Tony, an ordinary young man thrown into the world of One Piece, unlocks a mysterious “System” that grants him great powers. Powers from One Piece , Bleach and Naruto. At just 18, he possesses abilities that make even the world’s greatest fighters—marines and pirates alike—question if they can stand against him. As whispers spread of this new pirate capable of challenging the very balance of power, Tony faces the wrath of the Marines, the pursuit of relentless admirals, and the allure of rising as the most dominant pirate in history. In a journey filled with thrilling battles, and the quest for ultimate freedom, Tony’s rise could forever reshape the world he’s come to conquer. Will he reach the peak—or will the sea’s most dangerous forces finally put an end to his ambitions? ----------------------------------------------- ->This is a translation work, I do not own it. ->Raw: 航海王:开局一颗烧烧 ->1 Chapter/ Day ->More Stones and Collections = Bonus Chapters