

A powerful gang killed her father. Lily Jones is a well-known attorney and the daughter of a successful businessman. For the benefit of the family company, she got married to Alex Smith, a childhood friend and the most successful man she had ever known. Lily's desire to track down her father's killer made life terrible for everyone.

OSTAR1 · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

CHAPTER TWO - Day of the wedding

In front of a huge, stunning estate, Lily pulled the car to a stop. She flung open the car door and got out. After letting out a long sigh, Lily moved closer to the main gate. He flung open the door as she approached the gate and was ready to ring the bell. He was giving her a serious look.

"Lily, you have arrived at last!"

He was going to give her a hug when he stated in a deep voice. She moved backwards to get away from his contact.

"James, I'm here to clear up some confusion for you."

He was ready to touch her again when she took a step back, giving him a perplexed expression.

"Let me at least give you a hug, Lily."

She shrugged in the negative. He is aware that something is amiss with her. James extended an invitation to her to enter.

"Come on in, Lily, let's sit down and talk about it."

He caught her eye as she grinned.

Lily plopped down on the couch as soon as they entered the launch.

James handed her the juice glass. She exhaled deeply.

I'm really sorry, James.

He approached her and sat down next to her after scowling.

"Lily, what happened to you? Are you alright?

A tear ran from her eye as she bowed her head.

He gave her a worried-looking stare.

You know you can tell me, Lily. What took place?" She nodded and cast a thoughtful glance into his eyes.

"I'm getting married,".

His eyes began to fill with tears, and his heart missed a beat.


She got up and turned her back on him.

Yes, I'm very sorry, I swear.

She was afraid of losing him, and her voice was trembling.

He is, after all, her love. She is terrified despite not knowing that he wasn't his first love.

I'm leaving. The story comes to an end here. Avoid contacting me.

She stepped outside to his house, leaving him behind.

James wiped a tear from his face as he stared towards the door.

"Lily, I adore you. I'll adore you forever.

a few days later.

It is the couple's wedding day. There is a lot of preparation going on. Lily is admiring her wedding dress as she stands in front of the mirror. With her dishevelled bun and tea-pink wedding dress, she is accessorizing with modest diamond stud earrings. When the door unexpectedly opened to show her mother and Mrs Smith, she was applying her cosmetics.

Are you ready, honey? The visitors are anticipating you.

Mrs Jones questioned her while grinning broadly. She gave her a small nod and a false grin.

"You look absolutely stunning. You're going to win Alex over.

In jest, Mrs Smith said. Stella only grinned at the girl.

without looking at her, he put the ring on her finger. Lily was studying the features of Alex's face when the priest uttered something that caused them both to scowl.

"You two are now married. The bride is open for kisses.

As he approached her, Alex gave her a harsh stare. She was attempting to control her heartbeat because her heartbeat was so loud. Lily tightly shut her eyes. To her, Alex knelt down and gave her a forehead kiss. Everyone began to applaud as soon as he turned back.

Lily left the area right away and went to her room because she was becoming a little sick of the fake grin after meeting so many visitors. Looking at the wall was Lily. There were also numerous images of her father. She let out a long sigh as she closed her eyes. She shed a single tear, which perfectly captured how she was feeling at the time.

"Dad? Why did you abandon me in his obscene world?

You know, pretending to be a strong person in front of everyone is really difficult. They simply have no comprehension.

She snapped a photo of her father and herself. Her cheeks broke into a tiny smile.

"I love you dad, I hope you are doing well in heaven."

Look, I succeeded. I hope you are content.

She repositioned the image on the table. She took a seat on the bed and examined her wedding band.

You've undergone a lot of change, Smith Alex.

When Stella closed her eyes, she experienced a flashback.

In an effort to get to her lesson on time, a girl was sprinting down the hallway. Someone was loudly crashing to the ground when she ran into them. She closed her eyes and moaned in anguish. Someone extended a hand to her. Once her eyes finally opened, she noticed a hand in front of her.

"I'm SO sorry. Are you alright?

She mustered a grin as she turned to face the individual.

I suppose, yea.

He assisted her in standing up while she clutched onto his hand.

I truly appreciate it.

She smiled brightly and replied to him. They heard the ring as he was going to say something. He was surprised when she started to fear and fled.

As the mental flashback of her history came to an end, she opened her eyes.

I'm sorry, Moon; we were going to be together, but fate has other plans. It was him, Moon James.

When someone unexpectedly knocked on the door, she was deep in meditation. She got to her feet and headed for the door. She let Smith through the door. He added, pointing out that Alex was standing there without giving her a glance.

"Let's go, everyone, asking for you."

She moved forward while nodding. He went after her. She was ready to ascend the steps when her foot abruptly twisted, threatening to send her flying. Smith sprinted over to her, grabbed her by the waist, and smacked her into his chest.

When she brushed against his chest instead of falling, she opened her eyes, looking at the person who had saved her. He caught her eye.

Smith, was being held by Alex. She shrieked.

"Alex? I am OK. You may now depart from me.

She spoke all at once. He let go of his hold and groaned.

"Lily, be careful. I have no idea why you are constantly clumsy.

After speaking in an uninterested manner, he turned away from her.

She followed him while grumbling.

She greeted her parents and then walked over to the car to sit down. While Alex started the car, she gave a small wave to her brother. They eventually sped off in their car. He paid no attention to the attractive bride seated next to him because his attention was on the road. She grinned as she sent a glance Alex's way.


He only responded by humming.

"Do you recall how we behaved in school?"

She questioned him in the hopes of starting a small chat, but his response saddened her.

The answer is "No, I don't."

She grinned sorrowfully and turned to face the window. Lily believed that communication with him was no longer possible.

She dozed out after closing her eyes. He sighed after casting a glimpse her way.

"I'm sorry"

He muttered and concentrated on getting home. Alex applied the handbrake as they approached the house, causing Lily to awaken. She tried to clear her vision as she opened her eyes. She then exited the vehicle and organized her wedding outfit. Lily attempted to move, but her bridal garment prevented her from doing so. Alex hears the woman sigh. He approached her and scooped her up in his arms. Her eyes grew wider.

"Don't smile. I'm merely assisting you.

He stated in a sour tone before bringing her inside.

All of Alex's servants and security guards stared at him with their mouths open as he entered the mansion. He placed her down after bringing her into her room. She didn't realize that she was constantly fixating on him.

You are in your room. We don't have to share a space. Don't enter my room without first getting my approved. Be prepared.

The contract will be discussed tomorrow at 9:00 PM.

He said, then left her in her room on her own.