
Deep end.

°Try twisting it

•I've already tried that, this is stupid.

°Let me[pressing her hand gently]

A few hours later:

•what the f*ck!, what did you do to him?

Eillib: I kinda plugged a chip in his head

Noslen: Huh?

Eillib: Okay look at this

Noslen: I don't have time to read a book. It's good you called.

"Where are the cups at babe?" [a voice slips below the stairs]

Noslen: I'll be down in a sec!!

Eillib: He'll wake up trust me, his energy is probably drained out.

Noslen: Pass me the book, I hope what you were saying is valid.

Moments later:

"Wait, who wrote this?" Asks Noslen

Eillib: Well, you are stepping on him.

Noslen: oh sh*t, my bad.

So Yrrah is actually Nosirrah?

Eillib: [making a ring bell sound] Ding, ding, correct.

{A girl peeks through the half-opened door}

"Wow, I should have known better."

Noslen: No, babe hear me out, firstly she is not even my type.

Eillib: True, I know his type, a low score.

{The girl leaves, rushing downstairs banging the front door on her way out.}

Noslen: And why would you say that?[Leaving the bathroom]

Eillib: I thought we were being honest [Saying those words to herself]

"Oh, welcome back to life, the daydreamer."

Yrrah: How long have I been out

Eillib: long enough to miss your buddy's new bambii.

Yrrah: what?

Eillib: Girlfriend, Noslen's new troll.

Yrrah: Did I wake up in a new world where nice people suddenly became mean?

Eillib: I'm sorry, you scared the crap out of me. I thought you might not be waking up ever.

Yrrah: You don't have to worry about me. [Picking himself up walking close to her] Now does that mean you care for me? I mean I would understand[Smiling as he glares at her]

Eillib: Hehe okay, i see you are back to your old goofy self and I do care for you.[Holding his hand]

At the hall:

"The devil holding my friend hostage" is Noslen's entrance.

Eillib: What a picture, anyways I'm sorry for what I said earlier it was uncalled for and immature of me. So can you forgive me Nelly? Pretty please [Making an adorable face]

Noslen: Yeah yeah[Accepting her apology] you finally up.

Yrrah: Yeah, how long have I been gone again?

Eillib: approximately 2 hours and a couple of minutes. So tell me did it work?

Yrrah: Yes, a lot I remember.

In the dining room:

Noslen: You said a lot you remembered earlier, what is that exactly?

Yrrah: It is better I show you.

Eillib: A tape?

Yrrah: Yeah [ dismantling it before reaching for the chip in his head, twisting it vertically until it pulled out]

Eillib: You are bleeding

Noslen: Here [passing Eillib a cloth that she later on wraps around his head]

Yrrah: Thanks.[He stands up, walks to the kitchen and grabs some tissue, cleaning the bloodstain on the USB chip, then walks back to where he had left the VHS tape. He pulls a piece out of the chip and places it somewhere inside the tape. After a couple of minutes fixing, it looked the same before it was dismantled.

He turns on the VHS player, inserting the tape into the machine. The video projector plays what seems like a documentary]


●So what's the plan?

○I am Not sure

Nivlek: I say we make a run for it

Noslen: And where will we go genius?

Nivlek: Somewhere far from the ordinary

Eillib: I think we are all overreacting

Mloclam: Yeah I'm with Eillib, firstly we aren't sure if what we saw is true or not. It could be a prank for all I know.

Noslen: Are you hearing yourself?

Mloclam: I'm just saying, besides you are the type to pull such stunts.

Noslen: Okay I get where you are coming from.

{The discussion continues}

Nevlik: I think we should share this with the rest of the class

Noslen: Yeah let everyone know that they are government experiments, hmm that'll come out well. Hi guys, I hope you are all well ? Did you know that you are all lab rats? And all this is just a simulation.

Nivlek: Well I don't see you coming up with any ideas Sherlock.

Ayera: What if they are all part of the whole thing? [Speaking softly in a low voice]

Mloclam : Speak up Reya

Aleinad: She said, what if they are all part of the whole conspiracy, What will we do then?

Yrrah: We can't risk being detected nor can we trust anyone as of now It will be safe to keep this between us.

{They form a pledge}

●If I knew that my hangout escape would turn out like this I'd have remained at home.


The video projector plays what seems like a documentary

[A knock on the door followed by conversations]

Noslen: Oh snap, I forgot to tell you that I invited some friends over.

Yrrah: Why do you always do these things without telling me?

Noslen: For starters you are often absent doing God knows what and well that's what friends do. They invite other friends on your behalf [ opening the door]

Oh, Mloclam, you didn't have to. Mloclam brought the best wine guys. Such a darling.

Nevlik: Yeah yeah, you all can kiss and talk later, Alienad is coming too. Embrace yourself.

Noslen: what? Why? When... who called her?

"Well, her and Ayera are like close now" Responds Eillib

Noslen: I didn't invite Ayera either.

Mloclam: Ya, I kinda invited her[scratching his head]

{Mloclam and Ayera had gotten close}

Noslen: Wow, no comment. Better remove that smirk on your face Yrrah.

Yrrah: The universe heard my cry[ giggling as he pauses the projector]

30 minutes later:

Alienad: Hmm I thought this wasn't going to be awkward, I was dead wrong[looking below her feet]

Ayera: So are we going to watch a movie or what?

"She speaks?" Responds Noslen

Yrrah: I think we'll watch a movie another day[trying to pull out the USB]

The video projector plays, someone has pressed the resume button on the remote. And everyone seemed to be tuned in.

●What the fuck!

Part 11: Deep end

Guns drawn. Aiming at a boy standing steadily over the edge gazing down from the top view as a bird flies above him. Heart beating slowly, holding his breath. "You are surrounded, there is nowhere to go from here, just turn yourself in ''. A man in a federal uniform instructs him. The boy looks to his left before attempting to reach for his gear. Pow!!

A deafening crack of thunder filled the air as one of the federal agents pulled the trigger, the bullet twirling through the boy's left chest. His last words before he drops "Goodbye Mlo..."

An argument erupts between the PSI agents.

Sergeant Rehtul: Why did you pull the trigger?

●: I panicked sir

Sergeant Rehtul: I said on my word- oh snap, someone, grab him before-

Falling slowly 360 upfront, full circle from a 1,722 ft building, holding his position, his feet hanging on the metal drip edge of the building before his body shatters the aluminium window.

Opening a portal, disappearing through the sphere before the portal closes. Sergeant Rehtul looks down just to see a drop of blood and no sign of life.

"He has teleported, fuck he turned on his elaps device before getting shot".

"Good work team, you've just let the most dangerous man escape," says Sarh Rehtul. The head of the team [giving them a cold stare]

Wait a minute, but how did he manage to teleport while shot[Staring at the empty sky, adding two and two together] You did it on purpose, why? [Observing the agent who pulled the trigger]

●: It was a matter of doing what is right, we can't undo our wrongs through others

Sarh Rehtul: You all heard the kid, save your enemies is what he promotes. You've stolen the time laps IC3 and used it as a bullet to help him escape. [Finalising his suspicion]

●: I should have done that earlier, I have no regrets, pfft you are all just robots, following orders even if it is inhuman. Cowards! [The shame lingers in the agents as the boy expresses his disappointment, but still, no one retaliates]

Sarh Rehtul: haha haha[ releasing a baleful laugh] Well it is a good thing that you are all here to witness what happens when you go against orders.

Viciously Grabbing the boy and dragging him close to the end of the building, the kid tries fighting his way out but is overpowered having his hand twisted to his back the Sergeant speaks to his team "This, is what happens'' The boy glancing down at the building, he slowly closes his eyes before the Sergeant drops him off, no scream is heard as the boy lands straight to the ground, his body smashing a car in the parking lot. Weee-owww, weee-owww...

People glancing up to see what has happened, traumatised faces left in shock.

Sarh Rehtul: 06 Call the clean-up crew and have all those people's memories erased.

Yrreb: Yes sir [pulling out his device]

Sarh Rehtul: Mission disbanded, we will meet at the arcade.

The agents move back into the building, One lets out a tear wiping it off before anyone can realise it.

Earth 1C1:

Dropping from the sky, pulling down on the steering lines from his parachute, changing the shape of the wing, causing it to decrease its rate of descent.

Before landing on the ground in a deserted building left unoccupied.

"Everyone has been scattered around the city. They have taken forms of themselves in this dimension meaning their physical appearance attaches itself to those of themselves here. So it's a single body sharing two souls broken down into different consciousnesses and personalities that sometimes clash. They are somewhere in the city. But I seem unattached to my current body. The bullet, Mloclam did say it could separate two bodies from another." [recalling what he has learned.]

On top of the Building.

Telepathy communication:

Mloclam: There has been an error in the calculation of the dynamic of time elapse. When you appear in that world you'll lose your body that is why the government has failed to relapse all these years.

Yrrah: Why should I believe you, you shitted on us, got two of our friends killed. The words coming from your mind make my ears bleed.

Mloclam: I know you hate me, and you have every reason to, trust me I hate me too for what I did but I can't turn back time I'm just hoping I can do this one good thing.

Yrrah: Why did you do it?

Mloclam: I thought it was the right thing to do, that's what I was trained to do and that's all I have known so I ended believing it was the only way. But now I am starting to understand that I was just a piece of the puzzle that believed it was part of a whole. When in reality, the whole didn't exist. That's why I am here risking my life to save yours.

Yrrah: [Gazing below the building, dropping a tear] you know you have to kill me right?

Mloclam: There is another way, I can't promise that it'll work or what the side effects are. But it is worth a try.

Yrrah: What is it?

Mloclam: It's more like a life portion, but not well manufactured. This is as close as they've gotten so far and I think it might work. I just don't want to add on the pain in this world anymore. I believe in you, I believe that this time I am acting on my free will and if this is the last thing I do, then I'm glad it was on righting my wrongs.

{Silence prevails.}

Yrrah: I see the guilt has eaten through you my friend. As much as it pains me to say this.[Hesitating to say the words] I forgive you, we all have to grow from it all, we can't take the pain generated from this world to the next. I'm aware that I have to save them all, just like you said there isn't a whole but pieces scattered all over and we can't fix our mess through others.

A week before:

In an empty room, a conversation begins.

Mloclam: I don't think I can go on with this

Yrreb: Now is not the time

Mloclam: I can't live with myself after what I've done, it haunts me everytime.

Yrreb: We, we betrayed them. It's not only on you, I played a part too. So snap out of it! [Slapping the boy as he grabs his shoulders] It'll be okay, just a little further.

3 minutes later:

Mloclam: I am fixing my telepathy communication, I have to make it alright. I just... I just have to.

Yrreb: You do know what that means right? you'll lose your life and for what? We had to do it, there wasn't any other way.

Mloclam: [showing a light smile] this is not living, surely I will rest with a clean consciousness and there is always another way, we just chose to save our asses at the expense of our friends. That to me is a smell that reeks- So are you going to help me or not?

Yrreb: Ain't no way I can change your mind?[Pausing for a second] Okay fine i will but don't count on me to jump in front when things turn south.

Mloclam: That's fine with me. Now help me with this telepathy thingy.

{After a few minutes of fixing the device, the slightly tall boy puts it on}

Yrreb: it'll work at a close range. Just don't act out of character or they'll suspect something.

Mloclam: Alright. (This is for you, Ayera.)

Guns were drawn aiming at a boy standing steadily over the edge gazing down from the top view as a bird flew above him. Two familiar faces stood behind him, Mloclam and Yrreb, his old buddies. One got his finger tight on the trigger.

"You are surrounded, there is no way to go from here, just turn yourself in". A man in a federal uniform instructs him. The boy looks to his left before attempting to reach for his gear.

Top view:

Yrrah: [Gazing below the building, dropping a tear]You know you have to kill me right?

Mloclam: There is another way, I can't promise that it'll work or what the side effects are but it's worth a try.

Yrrah: What is it?

Mloclam: It's more like a life portion, but not well manufactured. This is as close as they've gotten so far and I think it might work. I just don't want to add on the pain in this world anymore. I believe in you, I believe that this time I am acting on my free will. And if this is the last thing I do, then I'm glad it was helping to make a change.

Silence prevails.

Yrrah: I see the guilt has eaten through you my friend. As much as it pains to say this, I forgive you but you have to learn to forgive yourself too for we can't undo the past but learn from it. We all have to grow from it all, we can't take the pain generated from this world to the next. I'm aware that I have to save them all, just like you said there isn't a whole but pieces scattered all over and we can't fix our mess through others.I hope to see you on the Other Side.

Mloclam pulls the trigger, the bullet twirling through the boy's left chest. His last words before he drops "Goodbye Mloclam."

Outlandish Impulse.