
Chapter 62: Deal

"My name is Ancient One and I am here to make a deal with you." The man in front of her said as he continued to sip his tea in an elegant way.

'Ancient One' I haven't heard such a name in any book or record I read. From his name and his manner, it is clear that he holds a significant amount of power. And the maid, This is my first time seeing a maid this beautiful and she looks noble just like her master. It's not uncommon for aristocratic women to follow another aristocrat of greater power. But the problem is there is no Prince or King named 'Ancient One' in human territory. What if they are from the other side? It would make sense. I heard that there are Demi-humans who are able to hide their ears and tails. He also said that he is here to make a deal with me. Renner thought as she looked at the man—now named Ancient One...

"Deal? What kind of deal?" Renner tilted her cutely in order to make a favourable impression but that didn't seem to affect him.

"Don't you think it is tiresome to always wear a mask of disguise? You don't have to do that in front of me. You can just be your true self." Ancient One said while Renner went into a slight panic.

How does he know? Did he know my personality beforehand? No, that's not possible nobody knows about my true nature. I even managed to fool the Gods with my disguise. Did he read my inner character after looking at me? No, that's impossible even for demon gods. So he must be bluffing or trying to bait me—

"No, I am not bluffing or trying to bait you."

Did he just read my mind? If that is the case then it would make sense for him to read my personality. Should I call for help? From his demeanour, it looks like he came prepared. So calling for help is not a wise move adding to the fact that he was able to sneak into my room without getting caught in the traps or by guards. And from his body language, I am unable to read his moment. Seeing that Renner's true nature had been uncovered by the gentleman in front of her. She stopped acting and her expressionless face revealed.

"You said, you are here to make a deal with me? What kind of deal is that which makes you come all the way to this city? Has Demon Gods started to lose their patience?" Hearing Renner's question, Ancient One, who was in front of her, let a small laugh.

"You seem to make a mistake Renner. I am not a subordinate of those Demon Gods. I am a master of my own. And my deal is to give you the freedom you so desire." Ancient One proposed.

For Renner, who was under the eyes of God ever since she came to age—even her personal maid is working under the Great Gods—for her the word 'freedom' itself is like an oasis.

She didn't know why she caught the attention of God worshipped by Clearwater Scripture—who specialised in information gathering. She was sure that her acting was perfectly fine as she portrayed herself as a young Noble Princess and nothing more. She didn't know how things went wrong, the next thing she knew was she was getting the blessing of God in Theocracy.

—what Ancient One put forward was indeed something she would consider. But given that she didn't even know about opposition motives or his stand. She didn't even know if this was another trial for Great Gods to check her personality.

"As I said I am not subordinate to anyone, which includes both Gods and Demon Gods. And If I need to evaluate your character then I already have it."

Again! He is reading my mind. It seems like I was right. Which means any further decoy is useless in our conversation.

"You said you can offer me freedom but how can you offer me freedom? I don't even know what you are capable of. Don't you think it's wise to know what your friends and foes are cable off?" Hearing Renner's words, Narberal, who was at the side suddenly snapped.

"Worm, watch your tongue before I pull it out. You stand before Ancient-sama, The highest Being in existence, and who are you tell—"

"Narberal Gamma. Don't make me less remark." Renner felt a sudden invisible pressure from the being in front of her, which not only suppressed her but even the maid, who looked like she was ready to kneel down any moment.

"Yes, My Lord."

An aura of tyrant just like Lionmens, who attacked the kingdom a few years ago but his aura seems more majestic than theirs. The fact that his appearance is very contradictory to his aura. People who can control their emotions are always difficult to deal with. Renner thought.

"So where are we? Ah, Yes, Power. Princess, you do know that power is not something you show instead it is what you feel." Ancient One replied with a slight smile, which was memorable but something told Renner that behind that sweet smile is a predator.

"It is for my own safety. From the conversation till now it's clear that you want something from me or something which only I possess. So what is that you want in exchange for my Freedom."

"Your soul." Ancient One replied.

"My soul? So you are saying to attain my freedom I have to become your slave. Doesn't that mean I am at a disadvantage here?"

A grin bloomed on Ancient One's face, a grin that Renner has known too well a grin of a manipulator.

"Weren't you planning to join the Demon Gods before my arrival? The only thing that was holding you back was you uncertain whether the Demon God could win against Great Gods. And aren't you the one who leaked the information about the envoys that coming next week to Demi-humans."

"So are saying you have the power to take both Demon Gods and Great God and become victorious."

"Yes." Ancient One reply was fast confirming his confidence.

"Then why haven't you done it till now."

"Oh, That's because I only arrived in this world last month." Ancient One replied(lied).

"This World?" Hearing Ancient One reply Renner murmured the word that caught her attention.

He is not a subordinate of either. He said he has the power to go against both of them. A handsome face and a aure of an Emperor but nobody had heard of him. And it's already been two hundred years after the Demon God came. Don't tell me—

"You are from the same world as the Six Great Gods and Eight Greed Kings."

Ancient One just smiled at Renner.

"So what think, are you interested in forming a contract with me." Ancient One asked.

"Yes, I will form a contract with you but I want to see what you are cable off." To which Ancient One replied.

"Next week, The diplomats from Theocracy are arriving here, right." Ancient One asked.


"Well, they won't reach here alive." There was silence for a moment.

"If what you said came true then I am willing to offer you my soul," Renner said as Ancient One took an old-looking parchment for a black hole and placed it on the table.

"This contract will only active if both of the parties fulfilled their conditions. You can read the contract if you want."

"Is this a magic Contact? Where both parties who are participating in is bound by the soul."

"Yes, in this contract each word holds power."

Renner took the contract from the table and started reading.

After reading the contract, Renner asked:

"I wish to add a clause of my own to this contract."

"What is it?

"I wish to add: Anything which I have not seen or read can't be used against me. And the contract will only come to power if the first party or his Subordinates are the ones who fulfil the first clause. If not this contract will be terminated." Ancient One just nodded and waved his hand and said clause appears on the contract.

After confirming the Contact once again, Renner signed the contract with her blood.

After Ancient One took the completed contact, he stood up from the chair and opened a pitch black portal but before entering he once again turned to Renner.

"By the way, this deal is not like the one that Princess Renner struck with Demon Gods, previously. It is with me.

"This deal is with the devil."


(Alright Guys, with in 20 or 22 chapters we will be entering climax of this volume but before that, as some of you might notice, our power stone donation is pitifully low. And I know guys will tell me to increase my updates but due to my pitifully slow writing skills I will not able to keep up with Updation. And one thing I am a shameless author, so my wonderful readers, who been with me for the beginning, Give me your power stone.)

IMPORTANT NOTE: if the power stone donation reached 500 or more I will give you an additional chapter.

Thank you, Yours Shameless author, Clockwork.

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