
overlord - wish granter

Akabaru - one of the 41 supreme beings of the great tome of nazarick As one of the supreme beings he helped create some of the inhabitant of the tomb. He mostly working with bleu planet to create the 6th floor sky but was the creator of one of the five worst. (Its the life of one of the 41 if he had chosen a different race in the game, leading him to miss out on a promotion that would have taken all his time away, letting him be there in the final moments of the server shut down.) (i try updating in the future, still thinking if i am about to drop it where it is now.) (i do not own Overlord, pictures and content except that of my own)

KAAS_Sad_Dragon · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
35 Chs


"Excellent. Then, can I ask you to begin preparing right away?"


Sebas was made by Touch Me. Demiurge was made by Ulbert Alain Odle. Cocytus was made by Warrior Takemikazuchi. One of the five worst – the worst of ero named Suraimu Shokushu made by Akabaru. However, even Shalltear did not know what sort of NPC that Ainz — or Momonga, the highest-ranked of the Forty One Supreme Beings — had created.

Surely he had created somebody, right?

That being the case, it was reasonable to conclude that this mysterious character resided on the Eighth Floor, about which Shalltear had no knowledge.

"...No, that should not be the case. This is just a rumor, but I heard that the NPC Ainz created is called Pandora's Actor, and his strength is comparable to the rest of us Guardians. Apparently, he defends the depths of the Treasury."

"Does someone like that really exist?"

Unlike Albedo, Shalltear had not been infused with knowledge about everyone in Nazarick. Therefore, this name was new to her.

Granted, the Treasury was a place which one could only enter with the Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown, but it would be strange to leave it unguarded.

The depths of the Treasury.

All of the highest-end magic items that Ainz Ooal Gown had collected were stored in there. It was also said that it contained several World-Class Items. That being the case, it was the most suitable location for the NPC created by the greatest of the Forty One Supreme Beings, Ainz, to defend.

Shalltear's pride was somewhat bruised as she considered that she had not been chosen to guard such exalted ground, but she consoled herself with the thought that it was unavoidable. To Shalltear, keeping intruders from straying beyond the Third Floor was also a crucial task, every bit as important as protecting the Treasury.

And now, her master had given her another vital task.

"Indeed, but I have not seen that person before. After all, one cannot travel to that place without a Ring."


Shalltear's answer was devoid of energy, as though she had lost all interest in the whole thing. However, Sebas did not seem to mind.

"Still, the Eighth Floor is a mysterious place… it's kind of a shame."

"Indeed. After all, it is a place that even we cannot enter. There must be something inside."

"And what exactly is that something?"

"Could it be there's a trap in there which might even attack us?"

"Mm, that's not a bad idea, though if I had to guess… could it be a deathtrap that indiscriminately kills anyone who enters it?"

"The Great Tomb of Nazarick was hand-crafted by the Supreme Beings, and defended by us, who have pledged our lives in service. Anyone who could penetrate an impregnable fortress like that and breach the Seventh Floor would probably not be stopped by a trap like that…"

"Do you want to take a look?"

Shalltear had a smile on her face, like a child up to some mischief. Sebas's smile was the same as always, but there was a certain nuance to it now.

"Do you intend to defy Ainz-sama's wishes?"

"Just kidding, just kidding. It was just a joke, no need to look so scary."

"Shalltear… curiosity killed the cat. We should wait quietly until Ainz-sama tells us otherwise."

"You've got a point there… then, has our prey taken the bait?"

Sebas did not ask about the sudden change in topic. Instead he directly replied:

"Yes, they've fallen for it hook, line, and sinker. All we need to do is reel them in."

Shalltear nodded slightly, and then she lightly licked her lips. Her crimson pupils blazed.

Sebas immediately realized what would put Shalltear in a mood like that. Sensing that this was the perfect time to do so, he decided to bring up Solution's request from earlier.

"I have a request to make concerning this matter, Shalltear."

"...What is it?"

The reply was one of annoyance, given that Sebas had jolted Shalltear out of her delight over what was soon to unfold. As though to comfort her, Sebas continued:

"Could you give the driver of our coach to this girl?"

"...Is he an underling?"

"Indeed. He seems to be a messenger of sorts."

Shalltear closed her eyes and pondered the request. After considering several possibilities, she seemed to have come to a conclusion, and she nodded.

"That should be fine. Besides, he doesn't look like he'd taste good if I fed on him."

"You have my sincerest thanks for your generosity, Shalltear."

"Thank you, Shalltear-sama."

"Ah, you're welcome, think nothing of it."

Shalltear was quite surprised by how tenderly Solution smiled to her. She had not expected such a sincere expression. Then, Shalltear composed herself and turned to Sebas.

"Then, we're even for that little mistake of mine just now."

"I understand… In truth, I didn't expect you to do anything quite as foolish as that. It was merely a jest, was it not?"

"Indeed, you're right. If you had said such a thing, Sebas, I would have taken it as a joke as well. Then I would have my subordinates watch you in silence. At the first sight of any treachery on your part, I would remove your limbs and have your torso dragged in chains before Ainz-sama."

"I'm hardly as ruthless as you are, Shalltear."

"No? Things like that only make me doubt your loyalty more — you would do that too, wouldn't you?"

Sebas and Shalltear locked eyes, and smiled from the bottoms of their hearts.

"Besides, I like cute girls the best, muscular men a close second. There might be a different sort of entertainment in giving him to Solution."

"—Then, how do you intend to capture them? Through [Paralysis] or [Hold Person]?"

Before they had set out for E-Rantel, Ainz had given Sebas an order: "I want to capture humans who know martial arts or magic. However, you will only go after criminals whose absence will go unnoticed."

Therefore, Solution and Sebas had played the role of a stuck-up, stubborn heiress and her easily-bamboozled butler, with the intention of hooking a fish like Zack.

Shalltear's mission, on the other hand, was to use a fish like that to net the entire school which followed him.

"Why would I go to such great lengths? Ainz-sama did say that it was all right to drain them dry and turn them into slaves. The important things was that I absolutely had to capture them. Still… investigating them all one by one would be a hassle, so I might as well just suck them all dry."

Sebas did not speak the words in his heart — "I see," — but instead nodded. Still, he had to acknowledge that he was not entirely comfortable with Shalltear's interpretation of her orders. With that in mind, Sebas could not help but say:

"From that point of view, Demiurge-sama would be the most suitable for that sort of work. After all, he can control his opponent's thoughts, much like Aura-sama can with her breath."

Demiurge possessed a skill known as [Command Mantra]. It was a powerful mind-affecting ability which would be invaluable during a capture operation like this.

"...Hah?" Shalltear exclaimed in an unbelievably low tone.

The mood within the coach turned grim immediately, as though a fog of bone-chilling cold hung in the air.

Even the horses pulling the coach seemed to have sensed this, because the vehicle suddenly lurched. The bloodless faces of the Vampire Brides flanking Shalltear turned even paler than usual, while Solution shuddered in her place beside Sebas. Even Sebas, whose might should have been on par with Shalltear's, could feel goosebumps breaking out on him.

This was the murderous intent emitted by the strongest of Nazarick's Floor Guardians. The hostility which wreathed her made her previous spats with Aura seem like child's play. If the situation was mishandled, it might lead to a life-or-death melee.

As Shalltear chilled the air ever further, the color of her crimson pupils began to spill out into her sclera, dying her eyes red as though they were filling with blood.

"Sebas — could you say that again? Or are you saying that a Dragonoid like yourself, in that form, wants to —"

Her eyeballs — now completely red — twitched:

"—Wants to start a fight with me?"

"I misspoke, please forgive me. I was merely a little uneasy. It would be fine as long as your [Blood Frenzy] doesn't kick in."

Shalltear's response was silence.

Sebas could tell that the brief silence was a sign of her unease toward herself.


Akabaru got out of the throne room with a disgusted look on his face.. the nobles that he saw in there were just pigs with money rolling in there own dirt crushing their people under them.

He knew that corruption was prevalent by looking at the streets, but seeing them in person was a new level.

The king from what Akabaru was nice, but weak willed. Just letting most things happened while he just sat there in silence.

As time went on in there he the only thing he gained was the need to kill those guys..

Exiting the waiting room he spotted Renner again this time with a knight at her side turning to her Akabaru said

"I don't know how you manage with such buffoons.." The knight at her side seem to instinctively get in front of her as Akabaru spoke

"No worries Climb, I know him… to answer your question Faer-san it is simply to find something that brings light to your life." She looks straight towards Akabaru not giving nay clues as to who this light is.

"Interesting.. something to find convert in…" Akabaru pondered but nothing really came up… he liked to fight and enjoyed relaxation but that wasn't really available in bulk..

Renner just nodded and moved further towards the throne room as it would end soon.


Akabaru was pondering Renner's words as he waited for the noble that they would escort to arrive. Next to him stood Yuri staring of into the distance waiting for a carriage to arrive.

"Riri.. what brings you joy?" Akabaru asked, while looking at her.

"Serving our supreme lords and bringing glory to our home." Yuri answered almost immediately, without any doubt.

"Your conviction please me, but that was not what I was searching for.." looking into the now doubtful eyes of Yuri, he continued "I am looking to find a new hobby, something to enjoy.. this country is draining any inspiration I have."

"Would exploring not come natural to you, master?" Akabaru heard those word ring true, just like in the game this new world had countless opportunities and exploring them all was something that would bring joy..

He realised why he liked to fight, to find new things and experience new beings that he would face in combat and test his skills.

"Thank you Riri…" Just as he was about to continue talking a carriage arrived with the person claiming that they would escort them to his lords Baron William the third's territory.

Akabaru let out a sigh and nodded.. "Lets get going wouldn't want to leave the Baron waiting.."

While there was place on the carriage Akabaru started walking, already knowing what would happened if they even suggested it.. namely a conversation about nothing lasting as long as the baron deemed fit.

Looking at the carriage Akabaru was already planning his demise as he heard what laid within.

"Lets go Riri.. we got a while to walk.." Yuri followed but she pondered why they didn't use horses as that would be quicker, but as she saw the pace that the carriage was going she understood… that the journey of only one and a half days would at least be two.