky. Sticking this phenomenon and the thing he did during the day cause him to go pale.

'Sh1t, it's parent has come.'

~------~ status ~------~

Name: Valin (PP): 20

Race: Human (SP): 9

Age: 15 Money: 50 G

Bloodline:Spiritual Stone Monkey



-**** summoning

-Ultimate Perk Hoarder

-Achieve the Impossible

(lvl):3 (EXP:19/90,[100-10%])

(HP): 150/150, Regen: 1/minute

(MP): 120/120, Regen: 1,2/minute

(STA): 75/75, Regen : 5/minute

(SPD):15 m/s (DEF): 2

(STR): 15 (VIT): 10

(END): 10 (AGL): 15

(DEX): 15 (INT): 12(10+2)

(CHA):8 (WIS): 12(10+2)

(PRC): 12

Unused stat point: 10


- Indomitable Will(max)

-Deep comprehension(max)

- All basic element affinity (max)

- Inventory(max)(sealed)

- Auto loot(max)

- Double stat gain(max)


- Monkey beast Change:Lv.1[0/180(200-10%)]

- Fist combat art: lvl 2 (25/270[300-10%])

-Staff mastery:Lv.1[0/180(200-10%)

-Dagger mastery:Lv.1[0/180(200-10%)

- Negotiations: lvl 3 (90/360[400-10%])

- Stealth: lvl 2 (50/270[300-10%])

- Charge: lvl 1 (35/180[200-10℅])

- Dash: lvl 1 (25/180[200-10%])

- Rest: lvl 3 (155/270[300-10%])

- Parkour: lvl 2 [10/270(300-10%)]

- Berserk: lvl 1 [100/180(200-10%)

-Mind eye: Lv.1 [0/180(200-10%)]

-Stone Body: Lv.1 [0/180(200-10%)]


-Myriad Transformation: Lv.1[0/180(200-10%)]

-Body Double: Lv.1 [0/180(200-10%)]

~Author here~

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