
Chapter 312


Thinking about it, Coby really outdid himself, but it was expected.

Out of all the crewmates, he was the most dedicated to training. He was right behind the Monster Trio (Sanji, Zoro and Kuina) in terms of dedication, and while Gin was loyal…

Coby did his training to accomplish a goal. And a boy like that… I could see him winning against a Pacifista. And he did so. With that kind of power, if our bounties were active, he would easily reach a hundred million mark easily.

I smiled, and thanked my previous self for getting him onto my own crew.

Though, he wasn't alone in accomplishing great things today.

Usopp and Barto… they did amazing. When they were attacked, they handled it very easily.

Utilizing both of their fruit powers, they took down the Pacifista without taking any damage or doing any damage.

Basically, Barto distracted the robot with his barriers, while Usopp crawled up the bot's ass and turned it off after ripping out a few wires.

And that wasn't all, Usopp made a point to shrink it down and take it back to the ship. We… we could use that. Heck, I could even see the Revolutionary Army using that.

Though I wouldn't give the full body Pacifista to them. No, I just know for a fact that a certain future crewmate of mine would love that.

And there were still two other Pacifistas that I will gladly give to the Revolutionaries.

The one that Coby fought was in shambles, but the one that fought against Johnny and Yosaku was quite fine.

With a few scratches and some water damage, they were able to push it to the sea. I'm sure the R&D department of the Revolutionaries could figure something out.

I jumped up, with Geppo taking the high ground till I could see the full view of the island of Jaya from above. I whistled, "Wow, we really did destroy half of the island."

Heck, I was sure that the maps would need to be rewritten. The once luscious forest was now a big messed up landscape, with craters, rubble and large burn marks being common.

A lot had happened today. My fight with Aramaki, and then, later, Teach. And my crew's fight with the others. Fortunately, everyone got out safely.

It just made me glad, knowing that I was going the right way with their training. I could understand my own body, but when it came to others, I usually didn't push them too much as I knew motivation was a key factor in gaining strength in this world.

Motivation was part of one's will. I couldn't just force someone to do a thousand pushups and expect results. That would be fucking ridiculous.

And those that knew anything about training would easily be able to tell that it was pointless. Bodyweight exercise after a certain volume just becomes cardio. Well, unless you take the Goku route and do Gravity training.

"Huh, wonder where's Fujitora…?" I mumbled, looking around the island from anything suspicious. Gravity training would really help me in the long run.

While I was able to keep up with Ace and Sabo with my Gear Fourth Lion Man. I was nowhere near the Wano-level original Luffy.

I had speed and raw strength. But if my calculations were right. Then Katakuri would still be a challenge because of his Advanced Observation Haki. Heck, there was a chance that he might even beat me.

I had speed and I also had the Gomu Gomu no Black Mamba move under my belt. But if I were to face a fully fresh Katakuri, I knew he wouldn't give me a chance to attack. I had a few ideas on what Advanced Observation Haki is.

And if I was right, then the moment I even think about pulling out my attack, Katakuri would move in and attack me.

Sure, I was more destructive and had Advanced Armament Haki but he had speed and Advanced Observation Haki. If the fight stretched out for a long while, there would be no mistake, I was confident in myself in winning.

But in a one on one, if the match was quick, then I had a fifty-fifty chance of winning.

I really needed to bring my speed up. Good thing Sanji was almost catching up to my speed with his fruit's ability. And if I'm right, it wouldn't be long before he could give me a challenge in speed.

Even in the original, Sanji was a speed demon. Blitzing from one point to another where even seasoned fighters were left wondering what happened.

But that would take a long while. But what about after that? Gravity training was still optimal if I wanted to get strong and make my crew stronger.

"I should really try to recruit Fujitora to my crew." I mumbled. With my reputation, that should be possible if I pursue him before the Marines.

Currently, he is a bounty hunter from what I gathered, so he still wasn't recruited yet. But he was on the other part of the Grand Line and doing that in the nick of time would be quite tough. But oh well.

Franky should be able to make something.

For now, training under Sparky's Slow ability should suffice. Even though I'm gaining diminishing returns from the training. I could still squeeze out a few gains.

A small smile tugged on my lips as I wondered of various ways to train my crew. I was still running through the air, trying to find anything on the enemy.

Usopp had informed me of the Door-Door fruit user. And if I'm not wrong, it should be Blueno. But that wasn't all. The Pacifistas all had Germa Invisibility Watches on them. So, I also had to look out for invisibility tech. After having the invisibility device for a while now, I could spot them out with some difficulty. Still, it wasn't perfect.

I also messed something up, which in my defense I didn't know that would happen.

While fighting, Sabo wasn't wearing his mask, so I'm pretty sure that Saint Camael knows that I work with someone from the Revolutionary Army. And by extension, the World Government knows that as well.

"I really should have forced my brother to wear his mask." I mumbled. Still, it wasn't all bad.

Now that I was an official Warlord, the World Government couldn't willy-nilly kick me out of the pact. Fuck no.

The most they can do is threaten me. And if they do, I can also bring up the fact that Saint Camael had not only attacked me with Aramaki and Shiryu, he also sent artificial Kuma-clones after me.

I mean he did try to kill me and my crew just before a big war, that should be something.

If not, then I would have to lie about Sabo being there at the right time and was giving me a hand because I was Dragon's kid. Nothing more.

Though, I'm not sure that would work either, as Sabo did wear similar clothes even while wearing his plague mask.

"Tch, I'll have to think of something…" I grumbled.

There was also a slim chance that Saint Camael might not rat me out to the World Government to save his own skin. And if that was the case I couldn't bring up this incident either.

With all things considered, that would have been the optimal choice. Though who knows what might happen.

With my crew being a Warlord's crew and with us facing off against a pirate who was a former Whitebeard pirate. I'm pretty sure the Marines and World Government already knows this by now.

So, I'm kind of surprised that they didn't call me right away. Though, they might still not know that the fight is finished.

Anyway, speaking of masks. While Sabo didn't wear his, one person did. It was Robin.

My sister was paranoid. Which, in all things considered, was a good thing. From the point of leaving Alabasta till now, she hadn't removed her mask while being on the deck. Only removing it when necessary.

And because of that I was confident that the World Government didn't know about her yet. But still with Blueno having his Door-Door Fruit, anything could happen.

I also had cautioned everyone in the crew to be careful of what they say or do. I also put Sanji on guard, as while me, Sparky, Ace, Sabo and Masked Deuce were scouting out the area. Sanji was the only conscious member that knew Haki, so he was on guard in case we were spied on again. That was one of the reasons why I was pissed and paranoid about everything.

I sighed. I also had to call in a favor from Morgan to observe how the Marines and World Government sees the situation. And how they acted.

My fight here in Jaya would cause quite the news. The official plan was hiding Ace and Sabo's involvement in taking down Teach and taking all the credit for myself.

I didn't like it. But that would have been a good publicity stunt. Me, a new Warlord, taking down a former Whitebeard pirate. That was the kind of news that Morgan would be dying to sell.

But if the World Government knows this, rather than seeing my praise in the next day's paper. I will see my bounty raise instead.

Fuck it. I was just overthinking things.

The Warlords were able to get away with multiple crimes. Heck, even Mihawk was buddy-buddies with Shanks, with them duking it out now and again. So I should be good… Right?

"Agh…" I groaned, I need a full-course meal after this.

I will also have to speed up going to Skypiea. That way I could throw off Blueno or any other spies that Saint Camael has on me.

Though the most problematic thing was that I lost most of the fruits due to Blueno's and the Pacifistas' involvement.

We only got two fruits, the mythical Griffin fruit, and the Teleportation fruit. The first one was thanks to Sparky, who literally killed Laffitte up near a pile of fruits. While the latter was thanks to Usopp who had a shrunk-down fruit basket in hand while fighting Van Augur.

Still, it was better than nothing I guess.

Suddenly the Nameless Naginata that was in my hand gave me a red spark of electricity, making me frown. The blade had yet to communicate with me after the fight… and I wasn't paying much attention to it.

But… my eyes widened. No, it couldn't be.
