
One Piece: Young Pirate

Fires rage all around as a legendary fight rocks the island. Alex, a young boy, is caught in the midst of this battle. With no way out and death immanent, he now needs to find a way to escape with his new friend. Will Alex escape unharmed? What about his new friend? And if Alex somehow is able to survive this situation... what's next?

Smol_frog · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
59 Chs

Shenanigans on the ship.

The four boys made their way to the ship that was about to depart.

"There you are! We've been waiting for you!" A girl called out.

"What took you so long? You weren't trying to run away from me, were you?~" Another girl said.

Alex and Shanks looked at each other and sighed. "They're already here." Shanks mumbled.

"Not a moment of peace." Alex said sadly as they boarded the ship.

Sarah and Maya giggled. This was routine at this point.

Dragon smiled and pushed the two towards the girls. "Have fun you two. Try not to rock the boat too much." He said as he walked away with a wink.

Alex and Shanks looked to try and use Buggy as a distraction only to realize he had already abandoned them to go find April.

The duo sighed. They were in for another long boat ride.

Day turned to night and nothing of note happened. Shanks and Alex successfully ran away from their pursuers and were able to sleep peacefully. Well, almost, they had to watch Buggy and April being all cute like the couple of lovebirds they were.

Alex covered his head with a pillow to drown out their giggles. "All couples should just die!"

Shanks laughed. "You're just jealous!"

Alex snorted. "So? What's wrong with wanting a girlfriend?"

A voice that made Alex's hair stand on end whispered from the doorway. "Nothing~."

Alex's head snapped and he saw Sarah in the doorway. "How did you even get in here?!"

Sarah giggled and ran at Alex who jumped out of bed and ran away.

Shanks laughed at him before he felt two arms wrap around his back. "Darling!"

Shanks's face went pale and he jumped up, running away from Maya.

April watched the four run out and giggled. "Hehehe. We're finally alone~." She said as she traced her finger up Buggy's chest.

The ship sailed for 5 days, with nothing new happening.

On the second day of sailing they crossed the calm belt and made their way into the west blue. Alex looked down at his finger and it turned into a compass which now started working properly.

After two more days of traveling through the west blue the marine's ship reached the island they were called to. They all got off the boat and walked around the island. Alex took note of the dilapidated state of the island and frowned.

He could see houses and buildings destroyed everywhere. When he looked down the alleys he spotted children huddled together for warmth, many of whom were injured and clothed in rags.

Both he and Shanks thought back to their lives two years ago. Once upon a time they were the same. Alex scowled at the thought.

He tightly clenched his fist and his hand started shaking. Shanks had a cold look on his face as he clenched his teeth.

"... dead. Those bastards are dead." Alex growled.

"The women are gone. Even the kids. I don't see a single girl among them." Shanks said seriously.

Alex slammed his fist into a wall, punching right through the stone. "You go on ahead. I'll catch up."

Shanks nodded and walked away.

Alex slapped his own face and wore a smile before turning around and walking into the alley. The children all backed away from him warily.

Alex crouched down and offered them a vile of green liquid. One of the kids took it cautiously before drinking.

His body suddenly felt warm and his wounds began to heal. The kid looked up at Alex with a shocked expression. "A-are you god?"

Alex laughed. "No, I'm just an orphan like you guys who got lucky."

The kids started to chatter. "Really? You're like us?"

Alex nodded. "I got shot by a bad guy once when I was a kid like you." Alex showed off his scar.

The kids quickly warmed up and started attacking Alex with a barrage of questions.

Alex laughed and answered them all while handing out more vials to heal the kids.

One of the kids hobbled up to Alex, their right leg was missing from the knee down.

"Mr. c-can you help me?" The kid asked with hope.

Alex smiled. "I can give it my best shot!"

Alex's right hand stretched out and each finger went to work grabbing materials from the rubble and bringing them in front of him while his left hand turned into different tools that went to work on something.

5 minutes later Alex had made a makeshift leg and foot. It was complied of metal, rocks and wood and was able to slightly bend at the ankle to allow for minimal movement. It was by no means perfect but it was significantly better than either a peg leg or nothing.

Alex handed it to the kid. "Sorry, I've never made a leg before."

The group of children looked up at Alex with stars in their eyes. "Woah!"

"What was that?!"

"How did you do that!"

"So cool!"

Alex laughed and started showing off a little, turning his hand into different tools and making any toys or things that the kids asked for.

"I want a bouncy ball!"

Alex smiled and made the kid a bouncy ball.

"I want a rubik's cube."

Alex nodded and made one.

This went on for a while as the kids kept asking for more and more things and Alex provided.

Eventually, one of the kids started crying.

Alex panicked. "What's wrong?"

It was the kid with a missing leg. He looked up and smiled. "T-t-thank you mister!"

Alex smiled and pat the kids head. "No problem. If you want to thank me then grow up big and strong, strong enough you can protect what's precious to you in the future."

The kid smiled through his tears and nodded. "En!"

Alex smiled.

"Hey you! What are you doing? We have work to do!" A marine shouted at Alex.

Alex sighed and stood up. "I gotta go. You guys are gonna grow up big and strong right?"

The kids all nodded.

Alex smiled. "You better! If I ever find out you lied to me… I'll take all your toys away!"

The kids gasped and nodded.

Alex waved as he walked away.

After following the marine who called him over, Alex reconvened with the rest of the group.

He met with Shanks and Dragon and pulled them aside.

Alex looked up at Dragon before speaking. "Our plan is going to have to wait a bit."

Shanks nodded. "Agreed."

"Why?" Dragon asked.

Alex pointed to the ruins surrounding them. "We have to fuck up these pirates first."

Dragon sighed and nodded. "Usually I'd call you an idiot for getting emotional… but right now. I'm pretty pissed too."

Alex smiled and put his fist out. "We're still a go right after we kick their ass's."

Shanks and Dragon both smiled and mirrored Alex as all three of them bumped fists.