
Our relationship is complicated

“—What is love?” Humans often misunderstand attraction and admiration for love. Jinghe Lu, a handsome but narcissistic, egoistic and over confident high school student questions himself this— for the very first time in his life. His Crush, whom he thought loved him turns out to have feelings for his best friend Yan Xia! Another pretty boy who comes second to Jinghe Lu in sports, academics, looks and everything! “—If she isn't in love with me, then I will make her fall for me!” Determined, Jinghe Lu comes up with various plans and traps to make Qiang Lu fall for him. But wait! He has another trouble at hands to deal with! ???: “You're Jinghe Lu, the guy who used to be ugly and dropped out of school because you were bullied... Am I right?” A mysterious girl blackmails Jin with photos of his dark past and orders him to be her secret boyfriend! What is Jinghe's secret? Will Jinghe Lu ever escape from her grasp? Will Qiang Lu fall in love with him? What is his best friend Yan Xia hiding? Find out for yourself! Original cover art owner: Mmnumm (on twitter)

BluePenguin007 · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs

A sister's interrogation


I open the door with much caution. It's five in the morning and I don't want to wake anyone up so I take my shoes off before entering the house.

"The lights are out... This looks good. Seems like everyone is asleep."

—I thought to myself while entering. I hold my shoes with left hand and close the door behind me while being careful enough, not to make any noise. As soon as I close the door behind me—


The lights...turns on.

Jinghe Lu: "Oops...this is bad."

I turn behind just to find my little sister, Ying who's hands were on the switch board and her legs were trembling, as If she had been sitting on her knees for long.

She was standing with the support of the wall and had eye bags under her eyes. It was clear that she did not sleep the entire night.

She was in her cream colored pajamas and had silky brown hair which extended to her shoulders.

On top of her head was our pet cat— Tommy who was not bothered by Ying's movements at all!

He only has one damn job— and that is to eat and laze around!

Jinghe: "Y-Ying!? What are you doing!?"

Worried, I ask her. In response she replies in a shaking and tired voice—

"That should be my question... W-what were you doing last night? Sniff-Sniff— wait... Do I smell perfume?"

Jinghe: "Oh... That...(Crap! Is she a dog?)"

Ying: "ANSWER."

People wear masks, and like I said before— so do I. I've been keeping my job as a secret from my family.

Of course you would never want your family member to work at a club where people drink alcohol and indulge in all sort of sins.

Which is why... I chose to lie again.

Jinghe: "Ying... I was at my friend's—Yan Xia's place. Partying with the guys. I'm sorry, I should've informed you earlier but then again, Aunt Yang wouldn't have let me stay up all night."

Ying: "I KNEW IT!"

Saying which she grabs Tommy from her head and throws him at my face. Tommy screams in panic and scratches his paws all over my face before somehow managing to climb on my shoulders and then jumping off on floor.

He shakes his body and then glares back at me while screeching. Basically cursing me for ruining his sleep.

What does that piece of cat shit think of himself?

Jinghe: "Ouch..."

I gently caress the scratch on my face to level the pain. At the same time I notice Ying pouting like a balloon.

Ying: "Tell me the truth... Were you really just partying at your friend's home? I will give Yan Xia a call in the noon to ask him myself!"

Jinghe: "Jeez... Why are you so distrustful of your own brother. What else would I do all night?"

Ying: "...part-time?"

She answered with a pause, probably taking her time to guess it.

Jinghe: "Sigh... Do I really look like such a responsible brother?"

Ying: "You... You're a piece of shit..."

Jinghe: "Hah! Told you! What's there to worr—"

Ying: "But you're not irresponsible. You know how hard mother and aunt work just to manage our expenses. So I thought..."

I give out a long breath and scratch my hair before patting her. She's in her 3rd year of middle school and yet she thinks like an elementary student.

"I wonder... If she too will turn out like me after entering high school?" —I feel disgusted at myself for even thinking like that for a moment.

I will protect my sister from Bullies, even if I have to dirty myself more than what I already have.

By no means... Will I let her end up like me.

"—You heard her, Jinghe."

Another person comes out from inside and joins into our conversation.

Jinghe: "Aunt Yang!"

—To Be Continued—