

' Why did this happen again?'

tears kept rolling down his cheeks fast and he kept using his hands trying to wipe them off his face. Snot was running down his nose, but he kept sniffing it up making loud noises. Other students of his class looked at him knowing what had happened. Some were even laughing at the sight of what was happening. Some others tried to calm him down with no luck and everyone was now watching from the back of the big room or near the door. At the front of the room, there was a boy crying with a paper in his hands. He had a school uniform that was messy. Next to him was a middle aged woman that looked like she worked there.

' Why I was a good student this year. I behaved. I studied and always did my homework. Why did I fail my exam again?'

' How is this fair to me?' He kept crying and kept screaming of how unfair the world was. The boy who just cried was Andre. He turned 18 a month ago and was still in highschool. He already failed his exams last year, and this was the second time that he failed his exams.

Andre kept looking at the paper in his hands.

english : 7.8

math : 3.2

history : 6.4

geography : 4.5

german : 5.4

( for those who don't know 5.5 is what you need to pass an exam. He has a 3.2 a 4.5 and 5.4 he failed with 0.1)

The teacher kept watching as she had seen it many times before and was prepared for it. 'Andre, I know you failed but there is still hope.

you can still work in a factory or try to make your own company. Your life isn't over yet.' Greta said.

As I kept watching the teacher, I couldn't help but to blame her for everything. She was my German teacher. She failed me with 0.1.

How can I not blame her?

I stopped trying to hide my tears.'You know what fuck school. Fuck working. Fuck the society we are stuck in!' i kept yelling at her. A part of me hoping she would change my grade. Another part of me just trying to vent of my anger. But when I looked her in her eyes. The only thing I could see was another pair of sad eyes. Was she also miserable or was she just scared of me? I could not keep on yelling because i can't breathe through my nose. The snot had become so much that I couldn't even breathe through my nose again. It felt like mud slowly descended down my mouth. I was heavily breathing out of my mouth but never took my eyes of her.

'et ou' said Greta

I said get out!! Greta shouted at Andre.

I helped you this whole year and the year before that. Is this the appreciation i get for all of that hard work. Some were even unpaid because I had to help you learn even after school hours. I have literally done my best for you, but you got no one to blame except yourself.

Get out of my class and don't come back ever! She pointed at the door. I turned around a grabbed my backpack from the place I was waiting at. When I turned toward the exit, there were a lot of classmates watching what just happened. Thanks to my anger I temporarily forgot they were even here. They moved out of the way but kept watching as Andre left the classroom. Andre rushed over to the exit. When he finally left the building he couldn't even head straight home.

He just turned 18 and was still living with his parents. They were waiting for the great news. He could not tell them again that he failed, That he was unsuccessful again and was not able to tell them he screamed at Greta after all the countless times she helped him.

He felt like trash. He felt useless in this world and knew that the moment he failed he would be it truly. 'I can't follow my dreams without a certificate. Without a certificate I get paid way less and won't be able to truly live my life until I'm older or get lucky thanks to a lottery.' I felt like I could cry but my eyes felt dry and my voice Hoars. Andre finally gathered enough courage to walk to his parents home and face them with the bad news.
