
2. The Game

A/N im not going to go back to the twitter to see the exact events so it will be a bit different

The game had started and apparently synced onto my computer. My character, Park Jimin was standing in front of a long hallway with to doors in front of me. In this game, I had to help Park Jimin escape. A door was hidden somewhere in the house which leads to escape. I couldnt see the map and the house was super dark. I swear did this house doesn't have lights.

I went into the kitchen and something was approaching Park Jimin. I had to decide should I run? or should I grab the knife. I decided to grab to knife. I had tried to stab whoever was there but it had "failed" and now Park Jimin was losing health. I made Park Jimin run downstairs and hide. The killer approached and made Jimin lose his remaining health points. Since the game allowed 3 lives, I used one of my lives. Great, just great I just started this game on night one and have just lost a life. Thankfully there was a door and I escaped.

Park Jimin




You survived a night!

today you lost only 1 life.

You have saved me! Isn't that great?

New Character Unlocked.

What the heck just happend? are the characters supposed to be able to talk? was that Jimin? I tried deleting the app from my ohone but for some reason it didnt allow me. it was like that game was a virus. trying to google it was even scarier. A person named Kim Namjoon tried deleting the game from his phone and couldn't so he smashed his phone in pieces. the next day, he had been kidnapped.


Hoseok - I already did and now i cant get it off my phone! I wanna smash it but Kim Namjoons story has me really creeped out..

Yoongi - dont worry hoseok we will get through it together.

Hoseok - But what if we dont?! What if the next time I see you is on the news and people reporting you gone missing! I dont wanna play anymore.

Yoongi - Hoseok calm down want me to come over?

Hoseok - no stay home i dont want anything happening to you

Yoongi - ok but i wanna solve the mystery. I think the game is somehow tracking locations of specific people playing this game using their phone number then kidnapping them. Thats why their names are in the game

Hoseok - fine we can play using the sync button. Aso, who did you pick? I picked Jeon Jungkook havent lost a life yet. By the way did you choose to punch in the face or hide under the table? I wanna chose punch but I wanna see what you did.

Yoongi - What? I didnt even get that option. There is something really sketchy about this game.

Heosok - I mean, i guess we gotta play to find out then...

starting game...

games synced!

you may now begin.
