
Overturning Fate (~A Journey of a Lifetime~)

~~Personal Tags~~(currently on hiatus) #Weak_to_strong #Magic_world #Demi-human mc -------------------------------++------------------------------ A journey always started with a single step but as you step further and further never-ending tides will push against you, stopping and straying you from your path. Those who push against the tide with all of their might and will walk in the path of the strong. Those who played the tides and making it push you further with their mind and thought is the path of the wise. Only those who walked both paths will truly become a legend, walking a path they have taken with no regrets. Join Valin journey. A journey that will last for a lifetime yet most will never treads. "I shall overturn fate if it's against me." -------------------------------++--------------------------------- Hello, the author here. this is technically my first real novel. I'm not a native in English (but I'm quite great at it) and I'm using Grammarly keyboard and whatever knowledge of English I have to type in my phone lol. I'm editing this my self+grammarly so don't expect a truly high-quality novel (also because writing novel mobile is 10x harder than on a computer) but at least try reading before anyone judges me lol. P.s. if you like what you see pls support this novel by giving comments, rating, review, and power stones. , the most important thing is for you guys to enjoy~. Novel cover copyright is not my own pls comment on my latest chapter if you(owner of the picture) want to take it down.

ExodusGaming555 · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Opening the world shop(edited)

"Now it's time to truly see what the world store is all about." Mutters Valin as he called the world shop.

~--~World Shop~--~

• Items

• Perks

• Skills

• Roulette

(note: you can't read all skill, all perk, and most items description until you've bought it)

'Hmm... Let's just see from top to bottom huh.' Valin thought.







'It's like what I've imagined but why we can't read the description is there some kind of luck in place here? It's mildly infuriating for unable to read descriptions.

Well, let's see what's inside the weapon category because I truly need them right now.'



-Excalibur(L) 10Billion(B) G, 20P.P, 30S.P

-Aegis Shield(L) 15B. G, 23P.P, 35S.P

-7 Fate-weaver Needles(L) 5B. G, 15P.P, 20S.P

-Nirvanic Furnace(L) 8B. G, 20P.P, 25S.P

-Enkidu, heavens chain(L) 20B G, 25P.P, 40S.P


A long list of items shows up in front of Valin.

'Damn it's endless and very expensive. It also takes some P.P and S.P too. Is there a way to filter those items? And what is the (L) logo means?'

Valin then tried to focus on the (L) logo and sure enough, the system answered


#Item Ranks:

•C: common

•U: uncommon

•R: rare

•E: epic

•L: legendary

•M: mythical

•T: transcends

[note: (M) and (T) rarity are not purchasable]

'So that's why they are so expensive. But why does legendary weapons from earth's myth exist here? How about I think about the ranks, will it filter it? Let's try it. Common'


-Iron Dagger(C) 10 G (90% off, offer ends in 1 day)

-Iron Bo staff(C) 200 G (50% off offer ends in 1 day)

-Iron Sickle(C) 150 G

-Bronze Axe(C)80 G

-Iron War Axe(C) 400 G

-Bronze Sword(C) 100 G


'So It is cheaper and also doesn't need any P.P and S.P huh? There's even a discount offer. I tried to filter it but it's still hard. It seems like the shop can filter via the price range or even just purchasable things.'

'But still, I'm broke so I can't buy anything in the item's and maybe the roulette category even if I want to. Let's try perks.'


-Double stat gain(max) 10 P.P (95% off, offer ends in 1 day)

-Mana reactor heart(max) 20 P.P (60% off, offer ends in 2 months)

-Efficient Heart(max) 25 P.P (75% off, offer ends 3 months)

-Light affinity (lv.1) 3 P.P

-Dark affinity(lv.1) 3 P.P

-Deep Comprehension(lv.2) 5.P.P

- Auto Loot(max) 5 P.P


'The heck the perk shop has limited time offers too? Well, it's not surprising for a shop to have limited time discount offers like this but to think a perk shop has one.... (you know perk is too op)'

' After checking for a while it seems like you can scroll the perks lvl you wanted to buy but some of them are only available in max lvl setting like the auto loot and limited time discount offer perks lvl are not adjustable.'


-Rest(S) 20 S.P and 1 P.P (sell for a limited time only for 1 day)

-Mana manipulation 5 S.P

-Analyse(S) 5 S.P

-Night vision 3 S.P

-Farsight 3 S.P

-Berserk 5 S.P

-Parkour 3 S.P




(note: some skill can only show up when a limited time sale start and the skill may cost P.P too. You can only buy lv.1 skills.)

'So some skill needed a limited sale offer to show up and may cost P.P too. Plus what is the S at the sides of some skill? Also what is convert?' Valin then focused both of them.


#(S)=skills that can only be gained by buying it on the store.

#Convert= 1 S.P into 20 skill X.P

'So you can't buy the higher level skill in the shop. Do it indirectly encourages you to waste S.P into Skill XP. The only way to level up skills other than wasting those S.P is by grinding huh?'

"Well, I've decided that I'll at least buy the double stat gain perk as its crucial for me right now(at least according to its name). I also want that auto loot function that maybe for inventory. As for skill... I'm intrigued about the limited time skill so I'll save S.P until I get it first (even though I really want the analyse skill)." mutters Valin.

'Buy double stat gain(max) perk' Valin orders in his mind.

[*Ding* Are you sure you want to buy the double stat gain(max) perk?]


[Congratulation user, you successfully purchase double stat gain(max) perk.]

[*Ding* congratulation user you gain the title (Maniacal Perk Hoarder), gain 100 G]

[*Ding* Thanks for buying from the world shop]

"WTF, status" Valin astonished, hurriedly called his status panel to see its change.

-Maniacal Perk hoarder

: Only a genius, a maniac, and a truly lucky one can have 5 perks before lv.5.(gained 4 P.P and 4S.P)

-Double stat gain(max)

: From now on you'll gain double the stat from

[*Ding* currently you have 100 G, 7 P.P, and 17 S.P]

[Current SMP:27/50]

"Sh*t is this new title mocking me? I can't be that lucky can't I? But at least I'm right about the new perk. Now I just need to level up. Also, it seems like I regain some of my stamina and a few golds to my empty wallet. And seeing I have more P.P, why don't I buy auto loot perk and see what happens."

'Buy Auto loot perk.'

[*Ding* Confirm your purchase?]


[Congratulation user, you successfully purchase Auto Loot perk]

[*Ding* congratulation user, your title (Maniacal Perk Hoarder) upgrades into (Ultimate Perk Hoarder), gains 250 G]

"The f*ck it's really trolling me. But why can't it skip the confirmation text jeez? let's see what the new effect now."

[*Ding* after this we will not ask confirmation when you buy things unless you activate the function again]

Ultimate Perk Hoarder

: Only a being so capable and lucky would be able to gain 5 stat at the max level before lvl 5. 10% Discount to perk store that has cost higher than 9 P.P (gain 5 P.P and 5 S.P)

Auto loot(max)

: all loot from non-sentient monster killed by user enters the user inventory

[*Ding* currently you have 300 G, 7 P.P, and 22 S.P]


"Well, am I really that lucky??? So why all this time problems always follow me in that life." Valin mutters.

"Now after resting for a while, my stamina is almost full. Now how should I left this place?"

Valin with his new understanding of his stats tried to perceive the wolves down there. He feels there is 5 wolfs just laying on the ground down there.

He then peeks through and sees the black wolf lying in the middle of the pack while 2 grey wolves are patrolling a bit far from the group. 'If I buy a big boulder and drop it to them... Would it work?'

Liking his "ingenious" idea, he then quickly confirm the price of a big boulder and luckily the boulder size can be controlled.

'So this is what it meant by most of the items description is not readable. Some of them like the boulder was adjustable. It's 100 G for a 6-meters wide boulder. Also, it's enough to buy the 200 G iron bo staff even though I want a sword...'

Valin resolutely thought 'Purchase iron bo staff and big boulder'


[Congratulation user, you successfully purchase Iron bo staff and big boulder]

[Current Money=0 G]

[User please step back a little as the boulder needed a wide space of area to be summoned.]

As soon as he moves back, suddenly an iron bo staff show up in Valin's hand it was 2cm wide and 7 foot tall. In front of him, a big round boulder 6-meter wide in diameter show up.

Valin then slowly pushed the boulder toward outside the cliff, hoping the wolfs don't notice him. The boulder then started to fall toward the wolves pack.

After almost reaching them the black wolf as if feeling the danger tried to stand up and escape. But before it could, The boulder smashes them into bits and pieces as it also shatters into big chunks of rock.


[You've killed 4 (lv.5) grey wolfs and 1 lv.10 black wolf]

[Congratulations user, you get a new title (Achieve the hard)]

Achieve the hard

: Kill an enemy at least 5 lvl higher than you.

(gain 1 P.P and 2 S.P)

[Congratulation user, your title (Achieve the hard) upgrades to (achieve the unimagined)]

Achieve the unimagined

: killing an enemy 10 lvl higher than you. Gain 20% to all stat when fighting against enemy 5 lvl higher than you.

(gained 3 P.P and 5 S.P)

[for killing much higher lvl beast alone gain more exp and money according to the difference as percentage boost]

[you gained a total of 4 grey wolf raw meat, 1 black wolf raw meat, 2 grey wolf fang, 2 grey wolf claw, 1 black wolf fang, 1 black wolf claw, 1 black wolf skin]

[Gain 64 XP ((10 x 4)+5% + (20+10%)], and 37 G ((5x4)+5% +(15+10%)]

[*Ding* Congratulation user, you're now lv.1, XP needed to lv.2= 27(30-10%)]

[Gained 10(5x2) stat)

[*Ding* Congratulation user, you're now lv.2, XP needed to lv.3= 54(60-10%)]

[Gained 10(5x2) stat and 1 S.P)

[Current XP: 31/54, currently you have 23 S.P, 35G, 20 unused stat.]

[Congratulation your Inventory is unsealed. current space= 20 slots, Auto loot activated.]


~-----~ status ~------~

Name: Valin Perks point(PP): 11

Race: Human Skill point(SP): 30

Age: 15 Money: 37 G

Bloodline:?????? (sealed)



-**** summoning

-Ultimate Perk Hoarder

-Achieve the unimagined

(lvl):2 (EXP:35/54,[60-10%])

(HP): 100/100, Regen: 1/minute

(MP): 120/120, Regen: 1,2/minute

(STA): 37/50, Regen : 5/minute

(SPD):10 m/s (DEF): 2

(STR): 10 (VIT): 10

(END): 10 (AGL): 10

(DEX): 10 (INT): 12(10+2)

(CHA):8 (WIS): 12(10+2)

(PRC): 12

Unused stat point: 20


- Indomitable Will(max)

-Deep comprehension(lvl 1)

- All basic element affinity (max)

- Inventory(max)

-Auto loot(max)

-Double stat gain(max)


-fist combat art: lvl 2 (13/270[300-10%])

-Negotiations: lvl 3(90/360[400-10%])

-stealth: lvl 2(1/270[300-10%])

-charge lvl 1(35/180[200-10℅])

-dash lvl 1 (25/180[200-10%])

spells: -none-

~Author here~

Today I'm making 1800 word chapter

also gonna edit something that may confuse other people if I'm not fixing it soon

oh yeah tell me whether or not to post Valin status in the end of every chapter

Rate, Review, and comment pls


ExodusGaming555creators' thoughts