
Our Forbidden Love Night

A girl that owns a billion dollars company just got pregnant with a stranger in the bar, because of some stupid break up made her drink to the bar all night. But the next day, her precious thing was taken away by someone... someone who's always known as the perfectionist.

Jairus_Malto · วัยรุ่น
9 Chs

Chapter 2: Deal

As the door creaked open. I stared at the man who had taken my virginity just hours ago, the memory of the night's events a blurry haze of regret and confusion. He stood in the doorway, his silhouette a dark outline against the morning light filtering through the blinds.

The starkness of the room, the silence, and the emptiness of his gaze felt like a physical blow. My nakedness, a stark contrast to the normalcy of the sheets beneath me, was a constant reminder of the irrevocable act that had just transpired.

I felt a wave of nausea, the room spinning with the shame and vulnerability that washed over me. His eyes, cold and distant, held no remorse, no hint of the intimacy that had momentarily graced our bodies.

Instead, they were filled with an unsettling emptiness, a void that mirrored the emptiness I felt within. The weight of the night's events pressed down on me, a heavy burden I couldn't shake, and I desperately wished for the ground to swallow me whole.

"What... what happened last night?" His gaze flickered to me, a fleeting flicker of something I couldn't decipher.

Then, he spoke, his voice as cold and impersonal as the morning air. "You were quite wild last night," he said, the words devoid of any emotion.

It was as if he were describing a stranger, not the person I saw reflected in his eyes, the person I saw in the mirror, the person who was now naked and exposed, clinging to the last vestiges of dignity.

The words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the night's events, the violation, the loss of control. And in that moment, I realised, the man in the doorway wasn't the only one who had lost something that night. I had lost myself.

The man, his shadowed face illuminated only by the dim bedside lamp, leaned closer to the bed. His voice, low and gravelly, held a strange mix of desperation and calculation. "Listen," he began, his gaze unwavering, "I know this is a lot to ask, but I have an idea. If you get pregnant, I'll make sure the child is taken care of. I'll pay for everything, doctor's visits, the nursery, the whole nine yards. And after you've had the baby, you can live on my side of the house. We'll have separate rooms, of course, but I'll be there for you, for the child. I'll make sure you're comfortable, that you have everything you need." His words hung heavy in the air, laced with a promise that felt more like a burden.

I, my self on the bed, my face pale and drawn, stared back at him, my eyes filled with a mixture of fear and bewilderment. This proposition, a twisted bargain offered in the twilight hours, felt less like a solution and more like a desperate attempt to control a situation that was already spiraling out of control.

"What the hell?!" I stood up from the bed, well still naked but covered my self with the white thin blanket. 

The man leans in and caress my cheek with his free hand. "Your not the only one who lost something from this sexual contact, Violet." He says, his voice cold and threatening that made me shiver down my spine.

How did he know my name? I looked at the bed side table and saw my wallet and ID. I guess that's where he knows. 

 I could feel the tension building up as he spoke, his words cutting through the silence like a sharp knife. I knew I had to be careful, but I couldn't help but feel drawn to him, like a moth to a flame.

As he continued to caress my cheek, I could feel the roughness of his hand against my skin, sending shivers down my spine. I knew I should have walked away when I had the chance, but something about him had captivated me, and I couldn't resist his advances. What Am I doing, I should get away from him, but my body wont move. It's like being lure on this man's big body. 

"What do you mean?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. I could feel my heart racing as I waited for his response, wondering what he could possibly have lost from our sexual contact.

"You know what I mean, darling." he whisper against my ear. He's body heat radiating off his body. 

"I man looked like you could've possibly lost his virginity on me, and besides, you look like the man who slept with the whole school." I glared as I cross my arms under my chest, making the blanket fall off my body. 

"Fuck!" I tried to pick it up but The man pushed me back to bed, making my legs spread. 

"Excuse you, little queen. But I do not have any sex interactions before." he says angrily. "And now, agree or what?" he added. His voices seems threatening and he could do anything possible to me with my position. 

"Okay. I agree, but in one condition." 

"What is it?" he asked.

"Promise me to not tell Anyone about this." 

As we talked a little, I realized I was in the presence of someone extraordinary. The man, with his gentle demeanor and thoughtful eyes, was none other than Luck Celestia Diaz, the name synonymous with the country's most successful business empire. It was a name that reverberated through the halls of finance, a name that adorned the covers of magazines, a name that whispered of power and influence.