
Opinions of the Herrscher of Dominance

"I am the Herrscher of Dominance, The Herrscher of Legion." "There are thousands of me." "Thousands of me who can think in sync yet independently." "Thousands of me who can infinitely revive." "Isn't this clearly a BUG-level learning and growth system!?" "...Wait, let me emphasize that it's a learning and growth system, not a clone dating system!" "What do you mean I'm a Bride!?" "I never even thought about anything weird like a harem! I'm serious! So, you weird women, stay away from me!!!" — As usual, a MTL+Bot assisted Translation and heavy editing of a CN fanfic being put here for easy reading. CN Title:千人律者的一己之见

Bismarck_Imperia · วิดีโอเกม
87 Chs

Chapter 85: Shocked Ninti

Fu Hua hesitated for a moment and did not reveal the secret to Angel, but said:

"The headquarters has its own considerations. Don't worry so much. Just believe in their strength."


Angel nodded obediently.

The cute and docile appearance of the blonde girl comforted Fu Hua. It is a good thing to resonate with the key of domination.

In this way, there will be fewer worries in the next mission. However, even so, when Fu Hua thought of the huge beast like Chi You, she couldn't help but worry.

Angel is so young. Is it really appropriate for such a young child to go to that kind of battlefield?

Otherwise, should she communicate with Theresa and let her change her mind?

Fu Hua is not afraid of any hardships, nor is she afraid of her own life and death, but for this girl who calls her "Master" every day in a coquettish way - Fu Hua had to admit helplessly that she felt scared.

Afraid of losing, afraid of seeing this child encounter misfortune, afraid... of being alone again.

"Master, you are not just a simple student, right?"

Just when Fu Hua was shrinking and struggling, Angel, who was waving a sword, suddenly asked calmly. Fu Hua's heart skipped a beat.

Angel did not wait for Fu Hua to respond and continued to explain:

"You are too strong. I can roughly feel the level of Sister Himeko, but even Himeko, who is known as the Wall of Saint Freya, is completely incomparable to Master. And whether it is Edge of Taixuan or this magical sword, what you have is too powerful."


"But I know that Master is a good person, and I believe in Master! Well, I have to find a scabbard for it, and it's late. Himeko is still waiting for me to go back to bed. See you tomorrow, Master!"

Angel turned her head and showed Fu Hua a bright and pure smile. Fu Hua looked at Angel's back as she jumped away, as if she could see the cute smile of excitement on that delicate little face. After a long time, Fu Hua smiled bitterly and sat down.

"Have you noticed that I have another background? That's right, Angel has always been a perceptive child. Even if you guessed it, you still let me know about Welt's affairs without any hesitation. Can't you keep a little more suspicion? I can't tell you anything. How can the master be worthy of your trust?"

Fu Hua touched her chest with one hand, and an unspeakable bitterness spread in her heart, but thinking of the smile that made her heart soften just now, she couldn't help wanting to smile. Then, she was suddenly stunned again, looking at the path outside the door, as if she had realized something:

"Even my situation can be noticed. Then, the time when the three of them entered school was just after the Nagazora City incident, and the surname Raiden was so conspicuous in Nagazora City - Angel, are you really unaware of it? Or, you don't want to face it?"

Fu Hua was suddenly confused, biting her lips and clenching her hands. Before she had an apprentice, she could calmly look at the complex situation in Saint Freya, but now, she can't do it anymore.


Angie didn't know Fu Hua would think so much. She just showed off her smart personality. In this way, when the spy's identity is exposed in the future, she can be considered a small accomplice and can help to speak a little, so that it won't be so stiff.

There is no way. Fu Hua's gift is too heavy.

The Divine Key itself is extremely precious, and it also represents Fu Hua's sincere treatment - this sincerity is what Angie really can't repay.

'I didn't expect that Master really gave me Xuanyuan Sword, which is the Domination Key.'

'I always feel that I owe more and more people. If this goes on, if my identity is exposed, I really don't know what to do!'

Angie thought about Himeko, Kiana, and others, then thought about Wendy, and thought about Sin and the Vodka sisters. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that she had no conscience.

'Damn it! Why did it develop to this point?'

'Are we essentially scum?'

'Impossible! Absolutely impossible!'

'I'm so annoyed! Then let's not expose it. Angel will be Angel for life, and Delta will be Delta for life! Just treat them well and lie to them for life!'

'It seems that I can only try to do this.'

'However, when everyone in Saint Freya becomes a Herrscher, Angel can also become a Herrscher of 1,000 people, right? After all, you still have to be sociable.'

'That's right, elites from Saint Freya are embarrassed to say hello to others if they are not Herrschers.'

Angel chatted casually, but her mood was not as high as expected. Obviously, getting the Key of Domination is a great thing, but the guilt towards Fu Hua makes this matter less happy.

Crossing many seas, at the distant East Shenzou Sea Base, Cocolia and Ninti also welcomed heavyweight guests.

"Welt, you bastard finally came out of that damn place in Saint Freya!"

"Long time no see, Yang."

Tesla and Einstein greeted him and greeted Welt, who had come across the sea in the form of a plane, in different ways. Tesla stepped on her beautiful little red shoes and flew onto Welt's tall body without saying anything. The two hugged each other tightly. Then, Welt turned to Einstein and said with a warm smile:

"Tesla, Ein, long time no see."

As the three elders looked at each other warmly, a little head with blond hair and purple eyes slowly poked out from behind Einstein. Welt was stunned for a moment, a hint of complexity flashed in his eyes, and he hesitated:

"This is..."

Tesla and Einstein also restrained their emotions and nodded to him silently. Joyce's significance to the three of them needs no further explanation, so Welt actually had extremely complicated feelings about Ninti.

First, he was angry that Joyce was defiled, then he felt pity for Ninti under the influence of empathy, and he also had expectations and timidity for the remaining memories of Joyce.

Welt calmed down, then squatted down with a gentle and intimate smile.

"Ninti is a special child, nice to meet you."

Welt never told anyone, but he valued Ninti very much. Therefore, he deliberately made their first meeting face to face, rather than indirect remote communication. Ninti stared at Welt expressionlessly. For a long time, until Welt's smile could no longer be maintained, Ninti turned her head to look at Einstein, with a little hesitation on her little face, and asked blankly:

"Uncle... Joachim?"

"..."× N

The scene was suddenly quiet. Except for Tesla's sudden heroic laughter.

"Hahaha! Uncle! Hahaha!"

Then Einstein and Cocolia also quickly covered their mouths, resisting the urge to laugh out loud.

Welt's expression froze for a moment, and he glanced at Tesla speechlessly. But then he reacted again, and his pupils suddenly trembled.

'Is it because Joyce's memory only stayed in my childhood? She really...'

Welt couldn't help but clench his fists. After a long time, he looked at Ninti with extremely soft eyes and smiled:

"I am Joachim Yang. I have grown up."

I have grown up, Joyce, can you see it? Have I disappointed you over the years? I really want to see you again, Joyce.

Welt's eyes were shining with tears. It was not that he was not stable enough, but that he really wanted Joyce to see himself now through Ninti's eyes.




"Σ(っ °Д °;)っ!!!"

Ninti's face went from blank to wide-open, and then to extreme shock. Her vivid reaction made Tesla laugh even more devilishly:

"Puff! Hahahaha!"

Tesla quickly knelt on the ground, holding her aching stomach with one hand and pounding the ground with the other, laughing so hard that tears came out. Einstein and Cocolia, who had been able to endure it before, couldn't help but laugh out loud. Amid the ladies' wild or suppressed laughter, Welt shook his head helplessly, and the emotions in his heart gradually dissipated.

So, Welt stretched out his hands, lifted up Ninti, who was still in shock, and let her sit on his shoulders.

"I forgot to say hello to you, Cocolia. You have done a great job during this period. Thank you for your contribution to Anti-Entropy. I remember all these contributions. Well, there is still a lot to do, but let's go in first. The sea breeze at night is very strong."

Welt turned his head and showed Ninti an intimate and gentle smile. The fragility just now was replaced by a sunny and strong temperament, and he strode into the base.

Want to see advanced chapters? Chapters 1-300+ available at patréon.com/PorterOfSomething

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