
Chapter 308


Luffy's words rang into his mind, as he strengthened his resolve, continuing his fight against the robotic enemy, 'I will do it! I will cut everything!'

Suddenly a deep surge of power roared out from Coby, and the boy felt himself grow exponentially strong. His muscles bulked up in size as he grew a foot taller, his once loose clothes struggled to keep his frame because of the extra size. He still had his athletic build, but now his body muscles were much more pronounced.

His pink hair, drenched by his own blood, shone red, flowing back, straightening up, defying gravity, as it flowed wildly in the air. Giving an ominous feel to it. All the while his pupils vanished in the white of his eyes. As he fully entered the state of flow.

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The Pacifista seeing the rapid change quickly fired off two yellow beams of energy at the target.

But Coby's form blurred away in the nick of time. The beams of light hitting nothing as they exploded into flames.

Coby appeared right in front of the robot, as his small yet dangerous claws came out of his nails instead of his knuckles, ripping off a large chunk of the Pacifista's face as the robot was flung back, destroying one of it's eyes.

Coby, still in the air, used Geppo and Soru to bounce in air, before again using Geppo and Soru in combination to deliver a drop kick that sent the already flying Robot down to the ground, making its body roll to the ground, digging multiple craters in its way.

The wild pirate landed on the ground on all fours, and with a roar he lunged towards the Pacifista with his claws and enhanced strength. Coby used so much energy to launch that, even his own muscles bulged and ruptured due to strain, before regenerating immediately.

The Pacifista tried to defend itself but it's once, almost unbreakable body was easily getting cut through by Coby now.

"Raaagghh!" The pirate roared as it attacked with ferocity, sanity lost in his own ability. He clawed, and punched, ripping through mechanical parts while evading close light beam shots.

Seeing the losing battle, the Pacifista tried to back off but Coby didn't let him. But the robotic monstrosity was far from useless, as it calculated a chance and dashed back.

Seeing this Coby moved in, jumping too far to catch the Pacifista, not wanting to let go of it's prey.

But the Pacifista anticipated it and blasted one of its yellow beams at Coby's leg. Trying to cut off his mobility.

But rather than dodging, Coby gave a frail smile, before twisting its body. Letting the light beam rip through his leg, from his thigh. Not even winching from the pain. Mid-air Coby even grabbed onto his separated limb before using his other leg to come right in front of the Pacifista. And smashing his severed leg onto the robot's face.

Due to the force, Coby's leg exploded apart in blood and gore, covering the robot's face with blood and taking out his vision.

And without it, the Pacifista didn't even stand a chance, as Coby attacked.

Even with a missing leg, he attacked like a frail animal, with each strike, a huge portion of its body got sliced and diced. Coby brought his claws upwards, and when the Pacifista tried to block it, its left arm got severed, while Coby kicked it in its gut.

Small and yet white claws also appeared out from his toes, easily stabbing into the Pacifista, ripping out mechanical parts as it was sent back with one of its limbs missing.


The giant robot fell on its back as it tripped. And with a beastly roar, Coby changed forward, its leg already half regenerated, muscles and bones, without any skin.

Coby opened his mouth and, with sharp canine teeth that would make any Shark-lady blush, bit through the Pacifista's neck and ripped it's head clean off as the giant robot exploded.

Hatchan who had woken up, saw Coby getting engulfed in the explosion, roared, "Coby!"

Just as the explosion engulfed Coby. A loud roar erupted from the fire, before it got cut. By instinct, Hatchan ducked low as the wind cut off nearby trees and boulders. Hatchan, who just saved his neck in time, gulped.

He looked at Coby. And the wild young man wasn't done, still ripping through the Pacifista.


Hatchan said. But the boy didn't listen, as it still attacked the dead robot.

"Coby! It's over! The fight's over!" And finally, the boy heard him, snapping its head back at the Fishman.

With pupilless eyes, it looked at Hatchan, making the Fishman feel fear like no other. It was as if looking at a wild animal. But Coby didn't do anything, he just stared at Hatchan. For a while nothing happened, before Coby finally to the ground, on top of the wrecked Pacifista.

Was it over…? He had to check.

Hatchan moved his body with a struggle, still, his stomach burned with pain from the enemy's last attack. And his body was still a bit uneasy due to consuming the water pill.

Though the side effect wasn't as bad as it previously was. Chopper had upgraded it, and now he had minimal side effects. And with time, Chopper theorized he might be able to get the strength boost even without the pill. As his body was rapidly changing due to his octopus biology.

But it didn't matter, he dragged his body towards Coby and after finding him merely unconscious. And that wasn't all, almost all of Coby's injuries were healed. That was fast… even for Coby.

Hatchan sighed in relief, and laid down beside him, on the wreckage.

"Hatchan! Coby! Momoo!" Sparky came along with Sanji. With Johnny and Yosaku on the cook's back. Heavily injured.

"Huh, so this bastard wasn't alone?" Hatchan said, "How many were there?"

"There were two others…" Sparky said, before he looked at the wrecked Pacifista.

"All of them looked alike. Looked like the Warlord Kuma for some reason. And the bastards could also turn invisible." Sanji said, knowing that they used the same Germa tech to do so. "Usopp and Barto was also attacked. But, well, Usopp shrunk down and shut down his one from the inside out, while Barto distracted him."

Hatchan nodded looking at the two unconscious pirates on Sanji's shoulder.

"Well, let's just say they had it rough." Sanji said, "Unlike Usopp or Barto, they opted to go the brute force route, and had to push their bodies to the extreme, before they were able to beat them."

Sanji then looked at Coby, finally noticing his changes. He raised an eyebrow before looking at Hatchan, who just shrugged.

Sparky was checking up on Coby, and the monkey sighed when he found the boy was fine. Though he was surprised by Coby's changes. Is that what humans called a growth spurt? Strange… he thought before shrugging.

"What about the others… were they attacked?"

"No," Sparky shook his head, "It seemed these things… only went for weaker members of the crew. And those that were far from the ship. Nami and Robin were exploring closer to the ship, so they weren't attacked. Though… we are lucky we didn't have any casualties."

The others nodded. And Hatchan spoke up, "Well, we also had found the Chemical Chemical fruit, but the dead-machine-man got it… he might have thrown the fruit somewhere…"

Hearing this Sparky and Sanji looked at each other, a bitter expression.

"Something similar happened with Usopp and Barto… when they got a fruit. They were also attacked, and the machine-bastard got the fruit." Sanji said. "But rather than eating, it threw the fruit high up in the air, where a door was… and right after the fruit passed the door. It closed. So I think something similar might have happened, but you guys didn't notice."

"Wait, there are others helping them?"

"Most probably… And they were also after the fruits." Sparky grumbled. Sparky then kicked a nearby metal piece, "What are these things…?" That was the main question. Luffy was also informed and him and his brothers were doing a thorough search around the island, in case there were more threats. Only Luffy had an idea of what it was.

"I really could use some takoyaki right now," Hatchan said, while his stomach grumbled. Prompting snickers and smiles from Sparky and Sanji.

— — — — —

A/N: I didn't want to do another fight. But well, Coby did kind of get behind Gin, because of his Ancient Zoan fruit. So yeah, I added the fight scene. Though, I kept it short.

Anyways, A Pacifista in the early parts (before the War) was no joke. It took Kid, Killer, and Law to fight off one in Sabaody. And even though they weren't going all out.

I would say that Sabaody Zoro should be able to take on a Pacifista. I always thought of Kuma being around ten times or more stronger than the clones that were made.

And with the Pacifista playing no major role. Just glorified canon fodder cleaner in the later chapters. I would say that as much.

Anyway, even though the bounties of the Straw Hats are paused right now. With Coby's strength and contributions. He could easily be placed as a supernova.

Coby knows how to cut steel, Soru, Geppo, Tempest Kick, Imperfect Life-return and Iron Body. Not to mention his devil fruit. If against the CP-9 agents, other than maybe Rob Lucci he would win.

If Coby can make the beastly power his own and master it, maybe he can beat him as well.

Gin is still stronger than Coby though. But the gap isn't as large. Gin was already keeping up with Coby without the fruit. And with a fruit that is an Ancient Zoan, well, he got quite ahead.

Anyway, I will explain why the Pacifistas waited much later to attack, in the future Chapters.

When Saint Camael sent the Pacifistas he never said they would fight in the open. Cause that would bring a lot of attention. Because then it would look like Warlord Kuma is fighting Warlord Luffy.

The world doesn't know about the Pacifistas yet, and marines and World Government are trying to keep it a secret. So Saint Camael couldn't just bring them out in the open.

Anyway, I won't explain much. It would be explained later in the story.

Have a good day and bye!
