
Chapter 251


After Luffy's announcement as a new Warlord, things started to quiet down.

Peace was brought back in Alabasta.

The rebel army wasn't charged for their revolt, they were misled and it would be stupid to charge them. But all of the people in the Rebel and Royal Armies did a deep scanning amongst their ranks to find out who amongst them were Baroque Agents. And many of the Baroque Agents that were involved in the whole incident were captured.

Which, all things considered, wasn't that hard to find, since most if not all Baroque Agents had tattoos of their organization on their bodies. So, they were swiftly captured after Crocodile's defeat.

But at the same time, they couldn't be punished either. As most of the Baroque Agents that were comprised of Alabasta citizens, were recruited by Crocodile using their debt in Rainbase town. So King Cobra had to be careful dealing with them, mainly letting them go off with a warning.

Which would have been stupid if the country wasn't under Luffy's protection. The country of Alabasta now proudly flew the flag of the Straw Hats, meaning any ideas of revolt had died down.

The kingdom of Alabasta was looking brightly for the future, so holding previous grudges by any party would be detrimental to their cause.

Though not all of the Baroque Agents were captured, it seemed Miss Doublefinger was still on the loose. She will most probably try to free Mr. 1, and other members but Luffy didn't care that much. The main problem was Crocodile. And he was dead, and most of the useful members of Baroque Works are now under Luffy, so he didn't care that much.

Sure, ending the sand Warlord fixed most of the issues, but there were other issues as well. The country of Alabasta was in ruins. There was barely any fruitful production of food, the small branches of rivers that stretched the land were now dried up. Many areas were prone to widespread diseases. And along with the economic crisis, the whole country was in a mess.

Luckily all of the issues were fixable, Crocodile wanted to rule over Alabasta after taking it over, so all of the damages he caused were mostly non-permanent.

And of course, most of the damages were done by his fruit powers. But now that he was dead, reversing the damage would take time.

The Straw Hats, of course, recovered the Sand Sand Fruit after the former Warlord's death. And even if there was a new user, the said user wouldn't be able to control the fruit's power quickly enough to undo what damage Crocodile did.

It would take time… or that is what most would say.

But Luffy had other plans, he needed to gain the trust of people here in Alabasta. And what other way than playing an active role in helping the country?

Along with Alabasta, the Sakura Kingdom (formerly the Drum Kingdom) was also under the banner of the Straw Hats. But unlike the Sakura Kingdom, the people of Alabasta were still skeptical of him.

Also, Alabasta was several times larger than Drum Island. With more resources and people living here.

So he had to speed things up. The issues with the river branches drying up could be solved easily, just sending Kuina or Zoro to cut up new river branches and boom, problem solved. Heck, Kuina creating some large ice structures to cool down some areas also did the job.

Problems with infertile land needed some time, but the researchers of Alabasta were already on it.

Other things such as widespread diseases were solvable with Chopper's help. Mainly most of the diseases in Alabasta were due to malnutrition.

Also, even though in regard to food production Drum Island wasn't any better, due to having a good relationship with King Dalton, they offered several tons of food they had saved up for the winter.

Now that Wapol wasn't eating up all the rations, they could spare some food for their neighbors.

The food problem was also being dealt with by Hatchan and other members of the Straw Hats. The sea was filled with dangerous and powerful sea kings, so hunting sea kings wasn't that hard. Sanji would have taken the job himself, but now that he was a devil fruit user he had to be cautious about the water. Well, at least until he got his powers under control.

Things weren't all fine just yet, but Alabasta was on its way to recovering its former glory.


Luffy sat across the window as he sipped on a local drink, made out of concentrated rose syrup, sweet and red in color. A drink that he was oh so used to having in his previous life.

He sat on the balcony railings, in front of the Royal Library. Most of the crew were doing their own thing.

Sanji and Hatchan were most probably in the kitchen fussing over food. Zoro and Kuina might be either training or doing their own stuff, and Nami was most definitely going over all the loot they collected off of Rainbase town and other Baroque hideouts they hit over the last few days. White Fury should be helping her in that regard.

Johnny, Yosaku, and Bartolomeo should be sticking together, they make quite the idiotic and useful trio. Either gloating about their deeds or just going around sightseeing. And bossing around petty pirates that unfortunately came to Alabasta.

What? He was a Warlord now. He could officially cash in pirates of their bounty, so why not? The more money he could take away from the World Government, the better.

Gin and Coby should be together, the unconventional duo did like training as much as Zoro and Kuina. But at the same time, both of their levels were equal to each other, so they might be polishing their skills.

Chopper was most probably with the doctors that came from Drum Island to help the people of Alabasta. The mink really did like helping people and well… being a doctor.

Luffy made a mental note to look for another particular doctor, as he was sure that Chopper would love having a helping hand.

Momoo was a mystery, but most probably somewhere in the Royal castle, around Vivi. With Usopp's power, he had shrunken down to a house pet size, and was more than happy to eat and sleep. The poor sea king barely had any rest since the start of his journey, so he was really enjoying this.

That brought up an idea, Luffy should get back to Laboon sometime and bring him along for the journey. Usopp was fairly getting good with his powers, so why not. He did promise the giant whale, so again, why not.

Speaking of Usopp, the last time he heard from the long nose was that he was trying to experiment with his new powers, and was bugging Kuina and Zoro about it. That and he did hear some rumors about him, telling his tall tales around the capital. Though Luffy knew the last part was more than just rumors.

Sabo, Ace, and Masked Deuce should be around Alabasta as well. They all were waiting for Luffy to wrap things up, and tag along with his journey. That… and hunt down a particular man together.

Bon Clay (Mr. 2), Galdino (Mr. 3) and Marianne (Miss Goldenweek) were mostly handling taking over Baroque Works. Luffy wouldn't call them crewmates, they didn't want to join. And in all things considered, it was better that way.

Bon Clay wanted to join the Revolutionaries. Galdino and Marianne wanted to stay as bounty hunters and make their name that way. So he didn't push them. And they were willing to work under him anyway, so why not.
