
Caught in action

Please don't make me do this

To bad you don't have a choice you might enjoy it actually

Now what the fuck is going on here huh

Oh hi kachan


Guys please keep the noise down in Tryna slee- never mind proceed

Can you guys please not make your words sounds so ugh

Huh kachan what do you mean what's sexual

Bro don't ruin his innocence

Never mind

Well I'm going bad to sleep now

Okay goodnight Lexy

Night Lou

Hey kachan


When's minot coming home

Not sure but he normally comes home late

Oh oke

Hey Lou you still up to try carrot milk

Fine but only cause you won

Heh sweet

Sips milk

Bleh I think I'm gonna through up

Guys be quiet I'm trying to sleep

All say sorry lexy

Main Characters :

Lexy : Girl, lesbian, house owner, part of the pack, mean when grumpy, actually sweet.

Lou: Boy, gay, innocence overload, scary when angry, hates the cold, dating Matt.

Matt: boy, gay, hates homophobes and math, loves eating healthy, will literally cry if someone mentions maths, has asthma.

Kachan: boy, straight, loves gymnastics, hates horses, doesn't know how to swim.

Mason: boy, straight, loves pizza, hates his parents.

Kura: Girl, cat, ginger & blonde, fur, is extremely furry, loves Lou the most