

  Rescued 8

  He sat down without ceremony, pulled out his check booklet from the inner pocket of his jacket and filled in the sum of one million for the compensation before handing it over to the Barrister. Before, 4:00 pm, the family got the message of the payment

  At The Tourist Center.

  Mr. Denise Bailey who had a tight schedule had called his wife three times just to ensure that she takes her rest seriously. Now, he had called to inform her that he would be coming back late.

  “Oh! Hubby, I hope there is no problem?”

  “No problem, my dear. My attention is needed at the Island. I will be brief over there.”

  “It is all right. I love you.”

  “I love you too. Take care of our daughter.”

  “Certainly. I will take care of our son.”

  They laughed heartily before they cut. The Denise concentrated on his work and when he got off work, he proceeded to the Island.

  “Good evening, boss. It is my pleasure to see you.”