I have stopped working on this novel. Instead, I am reworking it into a better one called Overlord: The Untold Tales
The year is 2126, the era of virtual reality gaming is thriving with different DMMO-RPGs taking over the gaming world. In the centre of its popularity, a game by the name of YGGDRASIL thrived the most. Its mechanics, as well as the gameplay, stood far above the rest of the competitors. Which helped it catch more attention all around the globe.
After an intense 12-year run, YGGDRASIL has begun to lose its vibrancy. The competitors got better while YGGDRASIL became less and less popular, Losing thousands of players on a daily basis. This resulted in the game developers to come to a tough decision of shutting down the game for good.
However something unexpected happened on the day of the shutdown
23:10 pm
In the last day of the shutdown, Ulbert Alain Odle, an ex-member of a popular guild called Ainz Ooal gown, stands tall on a large hill overlooking a starting area. Where all the new players come and start their new adventure in this massive world.
The area however is desolate and empty. No new or old players are present, only guard NPCs walking around while traders stand in their shops, waiting for someone to approach them and trade goods.
The zone is dark with only torches being the light source, helping players navigate the main path and the shops. The sky is bright with hundreds and thousands of stars shining. Among them, a large moon is present, furthermore increasing the sky's beauty and making it even more magical.
As Ulbert looked at the empty zone, a feeling nostalgia hit him. He remembers the first time he launched the game, forced to come online by his friends. Back then he would be surrounded by hundreds of players, all doing the same quest and fighting over who gets the first kill on the boss. Those were the great times, and those were the times where he met people all around the world. Some like him, while others are different, all connected together through a similar hobby and a game.
[The zone hasn't changed much huh? The things I would do to transport myself back in time, even for a few minutes. To see so many players all in one zone, all enjoying this newly popular game. Of course, I would hate the game sometimes, especially when higher levels would come and kill me. But now that I look back at it, they were good and funny moments...It is true what they say, you only cherish the moments after they have been taken away from you, or something like that]
Ulbert looked down at the Zone before jumping down from the large hill, using fly magic to soothe down the landing. As he landed he began walking through the small town, looking at every single shop in detail, remembering the time he used to be there.
Ulbert has been playing the game since it launched back in 2126. He has multiple characters of whom are all lvl 100. This character however, is his main, the first one he ever created in this game. A demon to be exact.
His character resembles that of a humanoid grey goat, crowned with a pair of wickedly curved golden horns. He is dressed in a black suit and velvet cape, with a rose pinned on his left shoulder. The right side of his face is also equipped with a golden mask, furthermore increasing his characters aesthetic
This character possesses a mighty class by the name of "World Disaster". World disaster is a very powerful class and is considered one of the hardest to achieve in the game. This is mainly because the requirement for taking levels in this class meant killing its previous holder who uses World Disaster before passing onto its next successor.
Once a player is able to successfully obtain the World Disaster class through killings its owner, one could eventually reach the highest level of that offensive-oriented mage class to learn the supreme, ultimate spell better known as "Grand Catastrophe".
Back when Ulbert was in Ainz ooal gown guild, he was considered one of the two top damage dealers, but this character of his does have a weakness. The high damage comes with a price of Mana points, if his MP reaches zero he is practically a dead man when it comes to PvP.
All of this came with a price of thousands of hours spent in-game, and in the end it was all worth it.
Ulbert looked to the dimly lit spawn area.
[Hmm? That is strange] He thought as he looked at a new player standing still. A demon warrior, equipped with starting lvl 1 gear. Out of curiosity, Ulbert decided to approach the new player, wondering what made him join the game in its last day
[An alt account perhaps?]
A few moments have passed before the player suddenly looked around before noticing Ulbert stand in front of him
"Oh, hello. Sorry I was in the settings menu"
"It's all right, you new to the game?"
"Yeah. My friends recommended it to me a few months back so I decided to check it out"
[He doesn't know?]
"Did you know the game is shutting down today?"
"What do you mean shutting down? Like forever?"
"Yeah pretty much." Ulbert focused on the top right of his eye, where a small clock floats showing the time. Every player can see their stats like health, lvl and MP on the side of their eyes. It is usually hidden due to visual inconvenience, but if one focuses he could see the info pop up on the sides.
"It's currently 23:30 pm and the server shuts down at 00:00 am. Midnight basically"
"Really? That's a bummer"
"Why didn't you try it out earlier?"
"It just didn't seem to be my type. I am an FPS player. Ever heard of Strike counter?"
"The VR fps?"
"Yeah. That's the main game that I play, right now taking a break from it and trying out other games. This is one of them. Unfortunate that it is shutting down"
"Yeah...It is" Ulbert quietly muttered.
"Well. Thanks for the heads up, I will log out then"
"Not even going to explore the world a little bit?"
"What's the point, it will shut down in 20 minutes. Might as well go to sleep, have work tomorrow anyways" The player said as he brought out the console with his finger
"I see"
"Bye" He waved his hand before pressing a log out button on the small console
Ulbert once again looked around the empty town. A feeling of even stronger sorrow enveloped his mind. To the point of where he shed a tear in real life, while strapped to the virtual machine.
With a loud sniff ulbert once again began making his way through the empty town. Visiting his favourite shops and landmarks that he remembers.
The time is now 23:50
Ulbert stands on the large hill just like before. One last time overlooking the starting town.
[Well. It was fun. This game has brought me so much joy and fun...I]
Ulbert began tearing up
[I...I did not think It would be this hard to say goodbye, I will always remember this game, I will always remember running in the low lands as a level 20 demon, aggroing multiple mobs and running back to the quest giver. I will never forget the time I killed my first boss with my raid who are now my real life friends. This game saved me...Thank you]
Ulbert opened the console and looked at his friend's list.
Momonga - Online
Touch Me - Offline
Nishikienrai - Offline
Wish III - Offline
Warrior Takemikazuchi - Offline
Ancient One - Offline
Flatfoot - Offline
Amanomahitotsu - Offline
Peroroncino - Offline
HeroHero - Offline
Ulbert let out a small chuckle
[Momonga...I am not surprised that you are online. After all, it is thanks to you I am here. I am sure you are as sad as me to see this game go]
Ulbert looked at the time on the side of his eye
[Well it is time] He thought as he spread out his arms and looked up. His eyes are closed while the bright moonlight shines down on him. His mind and waiting for the log out screen to appear in front of his eyes
Yet no log out screen came, in fact, nothing appeared in front of his eyes. Upon realizing that nothing is happening, Ulbert quickly opened his eyes only to see a large circle surrounding his feet, similar to that of summoning magic he uses to summon demons
"What the? What the hell is this" He shouted, trying his best to get out. His movement however, is limited due to the gravitational pull by the portal. A moment later his body dropped right into the middle, teleporting him into the unknown.
[Where...Where am I] Ulbert thought as his eyes are surrounded by nothing but darkness. His body felt the cold air while his ears did not pick up a single sound.
Suddenly, a bright light blinded his eyes and his body dropped onto a large round stone, engraved in different ruins. His hoofs smacked against the stone while his ears picked up sounds of gasps and small chattering.
As he opened his eyes, dozen of humans bowed down in front of him, their bodies are covered with black mantle while different religious signs hang from their necks. Among all of them, one human in particular, stands right in front of Ulbert, almost as if refusing to follow the sheep that bow behind him.
"Yes! I have summoned him! The king of the demons! I have done it!" The man shouted as he looked around the large hall. The hall is dimly lit and almost empty, the only structure being the stone upon Ulber stands
[Where Am I? What the hell is this place, did the server shut down?] Ulbert thought as he pressed his finger in midair
[The console doesn't appear?! What the hell is happening? This smell...Wait why can I smell?]
Upon a better inspection of the hall, Ulbert noticed piles of dead bodies surrounding him. Upon seeing and smelling them he would feel sick and vomit, yet he is feeling rather calm. Like he is used to this sort of sight
"Great demon lord!" The man in the middle called out, catching Ulbert's attention
"Welcome! I have summoned you to this world"
[This world? Is this not YGGDRASIL?]
As ulbert opened his mouth, steam escaped from it and his deep voice echoed through the hall "And you are?"
"M-My name is Kigmon! The Herald of the Truth and the leader of the new order. You may call me your summoner!" The man called out, trying to act brave yet his knees shake with fear
[Why does he smell so...fresh and tasty] Ulbert thought as his mouth began to water while his stomach contracted due to the hunger
"I-I C-Command you to serve me and do what I desire!"
Ulbert looked around and slowly descended from the engraved rock. As soon as his hoofs touched the stone floor, he slowly began approaching the terrified man
"W-What are you doing. I command you to stay back"
Yet the words had no effects on Ulbert, whose eyes are bright red with dripping saliva escaping from his mouth. With a quick move, he grabbed Kigmon's neck and slowly began lifting him up. In response, Kigmon grabbed Ulbert's hand to try and alternate his body's weight, while his legs dangled and kicked all around.
His survival instincts have also kicked in as he began urinating himself, while tears and snot dribbled his nose and eyes.
"P-plwease, l-let ne goh!" His mouth spat out barely audible words
Ulbert however has no intention of letting go of his target, his large mouth opened and his sharp teeth bit into Kigmons neck, causing the blood to burst out all across the floor and high into the air.
With every move, Kigmon became weaker and weaker and in no time his body stopped moving, just hanging around like a sack of meat. Upon noticing that the man is dead, Ulbert placed his dead body on the floor and continued to bite off a piece after piece of the man's body. Slowly consuming him
[I-I-I cannot stop. Why am I doing this? Why the hell is this happening] Ulbert thought as tears began running down his hairy face. The urge for human meat was too strong for his mind to handle, and his body just gave in.
While the man himself is being eaten, the rest of the group retreated back. Some however, are still bowing down in front of Ulbert, as to show that they are sacrificing their life to him
A lot of them have clearly urinated themselves while their bodies shake with fear. The hall itself is dead silent, with the only noises being Ulbert's sloppy eating as he bites into the man once again, crushing his bones and twisting his joints in the process
A few moments later, after finishing his meal, Ulber stood in front of what's left of the man. While all his followers are now bowing down in front of Ulbert, as to show that he is their new leader
"All Hail Baphomet!"
"All Hail Baphomet!"
"All Hail Baphomet!"
"All Hail Baphomet!"
"All Hail Baphomet!"
This is a new beginning. Not only for him, but for the entire new world
*Author note* -----
I have recently begun rewatching Overlord and now want to create a story of a different player that is also stuck in the same world as Momonga. I know the story and the world are large, so If I do end up making any mistakes, please let me know in the comments. Thank you.