16 Author's Note

Hello everyone!

I want to inform you that Chapter 15: A Trip To The City will be the last free chapter. Paywall will be applied for the next chapters.

I am sorry in advance for the slow pace of the novel. I am really working and thinking through about this novel carefully, and I also have some important things to do like school works and all. I hope you understand (・∀・).

Thank you for choosing this novel and being part of this journey. I really hope that you love it!

Also, votes and reviews are highly appreciated.

Once again, thank you and I love you all! ( ◜‿◝ )♡

– LiaLabsYou

You can follow me on my social media accounts for more updates about the novel, Our Journey, and also for the future novels under the Alvarez Series.

Twitter: @LiaLabsYou

Instagram: @lialabsyou

