
Orcs Slayer

A gifted and diligent young warrior dedicating his all life to hunt orcs as a revenge for what they did to him in the past but along the way of his difficult journey he will find out that there are better things in life then seeking revenge. First time writing please be gentle with me and I appreciate criticism but only the respectful one.

Khamzat · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs


"Your smart Orc very smart...To put yourself in the armour of green energy and let me attack you until I collapse from extreme exhaustion, well bad news for you ORC I still have energy so...BE READY" said Bob with an exhausted expression on his face, but his eyes still have the same fire of determination as before.

This is it. The moment that decides their fate. The world has fallen silent. Bob can hear the faintest sound, and the whispers of the wind accompanied by the sound of his heavy breathing, a statement of how hard he fought until now.

Bob again, is the first to draw his sword, a beautiful Silver Long blade with a black leather hilt. He points it straight at the Orc as if saying 'THIS WILL BE THE LAST THING YOU WILL EVER SEE BEFORE I KILL YOU '. 

The orc rolls his neck and his only arm and exhales deeply, loud voice befitting a monster like him,  activating his Green glow that covered all his body and his Machete is no exception.

"YOU DIE!!," Bob spits.

Bob, attacks, his body lurching forward with incredible speed. But the Orc dodges and spins away, with a speed unfitting of a giant like him.

Holding his machete with his left arm. His rusty machete hardly reflects any light from the sun.

Bob continues his attacks, but the Orc is dodging with incredible speed and if he didn't dodge he will Block Bob's attack with his rusty yet strong machete, skipping away like him losing an arm was the best thing that happened in his life, Bob on the offence, and The Orc evading,  or on the defensive.

"FUCKING HELL STOP DODGING!!!" Bob shouted outraged sick of the orc fighting style and his inability to land a single blow on him. 

As if obeying What Bob said, the Orc finally raises his Machete not to block, but to parry Bob, causing a resounding boom that blows the dust from the ground causing a big cloud. Bob and the Orc glare into one another's eyes Green against Black.

Now the orc is the one in an offensive by launching a series of attacks.

Holding his machete with his only remaining arm, he strikes repeatedly.

"Heck F-uck" Bob clenching his teeth hard trying to not get hit. 

And the Orc for the third time since this battle started pushed Bob back, who parries. his feet drag on the ground further with each Blow from the Orc.

The Orc uses his size and weight as an advantage, adding more force to the blows. Bob on the other hand has no time to think or even blink putting all his focus and power on parrying The Orc blows that could break boulders and shatter trees to smithereens it's a miracle that Bob's silver sword can still hold this long, its only testament of the Quality of the Silver sword. 

"D-amn you" Bob said angry and tired but still parrying albeit not as strong as before his feet shaking and his body sweating heavily with new wounds on the exposed side of his body, as an evidence that his defence is Collapsing against the mighty and devastating blows the Orc dealing. 

And Finally, the Orc succeeded in bringing Bob to his knees with the devastating force of his Blows, with his rusty Machete, with green energy emanating from not only the machete. but all over the Orc body gives the Orc the power to do what he just did to Bob.

The Machete came down one more time and it cut through Bob's exposed shoulder, with blood flowing from the wound.

"GHAAAAK.....".Bob bit his morals so hard to stifle his scream from the excessive,

 pain, continusly pushing the machete up with his silver sword holding both the end of his silver sword trying with all his might. 

"GROWL"  the Orc let out a loud voice still glowing green. In turn, he is pushing the machete down in the hope of cutting Bob down with his only remaining arm, and if he still has his right he would have already succeeded on that. 

"I WON'T LET YOU,  SICUT SOL!!!! " and at the last moment Bob shouted with a loud voice, his third ability name.

Suddenly, Bob's body started to glow a bright yellow light brighter than the sun brighter and brighter continuously. 

The Orc witnessing this knew exactly what gonna happen as he did suffered badly from this attack before. so he retracted his machete and closed his eyes relaying on his other senses he jumped back, while jumping his energy armour disappeared as fast as it appeared again when the Orc lands away from Bob at a safer distance from the light.

"So that's how it works huh?" and of course, Bob didn't miss that.

'No time for that now, first I need to back down for now' I thought, seeing the orc jump away, Bob took this chance by backing away holding his wounded shoulder with his right and his sword in his left hand ready if the Orc decided to attack again. 

After a few seconds Bob was in a safe distance from the orc he sat his back on. a tree recovering his wounded shoulder 'The mana in the air will a long some time to heal my wound but, if I sat closer to the forest I will heal faster ' Bob thought while thinking that.

His wound already stopped bleeding, a testament to how potent the healing capability of the mana in the forest air was.

Although his wound is still deep and almost fatal " shit that was close, if I didn't use my ability I would be dead by now... but I got something from it in the end. so... it's worth it  " Bob said glaring at the Orc a few meters away.

The Orc in turn was glaring with his redend green eyes tensing his muscles and breathing heavily glowing green energy from all over his body. 

"Yeah of course the bastard can suck the energy from earth blow him... So he can have infinite energy and can maintain his green armour as long as his feet are touching the ground ...seriously this ability is unfair heh" said Bob with a low voice standing again using his sword as a support. 

Finally, on his feet he let go of his wound and leaned on a tree beside him " I need to find a way to cut his connection with the earth " he said lowly contemplating a solution for this ordeal.