
OP: Injustice (Side Story)

Guys! I fucked up! I didn't know that Side Stories were only for Originals! So I can only put the Side story here! Um... Hmm... If you're new, You'd have to go and read 'One Piece: Injustice Corrected' to understand what's going on.... but for the rest of you! All those little dreams in your heads of wholesomeness and happy endings will be fulfilled in this side story! Banzai Daniel-san! Banzai!

AgentMonke · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
56 Chs

Robin finds out!

Galan was called to do a Buster call! O'Hara was looking into history and the World Government didn't want people to know the real history so O'Hara had to be erased from history.

He didn't hesitate and called Dragon to tell him the news, telling him to evacuate the researchers as the civilians would be evacuated anyway.

But when he got to the island, the researchers never left!

Galan was angry and started the Buster Call, dozens of Warships peppering the island as the civilians were evacuated onto a Marine Warship.

Galan went onto the island, seeing a Cipher Pol leader and two agents harassing a woman, prepared to kill a child.

He held a shotgun and sighed telling them that they should've just left the island. He didn't understand why they would stay for such a stupid thing as religion to a tree.

Don't they know they're all a joke in God's eyes?

Galan killed the Cipher Pol agents before seeing a little girl calling to the white haired woman as her mommy.

Galan's vision distorted seeing himself instead of the little girl. He blinked and cleared the haze before making a shocking decision.

He rested the barrel of the shotgun on the woman's head and the little girl beat on his leg telling him to let go of her mommy.

Galan nudged her off him and stared at her, making her freeze in a daze as he told her that he was going to ruin her life. He was going to kill her mommy and he was the big monster in her heart.

He went on about the World Government and how this was the big enemy of the little girl, telling her that when she sleeps she'll see his face, but that this wasn't a bad thing! Hatred made her strong!

There was only good and evil in this world!

The little girl froze in fear and the woman shouted the little girl's name saying that she was the one he wanted not her daughter, so just kill her instead!

Galan stepped on the woman's head and asked the little girl for her name, ignoring the woman entirely. The little girl mustered up her courage and said "Robin. Nico Robin."

Galan held his mother's sun pendant and pressed the shotgun on Robin's little chest, saying "I am the Evil in this world, Robin. And I won't stop, I'll never stop. Do you understand me? The Government created you and me, I was born in an ash heap and you will be too!"

Robin was scared to tears and Galan added, "As long as there's Justice in your heart, it doesn't matter if you're a pirate or a marine. Remember that." before blocking a giant fist with the but off his shotgun.

He threw the woman into Robin's arms and let them hug for a bit before throwing Robin to the giant, pressing the shotgun on the back of the woman's head. The giant ran off with Robin as Galan shouted "Remember this day, Robin! The day you were born again!"

Robin's face was covered in tears as she shouted hysterically "MOOOMMMY!" before a loud gunshot was heard and Robin screamed in horror, unable to see her mouth anymore.

The scene went back and Galan was looking out at the distance where the giant disappeared, the woman was completely fine, there was just a hole in front of her and her ears were ringing a bit.

Galan snorted gently and grabbed the woman, taking her with him as the researcher asked him why, Galan didn't give him a reason, saying that he was also 8 years old when he was born again. It was fitting to have Robin as a chess piece outside, he actually didn't care at all, it seemed.

He added that he was a monster, not really human, so he'll play the role of a monster to the end. Hate would make her strong, he didn't lie about this. He muttered that there was only room for one monster in this world and he would be Robin's monster.

The researcher smiled and asked him if he wanted to know the true history, but Galan said that he didn't want to know, nor did he care about the true history.

In his mind, the destruction of the World Government was a done deal. He didn't care what they did before or what they'll do after. He couldn't care less. He would end it with his own hands, nothing more, nothing less.

The researcher asked him what about after and Galan said that he would look down on the corpse of evil and then join them in hell. The researcher mentioned that it sounded like a sad life but Galan laughed twice saying that he'd been dead for a long time.

Before he disappeared on the spot, going back to his ship.

However, he saw the evacuation ship suddenly explode!

Galan was stunned and went to check for survivors but there was nothing left! He returned to his ship and settled the woman in his cabin, locking her there as he walked out looking at the man responsible!

It was a Marine!


Everyone watching was horrified!

Sakazuki watched with his arm crossed, the other arm made of magma. He didn't care at all. He felt like he was right!

Anyway, he had bigger problems.

He was fighting Kaido very soon and needed to prepare. Fleet Admiral's orders.

The screen continued

Galan looked at Sakazuki before going back into his cabin and coming out with a roll of books tied with a string.

He looked out in the distance and saw a little raft with Robin on it. He threw out the books and they pierced through the air, stabbing into the raft, startling Robin, waking her up from her own stupor.

She didn't even notice where these books came from.

She opened them and they were all training manuals and a personal diary depicting Galan's early life. Robin held the books like a treasure and looked at her home covered in flames, sailing away while crying.

Galan closed his eyes and sighed as Olvia looked at him in shock, her eyes sparkling with love!

Robin froze, her head buzzing as she watched this video. This… she didn't know at all!

Turns out her mother was alive! Not only that, but her most prized possession was a book from the man who she swore to kill several times! Worse than that, it was his own early life!

She often dreamed of the person in the story, wondering if this person existed or was still alive. She wanted to know who it was…

But the answer, it was out of her expectations!

The rest of the crew stared at the screen, their minds buzzing in shock.

This guy tried to kill them several times! Said he would kill them several times. Apparently killed Robin's mother…

It was all fake?!

What else did he do that was a lie?!

The 5 Elders were getting colder and colder by the minute…

This damn bastard!

[5 Elders: Galan, you are dead.]

[Nico Olvia: Hahaha! That's funny! You know what else is funny? You bunch of dogs bark really good for your master! Hahahahahaha! Woof woof! If you come for Galan, I will kill you myself, you disgusting excuse for human beings!]

[Nico Robin: Mom!?]

[Nico Olvia: Um… Ahem! Hi sweetheart, are you alright?]

[Nico Robin: Where are you right now? Why didn't you come find me?!]

[Nico Olvia: Ugh… It's complicated, baby… Keep watching, you'll see… this was 20 years ago mind you…]

[Nico Olvia: Before you say anything, I'm sorry, Robin. I'm a really sorry excuse for a mother…]

Robin looked at the chat worriedly, staring at the screen with infinite questions.

[Luffy: You're Robin's mom?! I thought you were dead! That's crazy! Shishishi!]

[Nico Olvia: Monkey-Chan! Are you alright? Did Galan hurt you?]

[Vinsmoke Sanji: MONKEY-CHAN!? WAIT! You're!!! You're Robin-chwan!?]

[Nico Olvia: Oops!]

[David Lieberman: God! Someone fill me in! I need to know this drama!]

[Frank Castle: Would you shut the fuck up, Lieberman?!]

[Sarah Lieberman: DAVID?! YOU'RE ALIVE?!]

[Frank Castle: Great, see what you did? You stupid fuck!]

[David Lieberman: No, this is an illusion. I'm serious, go to sleep.]

[Billy Russo: Frank?! You're alive?! Thanks for letting me know you fucking asshole.]

[Frank Castle: Shut the fuck up, Billy…]

The screen continued!