28 Just me rambling...

Sorry for the delay... won't happen again. It's just that I got stuck in writer's block. If you don't know what it is- it's basically when a writer is not able to write even though he/she has a mind swarming with ideas and the time needed to get the chapters done.

And it took my-dumb-self days to figure out that, maybe I could find a solution on Google which I did. It turned out that I've been doing this wrong... way too wrong.

Every chapter I previously wrote and uploaded was my first draft. The inner critique in me or say my 'HER' just won't settle for anything but perfect. And well, it turned out that even the most accomplished writers have a thing they call first drafts, where they scribble or type whatever the hell comes into their mind. And then they go for second drafts- a refined and edited version of what they wrote. Some even have a third draft, or a fourth one... maybe even more. whatever suits them.

The trick is to write your idea down first- write absolute garbage if that's what's in your mind... once done, keep refining it till it shines.

While what I did was the exact opposite, and that's how got stuck in what they call 'The Writer's Block' or what I call 'The Abyss of Insecurities'.

And that's why it took so long.
