
Overcoming all Odds

Jacob dies and meets ROB. Fills a Lewd-CYOA and is sent to the world of 'Tales of Demons and Spirits'. Thinks of leeching off of Nie Li and live an easy life. But wait!!! Why is Nie Li not doing anything? Why is Nie Li just a simple ignorant child? Why did Nie Li not come back from time? What, this is the first timeline? No Nie Li? Will he have to save the City himself? Well, he had nothing better to do and he lives here so he might as well destroy the Demon Lord and save the City. Plus, If you like my work and want to support me, then please do so at- patreon.com/ankit1 Upto 40 additional chapters in Patreon.

Fortunate_Soul · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
35 Chs

Chapter 8

The next day, he woke to find himself wrapped up in Lily's embrace. Her soft and warm body as well as their current situation instantly gave him a hard on.

He rubbed his cock against her crotch and bent down to nibble on nipples from above her thin layer of cloth.

She woke up to his administration and moaned, giving him the urge to fuck her right then and there. But he had something important to do today and can't afford to be distracted.

Reluctantly, he gave her one last kiss and separated from her.

"Where are you going?" Lily asked softly, her body half hidden under the thin blanket only serve to make her seem like a forbidden fruit and only made him want to eat her even more.

"I want to join the Holy Orchid School. I need to prepare for that." He said.

Lily moaned and went back to sleep once again in such a way that left her half exposed to him. He sighed, wondering if she was doing it one purpose and enticing him to come and take her.

Then he used one of his power and made another clone of himself. He looked at what the other clone was doing and found that it had gone to buy supplies for the house and the supplies needed in the Pocket Dimension.

Thanks to the replicator machine, he had already become a multimillionare and could easily become a billionaire if he chose to. But he didn't want to influx so many new demon spirit coins to the economy at once. At best it would cause a slight inflation and at worst, it would crash the market.

"Go and start cultivating number 2." He said, deciding to name his clones according to the numbers rather than give each one of them a unique name.

Judging by how he planned on making one clone of himself each day, he would soon have dozens upon dozens of clones that look identical to each other and he won't be able to remember so many names even if he tried so it's better to give them numbers as name rather than simple names.

The clone nodded and went to the Pocket Dimension… which has been increased to the size of a whole house now that more people were living in it.

He took control of the clone and went through his Pocket Dimension.

One of the room was filled with money. Easily over 50 million Demon Spirit coins of all denominations kept in bundles.

He closed the door and went to the next room which had the Universal Replicator Machine.

The room was mostly empty except for a shelf which had three Spatial ring in them.

Because of his constant connection with the clone, he remembered the clone buying a spatial ring and then replicating it two times before it went on a garbage run through out the city and filled those spatial rings to the brim with garbage so that it could be used as fuel for the Universal Replicator Machine.

At least Clone1 hasn't been slacking off. Even now it was walking through the mirror world and filling up the last Spatial ring despite been bone tired.

He called the Clone1 back to the Pocket Dimension so that it could take a bath and then rest for a while.

He went to the next room, which was a kitchen and found the second clone of Shen Yin. The more assertive one and noticed that she was making food for everyone.

He thought for a moment and then decided that he would allow each one of his clone to take a girl from the outside world, copy them and bring them back to the Pocket Dimension to live with them.

The girls would be tied to the Clone and won't be shipped off with the other clones even though all of them were basically the same. Because thanks to Lily, he had realized that the clones had life of their own and deserved to be treated properly.

He looked around the kitchen and noticed it that it had all the equipment needed to make proper food as well as a large amount of food supply kept under the shelf.

Of course, the number of clones he had would only increase each day and soon he'll have dozens and then hundreds of clones. He'll need to bring in some waifus who know how to cook properly because he wasn't sure how well Shen Yin clone 2 can cook on her own.

He observed the other rooms which were fairly empty before returning to the real world.

He then called back the Clone 2 from the Pocket Dimension where it had started cultivating.

He originally planned on using Clone 1 but since it was too tired to be of help, he'll have to make do with Clone 2.

With a thought, the Clone changed into an older looking man who had registered himself as his dad. The man basically looked like a realistic Fugaku Uchiha.

"Well…" he smiled "Let's get this done."


2 hours later.

He sat in front of the two judges and were looking intently at the glowing crystal he was holding in his palm.

"His Soul Force is too low." The older man with a with moustache that drooped down the sides of his mouth and a large white beard that reached his waist said.

"There must be something that you would be able to do?" Fugaku Uchiha the clone playing as his father asked "We may not be a noble family but our family is rich because of our business. I'm sure that we can come to some sort of agreement."

The other judge who looked slightly younger snorted. "This is the school supported by the City Lord and all the other families. Do you think we are lacking in something. Are you insulting us Fugaku san?"

"No. But an institution like yours could always-"

As his clone talked and kept the attention of the judges, he sat down and closed his eyes.

Then he use the Second trigger power of Possession and sent out two ethereal copies of himself.

The copies, unseen and unfelt by the two elders, silently snuck behind them and then at once, they both touched the two judges.

Mind Flayer.

He changed their memories to make it seem like he had over 30 Soul Force and 28 strength. Then he wiped the last minute of conversation from their mind.

Their faces went blank of a moment before they recovered. The older judge recovered first and gave his clone/father a smile.

"30 soul force despite being a commoner and only just starting his cultivation." The judge said "It's not the best talent out there by any means but it's definitely impressive. We wouldn't mind taking him in the Holy Orchid Institute. Though I'm afraid he'll have to join the Fighter Class as the Genius Class is full right now and don't have space for additional students."

"Fighter class will do." Fugaku answered and he called back the ghosts to himself and felt a smile tug on his face.

"Let's get the registration done with." The younger judge said and stood up from his chair with the other one.

They all shook hands and that was how he got entrance the Holy Orchid Institute.

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Fortunate_Soulcreators' thoughts