
The War of Girls and Thrones.

"[Power Nap Hot Sauce Explosion!]" The princess on the table ignited as a large circle of destruction seemed to spread out and destroy everything that was around her.


All the guards around her instantly melted away.

Countless screams echoed through the chamber, as a very tired woman in a red dress awoke in a weird situation.

She was sure she was inside the belly of that nice fat man who ate her.

Wait, she just got a ton of experience. All, right now, seemed right with the world.


Lie Wei Ying gulped as a few bodies flew towards him. For some odd reason, he couldn't move. The King seemed to have trapped him in some sort of weird space.

Yu Yan had opened her eyes, and saw a familiar boy being held in the hands of a big old geezer. She instantly felt enraged when she saw that site. That boy had tried very hard to save her, and he'd probably saved her again without her needing to be saved. Even worse than that, he had kiss marks all over his face including on the side of his lips. Did some other girl steal his first kiss? This meant war!

"So, you're not going to tell me eh?" The King tried to thrust the knife into Lie Wei Ying's back. However, he was at level nine in the purple infinity stage. This also meant that his God's constitution had leveled up to level 9!

What did it mean when your god's constitution was at level 9?

Lie Wei Ying's body, at this point, was glowing with a bright splendor. It normally wouldn't glow, but now that his body was in peril it was glowing. The constitution of the gods was almost like cultivating the body.

There were two ways to cultivate, through the body, and through the soul. Lie Wei Ying had obviously, like most others had chosen to cultivate his soul. Physical paths were usually much harder and took longer. In fact, the only good side of it was your defense. People who cultivated their bodies to a high level were nigh impossible to kill unless you were a rank higher than them.

Lie Wei Ying, on the other hand, was three ranks away from the king. However, his body was already up to the 9th and last level of the constitution of the gods. And, let's not forget, he was completely and utterly overpowered!

The king was also strong, in fact, that he didn't even use half his power when the blade broke. He looked down and gasped. This blade was a gift from his mom!


Yu Yan instantly accelerated. Since the last time they had met she had reached the earth god stage. Now, even if the Great Horandia ate her, she'd be able to kill him with her exquisite taste.

The princess, stared at her father in confusion, and then turned around and saw a lady pass by. Her dress flailed in the wind, and she saw her legs. They were so beautiful, and it was so unfair. She was clearly taller than her! She was already worried that he would like her more!

"Clang, Clang, Clang."

Lie Wei Ying was tossed to the side as the mighty emperor used a broken blade to fight Yu Yan.

They stared at each other as they fought.

Lie Wei Ying crashed into the floor as the system reveled in his past boss men. It was at this point he realized he was no longer worried about Lie Wei Ying dying. Indeed, he would be in here for a while. He was even thinking of building a home in this blank space. No longer would it be blank!


Lie Wei Ying pulled out his blades, as a few guards instantly surrounded him. He looked back at Yu Yan who was tussling with the king.

Unfortunately, she had on one of those disguises again and he couldn't tell it was her at first. He was now, however, extremely sure that if he ever got the chance, he would marry her in a heartbeat. She could look like anything he wanted and taste good. These men all had to die now!


"You've killed the royal captain of the Zuo Holy Knights. Exp x 32."

"No experience acquired because of imminent tribulation. 4 hours and 32 minutes till tribulation."

"You've killed twenty of the royal guards. You would have gotten ten quadrillion experience."


Yu Yan and the mighty king clashed blades as his dear daughter screamed.

"Stop hurting my dad!"

She shot up in the air and pulled out a blade. Yu Yan turned around at her and prepared to slap her back into the ground. If she took care of her now, Lie Wei Ying wouldn't have to worry about her kissing him anymore. Hmph, better she hit her hard now than regret it later.

Yu Yan's hand seemed to spread out as multiple images chased after the girl approaching.

Poor Princess Ying Yue would die if those touched her. Her dad was smiling, and at that moment she figured everything out.

Her dad had always been wary of her for some reason. She, indeed, grew powerful fast and her power was already nearing the edge of the nascent realm.

In kingdoms like these there was really no need for heirs, and daughters and sons were looked upon as trophies until they were too powerful. They were like reminders of all the good times you had, but you didn't want them to surpass you, or you might lose all the stuff you had. Wait this king was just a sick man and was a rare exception. It would be horrible if everyone was like that!

He was just jealous of his daughter, and very happy she was about to die.


Lie Wei Ying instantly appeared in front of Yu Yan's Domain, and took the brunt of the blast. It caused Yu Yan to get distracted, for a single moment, and that was more than enough time for the immortal in front of her to smash her towards the ground.


Yu Yan's blood shot up in the air like a fountain. Her perfectly good power naps usually didn't end like this. She, once more, returned to her usual form. She had passed out.

Ying Yue stood shaking in her boots as she held her sword out at her father. "Dad, please he saved me, you can't hurt someone who saved your precious daughter."

The king walked towards her and sighed. "Silly daughter, why would I've wanted him to save you? I sold you to those dear demons to save my position of power. Why would I want to keep someone so talented and pretty around? It would be a disgrace to my position!"

Yes, he finally said it. Whatever was left of the broken dining room was now even more in a mess. Wait, if he just said that out loud would any of them live? They immediately gulped and tried to run away.


"So, there was that time when me and Lee were up against the gods," the system talked to himself, "And then he died a few moments later." It was so hard to remember! "I was so sure Lee would be the one who would become powerful. He was so brave, and even accepted the challenge without a second thought. I should have been more modest about how strong he could become. Oh well."

He turned the page and moved over towards the next poor boss.


Lie Wei Ying got up out of the rubble. Ying Yue already had a sword a few feet away from her face, and the king was smiling as the blade got closer and closer.

It was times like these when a Domain would be very useful. God, Ling Wei Ying hated feeling like this.

He was approximately ten feet away from her, and the king was a couple of inches. He'd have to break the laws of light to get they're in time without a domain.

He prayed to the heavens that he could somehow find a way to save her. The sword was very sharp even though it was broken.

Third chapter of the day.

BlueLightToTheWestcreators' thoughts