

  The Return of a Kinsman 1

  He put a call across to him, and he picked at once. Then, he hinted him on what he heard the citizens of Bricks Mont saying.

  “I hope they will not begin to attack the citizens of Kent over there?”

  “That is my fear, father.”

  “Just be calm. I will get back to you in a short while.”

  “All right, father.”

  At Dover.

  The Constable and his men were not resting, as they were working around the clock. He was reporting to the higher ups who were monitoring the situation. After he spoke with Mr. Gaius, the leader of the team, and broke the news, he patiently began to wait for another update. Although, the network was bad, and every so often he could not get across to Mr. Gaius.

  At that time, he got a call from Mr. Arthur Bailey, and he picked immediately and showed concern.

  “Hello, Sir. You should be on bed by now.”