
One Piece: Young Pirate

Fires rage all around as a legendary fight rocks the island. Alex, a young boy, is caught in the midst of this battle. With no way out and death immanent, he now needs to find a way to escape with his new friend. Will Alex escape unharmed? What about his new friend? And if Alex somehow is able to survive this situation... what's next?

Smol_frog · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
59 Chs

Well… it’s probably fine.

"Gurararara! You think you could ever kill me? Linlin and Kaido may have ran away, but I'll take your head, Roger!"

Roger smiled. "I'd like to see you try, Newgate!"

The two charged at one another. Their weapons clashed, leaving a trail of sparks twice the size of Shanks or Alex with each and every blow they traded.

The two young boys intently watched the spectacle, they practically had stars in their eyes.

"WOAH!" They cried out in unison.

"Roger/Newgate is so cool!" They both yelled in awe.

Shanks looked at Alex. "Roger is way cooler! He has to be at least that strong to slap me around!"

Alex shook his head. "The giant guy is cooler! He can make the earth shake with his bare hands!"

Shanks clicked his tongue. "Who needs to shake the earth when you can cut a building in half with a sword!?" He said as he pointed at a building the Roger had destroyed and was toppling to the ground.

Alex looked down in defeat before watching the last standing mountain shatter, due to a single punch from Newgate.

Alex tiled his chin up and smiled cheekily as he pointed at the sky where the mountain used to be. "Who needs to cut down a building when you can destroy a mountain with one punch!"

Shanks scowled and butt heads with Alex. "Roger is cooler!"

Alex frowned. "The other guy is!"

The two started to get into a brawl of their own as the rest of Roger's crew laughed at them.

Eventually Alex came out of the little scuffle with a few bumps and bruises, however, he was sitting on top of Shanks with a triumphant look on his face. "See! Newgate is cooler! He would never lose!"

In the air, Roger slashed Ace down with all his might while armament haki wrapped around it. Newgate slashed his naginata up to meet the attack but was slightly outmatched. He went flying through the air and smashed into the ground creating a massive 20 foot hole, right next to Alex.

"What did you just say again?" Shanks asked as he laughed from under Alex.

Alex's face turned black. "Shut up."

From within the whole Newgate's voice boomed. "Gurararara!"

Roger stood at the edge of the hole he just created with another man. "Hahahahaha! That was fun!"

Newgate climbed out of the hole with a smile on his face. "Do you have any booze? I haven't drank in 2 weeks!"

Roger glared at him without saying a word and the atmosphere around them did a complete 180. Alex and Shanks watched as the two clutched their weapons.

They gulped at the murderous air that shrouded the valley, feeling it was similar to the battlefield they were helplessly trapped in two weeks prior.

"GURARARA/HAHAHAHA!" The two laughed in sync leaving Alex and Shanks stunned.

The rest of Roger crew started laughing with barrels of beer on their shoulders. Rayleigh picked up the two boys and put them on each of his shoulders. "It's time to party! Have you kids ever drank?"

Shanks and Alex shook their heads.

Rayleigh laughed. "There's a first for everything!"

Crocus stopped him. "Wait, how old are you two."

"12." Shanks replied.

"The same… I think." Alex said.

Crocus was silent for a minute. "Well… it's probably fine."

Rayleigh laughed and brought the boys over to Roger and Newgate.

He grabbed two mugs of beer and handed them to the two.

They both took a sip and spit it out on Rayleigh's shirt.

"Gross!" Shanks spat.

"Disgusting!" Alex agreed.

Rayleigh's face darkened. "This was my favourite shirt… you brats!" He grabbed the two by their ankles and threw them into the air.

The two went flying and waved through the air like flags, they bounced off the ground once before being caught by Roger and Newgate.

Alex's eyes spun in his head. "Dizzy~. Everything's spinning~"

"Gurarara! Who are you?" Newgate asked as he chugged alcohol right from the barrel.

"Alex~. Nice to meet- ughh" Alex swallowed his lunch back down, before it could come up. "Nice to meet you." He said as he stuck his hand out for a handshake.

Newgate laughed and set him down on his shoulder before patting him on the back and handing him a new mug. "Drink up, boy!"

Alex, nodded and gulped down the drink without spitting it out this time. His new role-model told him to drink it after all! He couldn't disappoint him!

Alex finished the drink with a sour look on his face, before burping loudly.

The whole crew pointed at him and laughed their asses off.

Shanks saw this and downed his own drink, not wanting to fall behind Alex.

He tried to keep a straight face and pursed his lips, but the rest of his face betrayed him as it formed a scowl.

Newgate and Roger looked at the two boys, both sitting on the other's shoulder.

Newgate smiled. "You're kid can't hold his liquor, Roger! What have you been teaching him?"

Roger laughed. "Hahaha! It's your boy who's struggling! He looked like he was gonna yack after his first sip!"

The two looked at each other and came to a silent understanding. "Let's see who can handle more!" Roger said.

Newgate smiled. "You're on!"

The two handed their respective candidates another mug with a smile.

Shanks and Alex glared at each other and you could almost feel the sparks of competition flying in the air as they both downed their drink as fast as they could.

They both finished and stuck out their tongues. "Blehh!"

Everyone laughed and handed them another drink.

They broke into two sides. "GO Alex!"

"Go Shanks! You can't lose to an injured brat!"

Laughter erupted from the group as the two boys both started their third drinks.

The roaring laughter drowned out the sound of approaching footsteps.

"What are you guys still doing here?" The approaching man asked the group of pirates.

Roger turned to him and laughed, pointing at his shoulder. "Hahaha! Garp! The kids are having a drinking competition!"

The man, Garp, continued to approach the group, revealing to Shanks and Alex that he was wearing a marine's jacket.

Alex and Shanks started to panic and hid their drinks behind their backs. As the marine glared at the duo.

"Bwahahaha! Who's winning?" Garp called out happily as he grabbed a drink for himself and watched as Alex sneakily finished his drink before Shanks.

"I am!" Alex said as he stood up proudly.

Shanks looked at him. "No fair! You started without me!"

Alex smiled as another mug was handed to him. "Not my fault you were scared of a little marine."

Shanks clicked his tongue and started drinking again.

Time passed as laughter was shared.

Shanks and Alex had kept drinking at the same pace as the adults and currently, Shanks was stumbling on top of Roger's shoulder.

"Ogne Mg-mgoree!" He said with a bright red face.

He nearly fell off of Roger but Roger caught him with one hand and put him back on his shoulder before handing him another mug and laughing merrily.

Shanks took the mug and smiled. "I-I-I'm gunna- gonna, became the breast pirateee~!"

Alex pointed at Shanks and started laughing with cheeks that were slightly red. He started slapping his own knee. "You can do it! Become the breast pirate!"

Shanks smiled and nodded with one of his eyelids closed as he stumbled and raised his glass, spilling all over Roger's shoulder. "The~ Breastest!... Pi-rate~!"

Garp punched him in the back of the head, sending him flying off of Rogers shoulder and face first into the ground. "Brat! You're not gonna be a pirate! You're gonna be a marine, like my son!"

Alex fell over on Newgate's shoulder from laughing too hard as he pointed at Shanks.

Rayleigh started panicking when Shanks didn't move and ran over. "Garp! I think you killed the brat!"

"Bwahahaha! Then he didn't have what it takes to be a good marine!" Garp laughed as he continued drinking.

Rayleigh bent over to check Shanks's pulse until everyone heard a loud snore.

Shanks had a huge bubble of snot in his nose as he slept with his face on the dirt and as in the air.

The island erupted into another round of laughter and cheers as they chanted.

"Alex wins!!!"