
return to Dekkalo

After patiently waiting for his sword's cooldown to expire, Alex stuffed his old pants, rings, sword, and green crystals into his bag.

With his belongings secured, he embarked on a walk through the woods towards Dekkalo.

As evening approached, he reached the bustling town, where life and activity were still abundant.

unsure of the exact location to sell his items, alex knew he had to explore and find the best deals.

For now, Alex decided to make his way back to the hunters' tavern to satiate his hunger.

As he navigated the back streets of Dekkalo, a chilling scream pierced the air, reverberating through the loosely packed street.

Astonishingly, no one seemed to take notice or make any attempt to intervene. This apathy ignited a spark of fury within Alex. While he had never sought to be a hero, he despised the indifference towards cries for help.

If no one else was going to take action, he would.

With determination fueling his steps, Alex dashed through the dimly lit alleyways, shrouded by the cloak of night.

Eventually, he stumbled upon a distressing scene—a pair of unsavory individuals mugging an older looking man. The sight only fueled his resolve further.

"Back off!" Alex's voice reverberated through the alley, startling the men. They turned their attention to Alex, who pointed his ring at them with determination.

The thugs, initially taken aback, now burst into mocking laughter. "Listen here, you F-rank loser, this doesn't involve you. Leave now, and we might not hurt you," they taunted.

Alex felt partially relieved that they didn't recognize from his family ties . He realized that his face and abysmally low rank must have been circulating rumors around the tavern.

With a retort, Alex shot back, "I tried to warn you." Channeling his ring's power, he cast a fireball, aiming it at the larger of the two thugs.

The blazing sphere landed squarely in the middle of the thug's chest, propelling him several feet backward.

In response, the other thug unsheathed two daggers, charging towards Alex. "You should've run when you had the chance!"

he yelled, his words laced with aggression. Alex swiftly countered, striking the thug with his shield, causing him to stumble. Seizing the opportunity, Alex delivered a powerful punch, making it clear he wasn't to be trifled with.

"I don't want to kill you, but I will if I have to," he warned the assailants.

The larger thug managed to regain his footing, his voice dripping with overconfidence.

"Please, you never even stood a chance," he sneered, launching himself at Alex. Alex attempted to replicate the shield bash he had used on the smaller thug, but to his dismay, it proved ineffective.

The larger thug forcefully shoved him down, then slammed Alex's head against the wall. Dazed and in pain, Alex struggled to rise, realizing that if he didn't act decisively, the thugs would kill him.

A surge of adrenaline coursed through him, allowing him to push through the pain and stand his ground.

Reacting swiftly, he maneuvered so that the thug's back was against the wall, delivering a powerful punch to the thug's chest while simultaneously casting another fireball with his ring.

The concentrated blast of energy pierced the thug's chest, leaving behind a dinner plate-sized hole where the thugs stomach should have been and causing moderate burns to his left hand and arm .

Meanwhile, the smaller thug, believing Alex to be unaware, charged once more, attempting to slit his throat.

Alex narrowly evaded the attack, but not without sustaining a deep gash on his left arm. Gripping his sword tightly with his right hand, Alex lunged forward, impaling the thug with a swift strike.

With the fight now over, Alex's strength waned, and he collapsed to the ground.

His vision began to fade, but he faintly heard the old man's voice exclaiming, "No, no, no! You can't die today, not after you saved me!"

Struggling to maintain consciousness, Alex felt himself being hoisted over the old man's shoulder as he helped Alex walk.

As Alex regained consciousness, he found himself in a medical ward.

To his left, a nurse tended to his wounds, casting healing spells. He turned his gaze to the familiar face on his left.

In the light, he recognized the older man as Henry

hey thanks for reading, I added a cover to the book finally it took like 70 something trys doing ai art lol. have a nice day guys

Gds_Gooddaysircreators' thoughts