
Chapter ten- Setting sail and first bounty

Once the going Merry was fully loaded with supplies Gabriel told the others that he was going to go and get his things and would be right back. This was just an excuse of course, he didn't have any personal items except the clothing he was wearing. But he had been holding off on seeing what the system store had for sale until now and thinking ahead he knew the others on the crew might find it strange if things just began to appear out of thin air. He didn't want to reveal his system to them, it was his ace in the hole after all.

So after he walked for a little while Gabriel stepped into the shadows of an ally way and opened up the system screen and navigated to the system shop and began to browse

The store was actually quite vast, it a sold everything that he could think of, from raw materials, clothing weapons, ammunition, even food. Gabriel thought he could practically live off everything he could buy from he system as long as he had found even if he was in prison he could just buy whatever he needed.

The only problem right now was that his funds were lacking with only ten thousand Berri to his name he didn't have a lot of options. He at first thought of buying himself a weapon but even the standard swords the system sold were outside of his price range, and when he looked to see what the better gear sold for his mouth dropped open seeming so many zeros, yeah he wouldn't be able to afford those any time soon. So he decided to just buy some cheap clothing in stead.

All he had right now was just the grey shirt, jeans and boots that he had came here with so some clothing options would be nice.

So with his priorities set he began to pick out a small selection of clothing for himself along with a bag to carry it all in, he had to be seen coming back with something after all.

And it wasn't long until he was walking back to the dock with a medium sized black rucksack over his shoulder and climbing onboard the merry once more.

"We ready to go or what?" Gabriel called to Luffy.

"Almost, we're just waiting on Nami then we can set sail" Luffy replied with a grin.

"Okay, I'm gona go stow my stuff below deck then" Gabriel told him before making his way to the steps down to the lower deck.

He picked one of the spare hammocks and nodded as he put his bag on it before he reached in and started to fish out some new clothing, he'd been in what he was wearing for the past three days and needed to change.

He grabbed a pair of grew trousers and a simple white short sleeved dress shirt before he began to shirk the rest of his clothes off to get changed. As he did so he felt the merry jerk under his feet and he staggered to keep from falling over and looked up at the ceiling.

"Guess we must be setting off then" Gabriel muttered as he did his button and fly up before pulling on his boots again and slipping his shirt on himself doing the buttons up as he walked out and headed up to the deck again.

Once he was on deck Gabriel began to make his way to the back of the ship just in time to see Nami start to raise her shirt as purses and wallets began to fall out from underneath and all the towns folk back on land began to realise that they had all been pick pocketed.

Gabriel chuckled, "well that's one way to say good bye" he mused as he watched the scene play out as they continued to sail away from the island chain and out to sea.

Time skip

It was the second day of their voyage after leaving Cocoyashi and everyone had settled into their routines aboard the merry.

Gabriel had taken to claiming the front deck as his own space to work out, using the open space to do different exercises like push ups, sit ups, squats, reverse crunches, leg raises, elbow planks and various other body only work out methods. Seeing as he didn't have any work out equipment and the ship was too small to run for very long on he'd taken to using these methods to start his training in order to improve himself.

As he finished a set of push ups he got up panting and went to take a drink from the pitcher of water he'd brought out for just that reason.

As he drank Nami let out a scream from the back deck getting everyone's attention. And the familiar bell sound sounded in his ear and a screen popped up in front of him that told him the reason why.

Quest Completed: Dealing with a Rat


Kick captain Nezumi's Ass

Gain a bounty of your own

Reward: 40,000Belli, 200AP

He grinned when he saw the screen and knew that it hadn't just been Luffy to get a bounty and started to walk to the back of the ship in a hurry wanting to see what his first bounty was.

He didn't have to wait long as he and the others got there Nami held the two sheets out to them and Gabriel and Luffy couldn't help but grin seeing them

"Straw Hat" Monkey D Luffy- 30,000,000 Berries

Gabriel- 23,000,000 Berries

"Not bad, not bad at all for a first bounty, that makes us the two highest bounties in the whole East Blue" Gabriel commented with a smirk as he took his bounty poster and looked at it, he looked rather intimidating in it with how he was posed with his fist ready to fall. He tried to think just when it had been taken and remembered that it was when he was about to punch Nezumi into the ground before Nami stopped him.

"Shishishi that's awesome news!" Luffy laughed as he took his own.

"No it's not, don't you see," Nami scolded, "now we'll be getting even more attention"

"This is bad, this is very, very bad!" Usopp agreed.

"Troublesome" Sanji stated as he lit up a new cigarette.

"This will attract a lot of bounty hunters with a pay day like this, and not the weak kinds" Zoro commented but was grinning at the prospect of fighting them.

"Exactly," Nami whined, "we don't need this kind of trouble."

"So what," Gabriel voiced as he looked at her with a frown, "so bounty hunters and marines will come after us if they see us, then we just kick their asses to teach them to pick their fights better. You shouldn't be worrying, none of you should, you're on a ship with the future pirate king, a future Yonkō, and the future greatest swordsman. If the three of us can't handle some lowly marines and bounty hunters then we have no place holding our dreams. And if your faith in us is so small then you have no place aboard this ship or crew" Gabriel said firmly with a hard voice.

He had always found the Strawhats faith in Luffy to be rather annoying, granted Luffy hadn't even completed half of what he was going to but they should have more faith in him than this, and he was going to make sure of that.

The deck was silent in the wake of Gabriel's words as Nami looked down apparently realising how shameful her words had been. Usopp grimaced looming down as well reflecting on his cowardly words.

Zoro nodded with a small grin on his face at his statement, they had nothing to worry about, they had yet to come across a threat native to this sea that they couldn't face.

Luffy looked at Gabriel and gave a low laugh of equal amusement and agreement.

Sanji blew out a cloud of smoke and sighed, "as much as your words are a little harsh I can't help but agree. This crew has faced a hell of a lot of troubles, even before I joined, from what I've been told so there's no reason for anyone to be worrying, if this crew hasn't been beaten yet then it's not going to be broken any time soon if ever"

Gabriel nodded at Sanji's words before looking at Nami and Usopp, "my words my have been harsh but that doesn't make them any the less true, if both of you are afraid about the troubles that will come to face us in the future then I suggest you put that fear to work for you as motivation to become stronger, you're a part of the future pirate kings crew, so start acting like it"

Both Nami and Usopp looked at him when he spoke to them both swallowing hard when he laid everything out like that and both of them nodded as his words struck a cord inside of them, they realised that both of them owed Luffy and the crew for what they had done in the past and by showing fear like they had been, while human, was also insulting the ones who had helped them. At that moment both of them knew that they couldn't do that again.

Seeing the looks in their eyes Gabriel nodded seeing that he had gotten through to them both, he knew that this might cause some changes in the future but as far as he was concerned those changes could only be good ones.

With his piece said he turned and started to walk back to the front of the ship and looked out ahead in the direction the ship was sailing before looking down to his bounty posted and gave a half smile. This had been more than he had thought he would get as his first bounty; it was a nice surprise.

As that thought crossed his mind another chime sounded in his ear and a screen came up with a notification.

Bounty and title acquired, profile adding new data, new data acquired

He arched an eyebrow at that and brought up his profile to see what had changed.

Name: Silvers D Gabriel

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Available Talent points: 1

Available Affinity Points: 290

Berries: $45,000

Title: Straw Hat Pirate

Bounty: $23,000,000

Gabriel couldn't help but smirk seeing his title and his bounty, it was a rather proud moment for him being a fan of the series and that, what fan hadn't thought about joining the straw hats and having a bounty of their own, for him it was now a reality.

Closing the screen he went into his other menus he had some points to spend now and it was as good a time as any to start spreading them around.

Combat strength: 100/5000

Combat speed: 100/5000

Combat Stamina: 100/5000

Hand to hand Combat: 100/2000

Yure-Yure no mi: 150/10000

Looking over his individual stats he nodded, they were spread out, he knew from experience in RPGs that jacks of all trades tended to be weaker than characters with singular specialties, but this wasn't like an RPG, in the one piece world there were those who were both insanely fast and insanely strong. His mind flickered to a certain yellow monkey admiral and how ridiculous he was with his devil fruit powers.

He knew if he wanted to survive, he had to cover all his bases, with that in mind he dropped a hundred AP into both Combat strength and speed, before dropping fifty into his combat stamina to try and keep things as close as possible before dropping the last forty into his devil fruit to increase his strength even more.

The second he closed his screen he immediately felt the energy inside his body swell as his strength and speed doubled in seconds, and his whole body shook as the strength of his devil fruit grew in power as well.

As he let out a breath as the surge faded, he felt the changes in his body settle, he felt incredible. Looking at his arms and hands he could see some definition in his muscles, they had swelled again slightly, not to a huge extent but there was some noticeable improvement. He grinned and looked forward to the horizon once again even more confident than before.

Well that is that for the first Arc, I will begin posting again once I have completed the second Arc which will be Loguetown

PsyChotiX556creators' thoughts